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Everything posted by MAGNUMpi

  1. Yea. for a NW 5A it might be a little hard to look like normal for a few months. You could use concealers etc. to help out, and keep the back long to hide the scar but you still might look a little strange for a while. Maybe you should find a break in your schedule that would give you a little more time off before returning to work (if possible).
  2. I know what you're saying. I agree with hsrp10, it would be a good idea to send some photos to Dr. Konior in Chicago. He is a perfectionist and a top HT Doctor and could tell you what you might need regarding a HT. Also if you posted some pictures of your loss, some people here on the forum could give you some good ideas on how to move forward. Good luck. M.
  3. Love the hairline! This guy had a lot on his side going in, and hopefully he won't lose behind the implanted hairs but for now this is as good as it gets.
  4. It's good you found this forum. I would say don't rush into anything and keep posting and researching. I have seen many cases of people getting little FUE sessions. I don't see why that wouldn't work for you, unless you would be implanting into a place where there is a lot of natural hair and you might lose some to shockloss etc. Time is your friend. Don't rush into a HT until you have all the facts. This worries me a bit. Are you saying that you have noticed that Propecia has gradually lost if efficacy for you?
  5. I haven't had my HT yet but my top hairline choices are Konior (USA) Lorenzo (UK) and Feriduni (BE).
  6. It looks like it might be a nice result but I would like to see some photos without the comb-over. There is really no way to tell whats going on in the hairline etc..
  7. I would say he is THE best right now. I guess if you have the money it may be worth it. If I had the money to get FUE right now I would be looking at Dr. Lorenzo first.
  8. Yes finasteride has been working for me for 7 years now. Maybe it'll just keep on going. Fingers crossed.
  9. I agree... but also do consider that finasteride does eventually lose it's effectiveness (see below) so be conservative with your donor hair usage. You are going to need that in future years.
  10. If the effectiveness of finasteride decreases over time, in 10+ years a person could end up not really being able to halt his MPB and would absolutely need lots of healthy donor hair. I suppose the only answer then is being super conservative and knowing how much donor hair you have in the bank. Also have a very natural placement that takes into account the idea that eventually there may not be any supporting natural hair around the transplanted hairs to help out (even if you stick to finasteride use). Seems its all about the quality/quantity of donor in the end. I must admit I am a little saddened to learn that finasteride isn't going to work forever. This kind of changes the game.
  11. Very interesting Dr. Beehner. Thank you. Thanks Gillenator, I hope I remain lucky with the Fin for a while too. What dose do you take?
  12. Naturalness is everything. I would suggest going to a different doctor with a flare for natural looking hairlines. I dont think its worth the chance to go back to the same doc for 300-400 grafts. Find someone who treats hairlines like art. just my 2 cents.
  13. A quick question Dr. Beehner. Are you suggesting here that finasteride has a finite amount of years that it will potentially work? Does it sometimes lose it's effectiveness over the years in your experience? or could a person take it for the rest of their life and never make it to a NW5 even if they would have without it?
  14. Thank you for this very open and informative post Dr Beehner. I have been wondering about this. Your post is very helpful.
  15. Yea! headed right for a home run! Looking good!
  16. Othersyde, sounds like you know a good deal about managing money. I wish I had that skill.
  17. Wow that's amazing. This forum has some really good people who do care.
  18. HairNightmare, So sorry to see you in pain over this. Hope you get it fixed. Keep posting as you move forward, you can get some good advice here. I personally think its crazy to see a NW2 who only got 1300 grafts with a stretched scar like that. It just seems wrong to the core. Yes! Ive consulted with 5 top doctors so far and they all said I would get a "pencil thin scar" and not to worry about it. Bah! Good luck HairNightmare. Hope it all works out. Hairthere and Mickey85 gave some great places to start your repair. all the best. M.
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