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Everything posted by KO

  1. Just to make it easier to search, could you post the graft count in the title? Age of patient in the title would also be helpful. Great work though, really looks very natural. What was the age?
  2. Why do you feel his density is not great? I feel he's a strong candidate because his hair caliber appears to be pretty thick, and his sides are high, while crown loss doesn't extend very far down. A successful procedure over the frontal zone would IMO yield a dramatic improvement.
  3. Do it, and see how it goes. It may be liberating for all you know.
  4. Do it, and see how it goes. It may be liberating for all you know.
  5. You're an excellent candidate, that's for sure. May the follicle gods be with you.
  6. Reeediculous. Seriously. OTOH, why did H/W not feel he was a great candidate? He seems to be in line with H/W's other patients
  7. Great work to H&W! What was the patient's age? Also, what did Dr H feel about planning for future surgery if the pattern advances? Say the sides drop lower, or the crown starts coming down in the back, etc.? Did he feel that scenario to be realistic?
  8. Er, this guy's hair loss was concentrated towards the front, the rest of his scalp doesn't show thinning. Great result though.
  9. Very interesting, I have heard that this could happen, but didn't think that prostate enlargement would happen in younger men. Sounds good though.
  10. The improvement is shocking. Congrats. Are you taking fin and minox?
  11. I think a conservative FUE route could work for you that will add some definition, allow you to keep a buzzed look. Strip is a definite no IMO. Fin and minox are must IMO, if nothing else than to just try.
  12. I'm surprised that Dr R turned you down, I think he has operated on similar cases, but if he's turning you down, it is a strong signal I suppose. On the other hand HW said you're ok. That is truly confusing. I would continue to seek opinions from other Drs. Keep taking fin, and also take minox, as it may thicken up your fine hairs.
  13. Not taking finasteride is a mistake you'll regret. If you have MPB, there is no other way of stopping hair loss. Do not be foolish.
  14. Are you on minoxidil and finasteride? Your loss is pretty minor frankly. I don't think you need to get an HT quite yet.
  15. It looks very good, but you should post, top, sides, and back to get a good picture.
  16. Yay!. Good luck, and keep us posted!
  17. It seems that you might have some underlying condition that could be triggering your hair loss. Check with a family doctor, or an endocrinologist in order to get an idea of what might be going on. Please don't panic and buy some random expensive treatment. You need to find out what's going on. And tone down the stress.
  18. This is actually quite nice. Dramatic visual impact. Perhaps a good template for men with advanced hair loss.
  19. This looks good, do you have more pics from more angles? Congrats again.
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