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Everything posted by Khali

  1. Why don't you ask her to cut a smaller strip? She is good when it comes to cutting strips.
  2. That is all possible but it can give you a bigger scar than usual.
  3. At least she is being honest. However, 10-12% is still bad compared to FUT which is 2-5%.
  4. Not sure about her FUE reputation. She is good with FUT if you have a strong donor area.
  5. Great results for the first hair transplant. I would recommend a second one since he is working in the industry.
  6. Lighting also plays a huge role. Here is the same guy under different lighting conditions. https://i1.wp.com/hairsite.s3.amazonaws.com/hair-restoration/DHI-hair-replacement/images/virender-sehwag-celebrity-hair-transplant-2.jpg?resize=600%2C399 http://www.oneindia.com/img/2015/04/21-1429594153-virendersehwag-glass-600.jpg
  7. If depends on the hair characteristics. If you have fine hair then the hair transplant will look natural but a high level of density and donor supply will be needed. So after my first transplant I did have people stare at my hairline not because it looked unnatural but because I had only 30 grafts per cm square transplanted. I had another hair transplant and I no longer have people looking at me like the way they used to.
  8. Nope! Also scaring depends on a lot of factors: 1) Density 2) Thickness 3) Color 4) Complexion
  9. I can't see the donor area. As for results, I would say one transplant isn't enough. Also, do you also have a lot of beard hair? A lot of patients have had success when they were able to use their beard hair to add coverage plus density.
  10. This type of difference requires a large session hair transplant, but I am surprised it just took ink.
  11. Great results. I always wanted a doctor to use body hair too fill in the needs of patients with limited and fine donor hair. This doctor has done it.
  12. Use Dermmatch. It helps. The sad part is the price has gone up in the last few years.
  13. Actually I have been to a clinic which was okay about the graft price, but they lied about the number of grafts. If Eugenix says its 150 rupees per graft and I get 2000 grafts, they better do a calculation based on 2000 grafts. Unlike another clinic I went to they lied about the total number of grafts. So for example if I got 2000 grafts, they would say they got 3000 grafts and then charge the rate on that.
  14. Wow! Another doctor in India has used body hair. I am glad you took this challenge and were successful.
  15. That's common in India. Once the clinic becomes popular, the prices go up. I have no issue with that as long as they don't lie about the grafts.
  16. I have a similar background as well. I too began loosing hair at 17, and currently I am 32. Since I was fully bald the first hair transplant did not make a difference. However, the doctor for my second hair transplant lowered my hair line, so shaving the head is causing me issues. When I returned to work people asked me about it. I said I don't want to talk about it. Then people who have hair don't understand what it is to go through hair loss. Instead of understanding the issue, they were like 'everyone know you got it done' in public. So again it depends on your hair loss. Right now my hair is still growing and I am still in the ugly duckling stage and it really sucks. Again these comments came from people from Indian and Pakistani backgrounds. The Caucasians didn't really comment on it.
  17. Its better to drive down to the US. The ones in Canada don't seem that good.
  18. Thanks for sharing. For the people who have a high degree of baldness, you gave us hope.
  19. The results is impressive for 5 months. I might consider this clinic next.
  20. You can most likely get 3000 via FUE, but I am wondering what would be left to cover up the scars?
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