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Everything posted by MAGNUMpi

  1. Yea, I find myself trying to spot them too. I would think that it would become more and more easy to detect the farther away from the HT the person gets (after the growth stage) because of the natural hair loss around the transplanted hairs. About when someone would be thinking about going in for round two. Sadly hairloss is progressive and that day will come for most.
  2. Looking GREAT. I wish I had the money to go to Dr. Lorenzo. I talked to him a few years back when he was still in Spain but wasn't ready to take the leap at that point. I dream of seeing him now but just don't have the funds. Congrats on your experience, and like some others have said you are looking better than pre-op now. It might be hard for you to tell unless you take a look at some old pics but things are looking great! congrats!
  3. I agree. The density is great but that seems too straight around the corners when they pull his hair back. A bit unnatural, and in the HT world "a bit unnatural" is not where you want to be.
  4. His hair looks good but better safe than sorry. Maybe a good move to hold on as long as possible and have a nice long career (with hair).
  5. You have a good list there. I would choose Feriduni for my hairline simply because I like his hairline designs best. That's just a personal (subjective) preference. Some great doctors listed. .....BUT If I was wealthy I would go to Lorenzo tomorrow. In my opinion the best of the best.
  6. Thanks hsrp10, Yea not smart to risk it and lose some hair. Every hair counts in large amounts...
  7. Hi Guys, i just found an old bottle of propecia in my closet (opened) and was wondering if it is safe and still effective? The bottle says "discard after 10/1/12" What do you think? :cool:
  8. That's why we are all here, to see amazing transformations like this. Congrats..
  9. Hope I don't get pounced on but I might head for FUT with someone like Hasson and Wong if I were you. Might be your best bet for coverage because you seem to be heading to a NW5/6, wear the back a bit long, and might need another procedure down the line to make it look perfect. Another good choice might be Dr. Konior in Chicago.
  10. It really does not look like you are receding at all. I would seriously consider waiting on a HT. In another year or so you might not even be worried about it. With a HT comes possible complications like an unnatural look (that would be worse), the 9 months when the HT is potentially growing in (worse), money spent etc. Do not rush. You should spend time on this site reviewing the realities of a Hair Transplant. It would be worth your while. Good luck.
  11. Its good that you have coarse hair. That will indeed help with coverage. If you upload some photos of your hairloss you will get some good answers to your question about FUT/FUE. So much depends on the individual loss pattern/donor supply etc.
  12. Smart. I know you want to stay in the states but if money is not an issue and you want to know you are working with one of the best you should fly to Belgium (Feriduni/Bisanga) or UK (Lorenzo).
  13. I think Lorenzo is the best judging by his clear photos, patient threads, hairline style, and the fact that he is doing the work himself. That being said I also agree with Blake.
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