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Everything posted by AB2000

  1. And if the patient goes back and gets another sub par result he's screwed because he won't have anymore hair to use. We've seen different stories here of patients going back to the same place to get a bad hair transplant "fixed" and achieve no improvement. Money is never the limiting factor, the amount of grafts are. And they could be wasted.
  2. When is it ever a good idea to go back to the same doctor for a no cost repair? Donor hair is finite.
  3. The rule of thumb, if I remember correct, is that by the six month mark 50% of the grafts should have grown out, and at nine months 90%.
  4. With such a poor donor you will be limiting your choices if you stick to Dubai. A norwood 7 is hard to build back from and can easily go very bad if you choose the wrong doctor. If you can't find someone with the right background it might be better to do no hair transplant.
  5. What's your HT objective at this point? You went the SMP route to cover up for bad prior procedures but you have enough hair to try again?
  6. Glad it worked out for you after so many years. You are fortunate with your hair loss in that your crown didn't open up like it does for many men when they go bald. That means a less amount of transplanting needed to catch up.
  7. Did your scalp become irritated and red? If not you should be fine. Make sure to keep it healthy as grafts are still waiting to regrow.
  8. What happens when you go slick bald up top and have hair on sides? Won't SMP look very strange at that point?
  9. From reading earlier in the thread, the quantity appears to be driven in part from the amount another person had done at the same place, Heliboy. He was another early site contributer from back in the day. He also had a large number (17k) done with Dr. Umar, following a botched HT. Here are some of his details: http://web.archive.org/web/20070428165826/http://www.myhairtransformation.com/ https://www.dermhairclinic.com/botched-hair-surgery-repair-bht/ Another thing to keep in mind is that hairs from below the neck will have a shorter growing time, so more of them will be needed to make up for when some go to resting phase early compared to scalp or beard donor. I don't see it referenced on these videos but there's an entry on the clinic's website that indicates that his scalp donor was already close to depleted. If he had gone to a better surgeon in the first place and hadn't wasted any then you'd think that yes, between that and using up the beard he would have needed a lot less overall. He wound up paying a lot of money, even for 2007, but grafts at that place costed a decent amount less back then too. Cost is more of a barrier high graft counts now.
  10. There is a video floating around on youtube of a patient who had 20,000 grafts, some scalp but mostly beard and body. I was doing some digging on a reply for a different thread found this post. Looks like "Endhairpiece" was the person in that video. He didn't stick around to post much follow up photos but it was interesting to read about his initial procedure. He had 13 days of surgery, with only weekends off. I can't imagine being cooped up on the hospital bed that long. This first procedure was about 18,000, which averages out to a little over 1k grafts performed a day. It was slow going removing all the body grafts. The first video is him at the 20k mark, and the second at 25k. I asked the doctor why the extra five thousand and it was because the remaining native scalp hair had gone after the initial batch of surgeries and he came in to top it back off. Probably one of the few cases of someone going from a Norwood 6 down to a 0. This was 14 years ago.
  11. I thought I remembered seeing something else with him. He was in a Dr. Umar video ad for a hair product recently, which shows the body hairs all these years later: https://ugro.com/gashee-hair-stories-i-was-looking-for-something-to-up-my-game-josh/?fbclid=IwAR1KCPyIHvRjB08x0X6uB4QsmsPB8v0kBXqT30S9zsJzURLJ0g6_w2NTHwY
  12. Your photo album shows your hairline from 2014. What have you been up to since then? Any more procedures that you've posted?
  13. If you go to the 13:31 mark of this Dr. Bhatti video he makes his claim that donor dominance is untrue. That being said if you were to ask them they will most likely not do any BHT other than under the jowl for beard hair and around the pecs for the chest donor.
  14. In regards to the transplanted beard hair the results are inconsistent enough for him to not want to promise that these will transform into ones that look indistinguishable from scalp sourced donor. With body donor he didn't mention much except that it could be up to 18 months before these graft start growing out and that in the long term they might more resemble head hair. So nothing we can count on, other than what we use BHT for, as a last option to add coverage and density. I won't be able to find it now since there are so many cases posted on the Darling Buds website, but in one of them I remember Dr. Bhatti showing a result where the implanted chest hairs were seen to be growing much longer than they would if they were still on the body. In his experience he claims that donor dominance is untrue and that body hairs should change behavior to some extent. I'll post that video in a separate reply. Back when Dr. Umar's clinic was still posting results one of them was of an early BHT patient who had 1,000 leg hairs put into his pluggy hairline. He was a poster here from years ago, Sofarsogood. They showed his hair line nine years later: This video is from the two year mark:
  15. I did ask my clinic about the aftercare instructions. When I asked for clarification on hair colour I got the response that yes, wait a year. If I had to guess, the less a person does to irritate their scalp skin the better the yield. Part of this last procedure was body hair into the crown, two factors that can result in over a year before any growth of those grafts. I used to be a person that would shampoo ever day but now I do it every third or so, and use Nizoral. Haven't had any inflammation of the scalp other than the recovery itself from last summer.
  16. It is something I have considered but haven't mapped out all the pros and cons. I'm concerned about how probable a bad outcome is and what exactly that would look like. The last thing I would want is a permanent SMP which I don't like the look of. For the non-permanent ones, how much SMP is left behind, because I doubt it is 100% non-permanent. How much scarring occurs during re-application every x-number of years? Does this scarring interfere with future BHT? I'll have to look into all of these things before wading in. I think my type of hairline would suit SMP though. There is complete hair coverage, although with the crown less dense. The problem with SMP is having a completely bald area, because that means shaving down all remaining hair to match the appearance. I'd be more likely to test some SMP in the donor areas of the scalp first, then see how that goes.
  17. One easier thing I can do starting in a few months, at the one year point, is to use hair colouring. There are areas where this can help, such as the nape and the sides of the head. The greying is following my Norwood six pattern but I've had dark transplanted hair added around it, creating a greying pattern that doesn't look natural. I think on the sides, especially, the light hairs make it look more thin in density than it is. I'm not really sold on it yet, but tricho might be an option to add appearance of more hair. I would never want something if it is a permanent tattoo that changes colour over time, but on the other hand, going with something that only lasts a couple of years means I have to keep re-applying it, creating more scarring each time. There is a projected 2,500 more beard grafts available. Not all of these are under chin. Those coming from the cheek have smaller anagen phases and are not as useful, but it's the best option I have. Not much chest hair left that is strong enough to make a difference in the scalp. More hair from my upper chest, arms and back could be done, but again, these have short growing periods followed by long dormancy. I've been trying to find about whether donor dominance is true and asked Dr. Umar to give his opinion on that, given that he's had cases of patients having BHT going back over ten years now. If body hair eventually behaves more like head hair then more BHT is an option to get better crown density.
  18. From what it appears when I contacted the rep at the Eugenix clinic they do not do body hair transplants. Unless you consider beard to be "body" hair. I think the idea that they do BHT has been erroneously passed on as fact. If someone from Eugenix wants to correct this they can feel free, but then I'd ask why I was told otherwise.
  19. 9 Months Post Op 5th HT (With Concealer): The last photos are those with some Toppik applied. I used a moderate amount on the top and back, none on the sides. It took about a minute, nothing too precise. I combed the powder through and tried to hit some hair spray to hold it in, but I used a bottle of leave in conditioner accidentally.
  20. 9 Months Post Op 5th HT: An assortment of photos taken in different light conditions. Earlier I had went to the barber. As far as I can remember that was my visit since 2001, 20 years ago.
  21. Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't fin stop working after some point of time, even if you keep using it? If so a person has to plan their hair transplant with what their eventual hair loss looks like in mind and not just fix what's going on at present.
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