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Everything posted by JohnnyDrama

  1. To be honest, I think your hair looks good. If I were you I'd get on meds for 2-3 years as you are still relatively young and have quite a bit of native hair. I know this is a very frustrating option for you because you want to do something now, but I think long term it's the best course. Of course send some pics to the other clinics you mentioned to get their feedback, but I have a feeling some will suggest meds first.
  2. It seems as if your existing hair has continued to shed. Your transplanted hair looks good to me. This is where meds play a vital role. What meds have you been taking over the past 12 months?
  3. Wow. Dr K needs to spread his secret on how to get an incredible dual-result. Amazing recipient AND donor sites. The world would be a better place for it!
  4. Looking good FJ. You're lucky in that you can pull off the tight look better than a lot of other lads too. Nice to see that fungal infection is all gone. I think you could be right about the crown too, it does appear to look a bit better. What meds are you on? Also, are you taking any other supplements to aid growth (eg Minox, MSM, biotin, etc)?
  5. Haha, true. They obviously go hand in hand. Likewise if you have a guy with great facial structure, but a very oddly shaped head. He'll be worse off than the guy above.
  6. You left out the most important bullet point for Statham: - He has a nice-shaped head. It makes all the difference.
  7. Dr Umar has done quite a few cases of that size. From a US point of view, I believe he has the most experience in terms of high FUE graft cases. You can see a lot of his results here: Dr. Sanusi Umar Hair Transplant Surgeon in Redondo Beach, California He has a very good rep. I think SMG are a great FUE clinic too so it might be worth doing an online consult with them! Europe does seem to be where a lot of the higher cases of FUE are being performed however.
  8. Hi AJ, did you go back to BHR to meet Dr Bisanga for a review and discuss a possible HT #2? Personally I think you'd be mad to do one so soon, as you've had a resounding success, but each to their own! I'd be interested to see what Dr B thinks, as I've seen plenty of patients go back only for him to say that they no longer (or currently) do not need a HT and that he couldn't, in the best interests of the patient, go ahead and perform another any time soon!
  9. Was there an actual reason given for the doc not being a part of the op?
  10. Happy to help. Regarding number of grafts, this is entirely down to your goals. What areas do you want work in exactly? What do you want strengthened? I'd agree with taco, somewhere around that mark would make a great difference with a top doc. Regarding top 3.....again this is very subjective. I'm not really a fan of naming top x clinic in this technique etc as the whole thing boils down to different variables. In your case though we have a lot of info to work with...and to throw 3 docs at you as you requested that perform FUT I'd probably go Konior, Ron Shapiro and Feller. The former can really work wonders with the kind of graft numbers we spoke about.
  11. He is 31 Matt. If he went the FUT route, I don't think he'd be maxing out his donor. He would still have potentially 2-3k FUE grafts remaining down the road.
  12. Normally when you hear that someone has had a HT at 19 and 20, you expect the absolute worst when they come back asking for help at 30+, but you actually look fine. The fact that your 2 hts totalled 2200 is also good in that 1.they actual seem to have been a relative success and 2. you should have a nice amount of FUT grafts remaining, particularly if you go to a top doc which you seem to be on course for. Your concern about what clinic recommends what kind of procedure is a very valid one. My suggestion: do an online consultation with 6-7 top clinics. Include about 3 composite clinics (clinics that do a relatively equal amount of FUT & FUE) in this, to get their opinion. Shapiro, Bisanga and Feriduni are the 3 that jump into my had straight away. Then you could send to clinics that are more concentrated on one technique, so Feller, Umar, Konior and H&W could come into this equation. EDIT: Just saw you live in FL, so like others mentioned, Dr Charles would be a great in-person consult to set up. I did this a few months ago. I sent pics to clinics that realistically I knew I wouldn't be going to, but I respected the clinic and wanted their take on my situation. I then did multiple in-person consultations. With all of this information gathered, I was about as educated as I think I could have been about the whole thing. My own take on your case: I reckon the fact that you already have a good scar from 2 Bosley procedures over a decade ago bodes very well for you, in that you would be in better hands this time around. This alone would make a lot of veterans quite envious of you! Of course a lot depends on your goals, but I personally think you should try to max out your FUT grafts. You could potentially have several thousand left. Your donor characteristics look good. Then after maxing out FUT, you could tap into FUE after a few more years if necessary. But.....go and get feedback from several top clinics......and share their thoughts with us!
  13. If you only had your HT 3 days ago, I wouldn't be putting concealer near your scalp until at the very minimum 2-3 weeks. Most clinics will suggest to hold off as long as possible, even 3 months+. Right now though your scalp/grafts are still in a very sensitive phase so I'd be holding off for a while. The last thing you want to do is compromise any growth because of some concealer.
  14. That's some write up! Best of luck! What's funny is, when I was sending around the same batch of 6-7 pics in Feb to clinics for an online evaluation, Dr Bhatti is the only one who said I was not 'yet' a candidate for surgery. I think he felt I had too much hair.
  15. Closer to $42k if my maths are correct. I'm not so sure Slickers. I'm more familiar with Bisangas price structure. If you were to get a quote for 4,700 FUE grafts, it would be 'roughly' €16,000. 4,700 @ ?6 equates closer to €33,000. Pretty much double. However, it is a very good outcome so I'm sure this particular patient is over the moon!
  16. Think you may have gotten mixed up mate. This is from the clinic itself: With FUE Dr. Bisanga will punch all the grafts from the donor, he and normally his nurse or technicians will then remove the grafts from the donor and then they are checked by other technicians and cleaned. With either technique Dr. Bisanga will make the placement slits in the recipient area and then his placement technicians will place the grafts. On occasion the doctor may place some grafts but this is not standard and should not be expected. Throughout the doctor monitors all aspects of your procedure, from checking the grafts before placement, to instructing where the grafts are placed in the recipient sites.
  17. Maines, I have just recently had the same questions as you and have done about 6 months of extensive (almost worryingly extensive!) research. It is good to read your attitude regarding the cost, as well as your concerns over growth success, treatment, care etc. They all play a vital role in the whole HT experience. I'm based in Ireland, so I was glad to find out that there are so many accomplished FUE clinics in Europe. Having done a few months of research I decided that Belgium, for me, represented a great opportunity from the point of view that so many top clinics are so close to each other. I decided my next step was to arrange some in-person consultations, so once I decided on a shortlist of 4 doctors, I was lucky enough to see all 4 of them in one weekend! Long story short.......the whole 'best FUE doc in the world' is completely subjective. One patient may have all of their required boxes ticked by one doc, but the same doc may not appeal in any way to another patient, for a multitude of reasons. I ended up going with BHR clinic (Dr Bisanga) because of the overall package I think they provide. Countless top end results available online, incredible level of patient care (both pre OP and post OP), and an incredibly ethical clinic. My FUE procedure is in August. One word of warning, not everybody is deemed a 'good FUE candidate'. This is a whole other subject matter, but depending on your loss pattern, donor characteristics etc, some clinics are reluctant to commit until they physically see and assess you. Other exceptional clinics include Feriduni, Mwamba (both of whom I met and would recommend you consider), Lorenzo and from a Turkish point of view Doganay and Erdogan are also putting out great results on the cheaper end of the scale. From the North American side of things, I think Ron Shapiro would be top of my list there. I strongly suggest you make a shortlist of 3/4 docs that you really like the look of, research them extensively and pay them a visit if possible. The fact that you are based in Germany, this shouldn't be a big problem. Start off by sending 5-6 pics to the reps of those clinics, and then you will get a good vibe as to who you would like to go to.
  18. Looking on track alright Stu. This is where the fun begins! You're quite lucky in that at no real point you seemed too put off with the tight hair/ugly duckling period. I don't think I'll be so lucky! I'm just under 3 months away from my procedure with BHR, so I've just reread this thread to get an idea of growth times etc of native hair post op. I see that you're taking MSM and Biotin and you feel that your hair regrew very slowly. Out of interest, what exact dose were you taking? I have both in my current regimen, but I think I'll ramp up the amount post op.
  19. I'd echo what KO said. You're doing fine. You certainly don't look 'strange'. I startd Fin when I turned 27. I have centralised hair loss in my mid scalp, so my hairline is extremely see through. Fin has been good from a retention point of view, and 3 years on at 30 I've decided to go and sort things out with a HT. I think following a similar pattern/time frame would suit you as well.
  20. He is only at 5 months. His new growth would have only started around month 3. He has a LOT of regrowth still to occur over the next 5-6 months.
  21. I have done a LOT of research over the past 6 months into global HT options for myself. I travelled to Belgium to consult with 4 highly renowned FUE docs 2 months ago. Documented everything here so you might find it a help: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/169664-blitzing-belgium-2-days-4-top-docs-bisanga-feriduni-de-reys-mwamba.html Just to note......a question I asked myself the other day. "If I was a multi-millionaire, who would I go to?" I can honestly say I would still be going to the same clinic that my research has led me to. Needless to say, I'm not a millionaire, sadly far from it, but still the thought of me not changing my mind even if I won the lotto tonight is mad.
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