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Everything posted by KO

  1. It's a mistake to limit it to one city. You only have one head, find the best doctor, not the closest one.
  2. Would love to see Dr Lorenzo, but if he is not taking foreign patients...
  3. I think your hair looks promising. I would talk to Jotronic for a more professional opinion. I would also take finasteride. With aggressive hairloss the way you (and I) have, you really should consider everythign in the arsenal. Fin will help you maintain the hair you have which will improve the result. And it's not really that hard, you just take a little pill once a day, it's like a vitamin. Otherwise you will get an HT and you'll continue losing hair...what if you turn into Ben Bernanke with transplanted hair on top? Using finasteride will attack the root of the problem.
  4. I'm switching as well. Hey I sent you a PM - got a question.
  5. Yeah ahmed, I think you should consider a second opinion, perhaps with Rahal, or HW as they have operated on men with similar hair loss to yours. Please don't stop taking finasteride.
  6. Look more carefully, his sides are very high, the parietal humps have not descended, his crown has not expanded much. Finally, his head is small, which is often forgotten. Hardly a NW6. I know you want to show us how FUE can be done on NW6 patients, but this is not it.
  7. To be honest, I don't think you look that bad. (no homo, not that there is anything wrong with homo). Overall you seem darker skinned and well built, and that is better suited for this. I can see that your sides are thinning, what you could do is shave the sides real close and buzz the top, maybe you can get fue done to build a hairline. how has fin worked for you?
  8. This is very good. Another example of how good characterstics help out. You have dark skin and dark hair, and the match works well, even if density is not high.
  9. Do you have any photos with the angle top down looking from the front? He is not a NW6, he was originally a NW3V where the top has thinned out, so closer to a NW4-5 right now. The balding area was pretty limited, the sides were high, and the doctor placed a conservative hairline. Overall, well done, but this is not a hallmark case of using FUE on NW6's as some have suggested.
  10. I can't understand why he needed that many grafts for such minor hair loss.
  11. Hey, do you have any before pics with hair grown out? Since you had it shaved, it's tough to tell where your loss was.
  12. I understand your position but try to think about it from the perspective of someone who is just learning about this stuff. Say a 22 year old guy suffering from aggressive loss. He comes on forum and asks about the drug. He gets a few responses of "I have no issue with fin, works great", and then he gets 5 responses of "propecia gave me ED", "propecia made me lose libido", "propecia made me grow boobs", "propecia is toxic $hit!". You don't think this poor guy is going to be confused as hell? He feels like he has to make a choice between his masculinity and his hair, when that is rarely true. We have all seen it happen on these forums. It is correct to point out the side effects of propecia as you have done, but misinformation to suggest it is the common experience. I'm not saying that you were suggesting it is the typical experience, but many other posters do. That is all.
  13. - Mickey85 There have been reports of permanent side effects, however, that has not been the representative experience of the population that uses this drug. There is risk with any medication, however, we have about 20 years of clinical experience with this drug for BPH, and about 15 years for hair loss, and the incidence has been low. I am not denying that side effects happen, they happen to some, and they are unfortunate, but he will not know this until he tries the drug. Scaring someone away from this is pointless. Taking any medication is a risk, so he should know the possibilities, but to suggest that side effects are the typical, or even common experience is misinformation. I suppose everybody is afraid of different things. I personally am far more afraid of having my head cut open for surgery than I am about changing my hormones. So the fear is understandable, but you need to look at the data.
  14. ^ Patently false. Merck doesn't make much money off Propecia, it has been a commercial disappointment. Furthermore, your information is WRONG. There is a 10 year study of finasteride, but you don't let inconvenient things like "facts" stop you. The misinformation campaign continues. Empirical studies all show that only a small number of people actually get side effects, and these guys cry about it on the forums and scare away people who could really benefit from the drug. You should try fin for at least a month, chances are you will not feel sides, if you do, get off!
  15. Like I said, people will try to scare you. But if you have hair you want to keep, you need to be taking finasteride. You won't know if you have side effects until you actually take the drug.
  16. " However, at some point during the trials, it appears as if Aderans didn't see results with the hair multiplication process, but did note that the injection of the serum induced DHT resistance in hair follicles." I'm curious, where did you see this?
  17. According to pretty much every empirical study, Propecia side effects are very uncommon. The small number of people who get them go online and scare people like you. If you look at the clinical trials, the PLACEBO group got similar sides to the propecia group. There is another post on this forum about a guy who hasn't even gotten sides, and is now worried about getting them, so he wants to get off the drug...seriously? People think propecia is plutonium and will try to scare you, just ignore them. Feel free to message me if you have any q's. My advice to you, just try it, and try to get through a few weeks, and then decide if you have sides.
  18. Just take 1-1.25 mg everyday. Don't do every other day, or any random permutation, be consitent and be punctual. Please do not overthink finasteride.
  19. Is it fair to say that Dr Hasson has done more of the 5k+ results than Dr Wong? Most of the most dramatic ones I recall were Dr H. Not saying that Dr Wong is worse or anything, just what I recall viewing on the forums.
  20. You're making a mistake. Let's just leave it at that.
  21. I thought according to you, strip surgery was a horrible crime that left patients with a giant scar and no hair on top.
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