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Everything posted by KO

  1. Fair point. On that note, I believe the OP should seriously consider use of this drug before he gets his head sliced open. You need to first stabilize the loss with medication and preserve your current hair, then and only then should you proceed with surgery. (This is for a younger man with progressive loss, not an older man with most of his loss behind him).
  2. Sometimes they fall early, sometimes they fall a month later. Just sit back and relax bro.
  3. Fair enough, my apologies, I overreact to propecia haters. Patients should be informed of the side effects, but simply put, it is the best and first line of defense against this curse, and it is more ethical to advise a young man to take finasteride than to simply put him in the operating theater.
  4. Or it could simply be a follicle that is shrinking and not a follicle that was MADE to shrink by fin right?
  5. This is a very poor point. Handing out a propecia prescription to a 24 yr old is the correct decision, as it is the only medication that actually slows down or stops hair loss. It has a low incidence of side effects and very rare cases of permanent side effects. So that "potential" for permanent side effects is wrong. FYI - I had a NW 5 pattern going on by the time I was 24, propecia would have been beneficial to me. Propecia is the only thing that works, and young men who are suffering from hair loss NEED to be taking it if they want to preserve their hair.
  6. I'm guessing an epic fin and minox response also had to happen along with this. Nothing wrong with that of course. What a lucky bastard.
  7. Look at this guy btw: Hair Restoration Site for hairshare
  8. I believe that is ok, I think it is coagulated blood. Keep us posted on your pics, I for one am very interested in seeing how it turns out.
  9. Great job! Dr Radha has been putting out some heavy 3k+ procedures lately.
  10. This is really well documented! I definitely see improvement, will be pulling for you sir!
  11. This is awesome!!!!!! FYI, styling tip, you should cut the hair on the sides shorter, that will make top look fuller.
  12. Ali, I know you feel bad, it's tough going through young adulthood while losing hair (I know). But your goal right now is to first STOP what hair loss is occurring. The only way to do that is taking medications like Proscar or Avodart. Once you stabilize your loss, then you should start considering surgical procedures. Further, keep in mind these surgeries are extremely expensive. Get a good job before you go down this road! I have the same pattern, perhaps worse, and I know its depressing, but you need to start with the meds.
  13. Buddy, there is a good chance the Democratic candidate for '16 will be a NW7 man with a hair transplant. Stay tuned! I know who I am voting for! He will also give hope to the men who live with bad HT's.
  14. You're not bald enough buddy IMO. You should get on the proscar again, it will help you, otherwise you'll continue to lose hair ----- and get more depressed!
  15. proscar is a must for you, that's the first step in combating hair loss.
  16. You should add minox to your regimen, since you've shaved your head, application will be very easy. You'd need to grow your hair out a bit so we can see what it could look like.
  17. Minimum 4000, and that is for the front only. IMO ofc.
  18. Awesome, really should be proud of this. Do you have more before pics?
  19. Awesome, any more before pics? Hope you keep us posted, we'd love to see how it turns out!
  20. I would continue waiting till maybe 25 or so, perhaps even consider Avodart. I think many of the clinics have had good results with men with similar patterns so hopefully the hair gods will be with you!
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