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Everything posted by Khali

  1. Is there an after pic of the beard area after the 2000 grafts have been removed ? How visible is the scarring ?
  2. It depends where you are coming from. The major issue is, she is located in Vishakapatnam which means that flights don't go there everyday. So you will need to plan ahead of time for that.
  3. There is a different rate for Indians and non-Indians. When I got my HT done in 2012 she charge me 50 INR, but those who lived in India were charged 35 INR. I believe her rate follow the US dollar. In 2012 the US dollar was closer to 50 rupees. Today its worth more than 60 rupees.
  4. FUT actually gives better results then FUE. The hair is much thicker in FUT and grows longer. However, for BHT you need FUE. Try to look for doctors who specialize in both and BHT.
  5. That's what I got. Good density is usually around 45 grafts per cm. With my low density hair transplant, I still got a change. People are now able to guess my age. Before the hair transplant when I was 27 and I used to tell people my age, and they used to tell me I look much older. However, after the transplant when I was 29, and I used to tell people I am 29 they used to say you look younger. The problem with a low density hair transplant is that most Desi people still stare through your low density hair transplant. On top of that they don't even feel any shame or any guilt about it. So you can have a conversation, and it will be difficult to finish your sentence because of the discomfort that some people who have no manners cause. Now under shaded areas, and if the light is in front of you, it will look like you have a lot of hair. However, if the light comes from behind then, this is when you will look bald again. Here is an example of a famous cricket player. Light coming from the back Shaded area. This why I would just try to focus on the front and the mid scalp.
  6. Blackpanther did you know how many grafts per cm Dr Radha implanted ?
  7. I went to Dr Radha for my first transplant. My issue is my donor density is really low. In my hair transplant I only got a little above 2600 grafts extracted. I asked Dr Radha about BHT, and she said she doesn't specialize in that area. The other problem is I live in a windy country like Canada. So the wind always tends to mess up my hair, and as a result it further exposes the little hair I have. Therefore, I decided for my next transplant I am going to leave the crown area and focus on the density of the frontal zone and mid scalp. My issue right now is due to low density I always get people staring and my see through scalp. This prevents me from communicating. Sadly, its the Desis who do this the most. Anyway I have contacted Dr Suneet Soni and he says he can also do BHT. This means he will be able to remove hair from the beard and chest area for more density and coverage. By the way did Dr Radha tell you about how much density you got from the transplantation ?
  8. Hair transplant looks awesome. Why don't you get your temples restored in the second transplant ?
  9. Its just weakens your libido. Also, the fact that you are getting married in your 30's means that you won't be able to perform like you did in your 20's. Now if you take propecia on top of that will make it worst. By the way Dr Suneet Soni's website says he specializes in BHT. However, he doesn't have any examples on his website where he has done BHT.
  10. Dr A seems really good since he has uses the needle method for FUE. His prices are at $4.
  11. Body hair isn't really considered a good donor for hair transplants due to its failures rates. However, I came across two HT doctors who are using another method to extract body hair, and they claim this method gives a higher success rate. Instead of using a punch method they are using needes to extract the body hair out. Are there any other doctors who have adopted this needle method for FUE ? So far we have Dr Umar.
  12. Is FUE good for people with low donor density ?
  13. Do you have good density ? I have low density, and Dr Radha still did a good job.
  14. I would be lying if a hair transplants had the ability of recovering a full head of hair will high density above 70 grafts per cm. But that's not what hair transplant are for. A hair transplant instead is an illusion of coverage. So he fills one areas, then in a couple of years his other areas will start balding.
  15. IMO you are too young. Your hair loss isn't that bad. I would wait at least 2 more years. The reason I am advising you is because you might cover some bald areas, but in the next few years you will see other bald areas from the remaining hair which will fall. As for strip vs FUE, I don't think strip in the first procedure is bad. The reason is strip provides better quality hair, and more thickness. As for the scar, you won't see it until you buzz down your hair to a number 3.
  16. Your hair loss isn't that bad. How old are you ? Also, why do you prefer FUE over FUT ?
  17. I would really like to see how the scar turns out after the second HT. I myself am planning to go for a second transplant very soon, but I am worried about how the scar will look like.
  18. Do these doctors have examples where they restorted a full head of hair? I've seen body hair transplants, and most aref just fillers. I rarely seen cases where body hair can restore a large area. As for the videos its awesome. I wonder if they can do a comparison between Ugraft and the restoration robotics tool.
  19. If you look at hair transplant journals about body hair its always dr Umar who provides the detail on its research. This really gives a lot of hope to those who are balding patient or paitence who have low density hair transplants. I hope India and Turkey can catch up to Dr Umar's skill. This will make it more affordable.
  20. You shaved your donor area, so you might need to wait at least 4 months to see a difference.
  21. I advised Dr Radha to use body hair for more coverage because patients like me have low density. I was telling her that body hair would be my future step, but she advised me not to spend too much money on hair transplants. I understand she is very caring, and the advise can only come from someone who is sincere. However, to me the more you can invest in a good hair transplant the more you can make in terms of jobs. I only got 2600 grafts on a broad forehead, but the reality is people actually guess my age right. However, before the HT people always told me I look much older than my age. Image what more grafts can really do. The reason I like her is because she stuck to the gold standard by specializing in FUT. Doctors like Dr Bhatti gave up on FUT, on the contrary after specializing in FUE they went an extra mile and opened up using donors areas from the beard and body. I would go to Dr Bhatti and use the body and beard hair for the crown. Ask Dr Radha if she will ever move in that direction. If she would, it would be great.
  22. She specialized in FUT. I haven't seen much experience from her on FUE. You should go for FUT because there is a difference in the thickness of hair too which comes from FUT vs FUE.
  23. This transplant will require a second procedure with 3000 more grafts. Again 4000 is expanded to in a large area. Look at this result here. Norwood 7 HT with Dr Maral, Istanbul - Forum By and for Hair Loss Patients
  24. Is there any example where low density hair transplants turned out good ? All these superstar transplant have candidates with high density, good donors, and they cover areas which are much smaller.
  25. This is not a hair transplant failure. His 4000 grafts have been spread all over his scalp. On top of that the density here isn't higher than 30 grafts per cm.
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