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Everything posted by AB2000

  1. From the photos you are undergoing some amount of hairloss, but at present it doesn't look like a high Norwood number. If you were willing to buzz your hair low and get a consultation with an experienced surgeon you could out what stage your hair miniturization is at, and from there get a good idea of how much future hair loss you need to anticipate for.
  2. Serious question: why not shave down all the hair? Does it make any sense to just buzz down enough hair to extract donors? It looks extremely obvious that you have had a transplant with your hair butchered up like this. I can't put it delicately, it looks very strange if you were to walk out of a clinic like this and go about your recovery.
  3. Shave your head down to find out where you have miniaturization of hairs. When you're starting to bald, there is the illusion that you are not starting the process. Any areas where the hairs are narrowing in diameter will not be suitable for grafting. Only gauge by areas where hair calibers are strong and go from there.
  4. Way back when I used to have a full head of hair I grew it out long and would tie it back tight. Prior to it dawning on me that my hair was thinning out, I was questioning why in the temple area it didn't seem to be growing out any more. Wish I had knew back then that could cause hair loss, although I was destined to have plenty more of it anyway. Something I used to go through for a couple of years was hair loss concealers. There are both hair fibers and Dermatch, the latter not being unlike makeup, but applied to the region of thinning hair. Since I had some left over product that I had tried for years, I wanted to see how it look now after my transplants, and I posted the before and after results. In researching current hair fiber application techniques, I came across a number of videos on Youtube that I never saw when I used the concealers regularly. One thing I noticed was that a lot of the people posting were women, and had similar problems such as yours. You might want to try one of these for the time being before you turn to a surgical solution.
  5. A wooden brush that will make your hair thicker and shinier?
  6. Yes, in my case at least, they survived to the new areas. I have relatively course hair as it is, so these don't stand out as much as it would for someone with finer hair. Can feel the difference between hairs that were grafted from the back and sides of the head to those from my face though. According to my surgeon who has worked with grafts from the beard for many years, the hairs from the beard area do very well on the scalp, but not so much hairs lower down, from the body. I'd be more wary about depending on getting coverage, or density, from chest, arm or leg grafts.
  7. I've had grafts taken from the cheeks and chin. No noticeable scarring. I've seen pictures of what bad FUE looks like, but in my case there is minimal marking. Depends on who you go to and their experience.
  8. Is locking spray the same as hair spray? When I was into hair concealers some years back the first batch I bought I got the hair locking spray along with it. After that I switched to off the shelf hair spray with was cheap. As far as I could tell they did the same thing, but is there a difference?
  9. Though some come with full hair installed: https://www.boredpanda.com/funny-hairy-babies/
  10. Etownone, in case you wonder where your post goes if it disappears it's because the person in the video is banned from this site. If you try and type is name in a post it will be auto rejected.
  11. 10 Month Post Op 3rd HT **With Hair Fiber Concealer**: Further photos
  12. As mentioned a bit up-thread I had the chance to experiment with left over Nanogen hair fibers that I used to apply to my hair loss back in 2010-2011. Though I didn't have the same proficient application technique I was able to do a decent enough job. A few takeaways. When I was at an earlier hair loss stage I had to keep my hair buzzed to about a 3/8" length to make concealers work. I needed to use both Dermatch then the hair fibers. Each day it would take about half an hour to apply, and and the end of each day I'd need to take another shower to shampoo and remove it, and to put minoxidil on. If I were to use concealer now, after the HT's, I'd need just the hair fibers and it would take about five minutes to get on. Dermatch, while great, takes a long time to get all over the hair loss area. Without having to use too much fiber, I was able to get a very good illusion of density. The coverage was there to allow this. Without this concealer, my hairline is more see-through. A little bit of hair fiber is good bang for the buck. The suggestion I got from my recent visit to the HT clinic was to cut my hair short on the sides and back, to create less contrast between the thinning top and the rest. If I were to just grow the hair on top and buzz the sides I don't think it would be to difficult to apply a bit of hair fiber each day. But for now I am growing it out to see how good or bad it looks. My end goal of these transplants was to get good close cropped hair that appears full. I am more or less at that point. But if I can get away longer hairstyles I'll see what I can do. 10 Month Post Op 3rd HT **With Hair Fiber Concealer**:
  13. 10 Month Post Op 3rd HT: Further progress photos ...
  14. I wanted to do another update even though all my earlier photos were blocked by Photobucket. Again if anyone knows of a free or cheap photo hosting site that does high resolution pics please post here or contact me, and I'll work on restarting this thread. Currently I am 10 months out from my last hair transplant, the third at the DermHair clinic. Still some growth occuring at the front of the hairline. From my visit to the clinic a couple of weeks ago, I was told that transplants to the crown can take up to 15 months to fully manifest, so I'll see what the end result is in early Fall of this year. I am at between 9,900 and 10,000 grafts. The following are pictures I took recently indoors with two glaring indoor light sources. 10 Month Post Op 3rd HT:
  15. Like others have pointed out already, at your age, you want to know where you are going towards in terms of end result hair loss before charting your HT course. If you are too aggressive early, you won't have much left over to use if you will be a high Norwood, and your resulting hairline will look very odd and bad. Two things to try for now if you want to hold off on transplantation: 1. Use drugs to stabilize your situation; minoxidyl at the very least. I've chosen to not risk FIN myself. 2. Try using hair concealers in the meantime, once you've stopped or slowed the hair loss. Some Toppik in the meantime might do you will in hiding your hair loss recession.
  16. After three FUE transplants, I'm north of 9,900 grafts. At this point I don't have the breakdown between the different donor areas. Recently I had the chance to stop into the clinic as I was in Los Angeles and they took progress photos and video. This would be at about 10 months out from the last HT. The doctor seemed happy with the results and I am thinking that I could be used in one of the future video clips that the clinic periodically makes. If so I can add a link here. The Dermhair videos overlay information such as the amount of grafts and by beard/head/body breakdown. For my results, I am fortunate in that my beard hair resembles in some way my course and curly scalp hair, so I think the two integrate well. Having hair that has "body" helps to add the appearance of there being more than there is. The only weak point would be the crown; though a lot of the grafts so far have wound up there, it really takes many to give the appearance of full coverage. I still have a good supply of beard donor, as well are more chest to use, so down the line I might have another 5,000 or so to get that full coverage. Though I don't plan on being a concealer user again, for the heck of it I tried some hair fibers that I had from years ago when I used them. Quite surprising how well it works when you have coverage to apply the product on to. I'll try and get that posted.
  17. I don't care much for looking at photos that people post directly for two reasons. First is that they load up slow, for me at least, and also the resolution needs to be kept low. Since I don't like the quality of the images posted here, I assume some others are the same way and would appreciate if I can post pictures that are hosted offsite with full resolution.
  18. Two issues: 1. Would there be enough native head donor hair to have an ascetically acceptable ratio? In other words, are you planning to fill in a completely bald area with just chest or beard hair? It would stand out noticeably and many surgeons would pass on you if that was your plan. 2. Can you afford the cost of needing all the extra grafts? Typically body hair costs more per graft to extract. Also, these are more "fragile" and don't survive as well, meaning you'll need more grafts to make up for a lower yield, unless you have a surgeon who is adept at those kinds of grafts and has a good track record. Last, body hairs are singles, whereas scalp donor comes in singles, doubles and triples. To get 1,000 hairs through body grafts would take 1,000 FUE's. But scalp FUE's might need, for instance, 700 grafts to result in 1,000 hairs being transplanted.
  19. So much for using Photobucket to host my images. Are there any free hosting sites for large sized photos? I wouldn't have minded paying some money, but Photobucket was asking for something like $300 a year for paid membership, which I'm not doing. I want to help others with their decisions but I'm not that generous :-)
  20. Even before the FUE you had come a long way. Will be interesting to see your 1y results.
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