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Everything posted by KO

  1. You're experiencing "fin hysteria", you've never mentioned actually having any side effects, but the worry over the side effects is what you're worrying about. It would be foolish to stop taking fin if you expect your hair loss to continue. Believe me, I learnt the hard way. I've posted my pics on what I look like now.
  2. If you are indeed experiencing MPB, then I'm afraid your only option is to get on finasteride. These pills rarely cause side effects, and the ones who claim to get sides tend to be extremely vocal in their opinion. I have a 10 year long study that demonstrates this.
  3. Why do you braid so tightly? I think Naomi Campbell has the exact same thing going on. For all I know, you could be her....
  4. I have also wondered why that isnt done more often. Just some definition above the hairline can make an improvement.
  5. If your hairline has not moved, then it could just be a high forehead. Look into your family history, is there a strong history of hair loss? Most importantly - Do not worry! There are effective treatments available like finasteride which will retain your hair.
  6. Yes, the vastly superior procedure is the one that actually reduces the number of grafts you can extract. The most skilled FUE surgeons can match FUT in terms of yield, but when it comes to moving a lot of hair, the most efficient way is strip surgery. Feel free to post multiple 5k+ graft FUE procedures on NW6 patients. I'm waiting buddy.
  7. Yes, the vastly superior procedure is the one that actually reduces the number of grafts you can extract. The most skilled FUE surgeons can match FUT in terms of yield, but when it comes to moving a lot of hair, the most efficient way is strip surgery. Feel free to post multiple 5k+ graft FUE procedures on NW6 patients. I'm waiting buddy.
  8. No, it's not that hard to cut them into 4. Just buy a pill splitter dude.
  9. So many times we see people start blogs showing their Op, and graft placement, and then they disappear...they have every right to do so, but it is frustrating and makes you wonder if their results were successful. That scares me. Sorry, pointless rant.
  10. What damage? The grafts that are transected during the cut are not going to be implanted. And the damage is limited as it occurs on the edges of the strip. Once the strip is excised, the interior follicles can be dissected under a microscope, minimizing transection. On the other hand in FUE, each follicular unit is painstakingly removed piece by piece, and fatigue will have a role. If you minimize transection here, you end up with a larger punch, and if you use a smaller punch, then you risk damage to the follicle. FUE has an important place in HT surgery, but it is not far superior.
  11. What damage? The grafts that are transected during the cut are not going to be implanted. And the damage is limited as it occurs on the edges of the strip. Once the strip is excised, the interior follicles can be dissected under a microscope, minimizing transection. On the other hand in FUE, each follicular unit is painstakingly removed piece by piece, and fatigue will have a role. If you minimize transection here, you end up with a larger punch, and if you use a smaller punch, then you risk damage to the follicle. FUE has an important place in HT surgery, but it is not far superior.
  12. One concern is the potential damage to grafts. In theory if it's done carefully, there should be no problem. But if you're moving 3k units one by one, in the end the doctor is human, and in a laborious process like this, fatigue has to make an impact. Whereas in FUT, you can basically turn it into an assembly line where doctor extracts the strip, techs slice it up etc.
  13. One concern is the potential damage to grafts. In theory if it's done carefully, there should be no problem. But if you're moving 3k units one by one, in the end the doctor is human, and in a laborious process like this, fatigue has to make an impact. Whereas in FUT, you can basically turn it into an assembly line where doctor extracts the strip, techs slice it up etc.
  14. Solid NW3 with NW4 potential. If you've been successful with propecia, I'd keep taking it, it's not really cosmetically bad yet. I would re-evaluate in maybe two years.
  15. Hey man, have you considered shaving the sides closer to create more of a contrast with the top?
  16. Enjoy: Propecia Rogaine Finasteride Results Before and After Photos | Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration
  17. Does anyone order it online? I haven't been able to get a prescription, so I'd like to see if I can order it from somewhere else....any tips appreciated.
  18. Uhm. Is this seriously a question? You clearly stated he did bad work, why on earth would you go back?
  19. Yep, this is great if it is done more often, but to be fair, even 3k FUT procedures weren't that common years ago.
  20. This could just be the dampness, but your donor looks questionable.
  21. Conversely, while we are adding docs, do you think we should be removing clinics we feel are not doing well? Not targeting any specific clinics, just as a broader policy to keep standards very high.
  22. Honestly, I think you should start accepting that there will be some temporal recession, not everything needs to be fixed you know. When you lose more hair, and it starts looking bad, only then consider surgery. If you want to prevent loss, use meds, but surgery is for significant loss, IMO. Consider getting on meds if you have a strong family history, and life your life.
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