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Everything posted by irishsailor

  1. I wouldnt trust them. You just end up later down the road going somewhere else to get your hair fixed :mad:
  2. it wasnt until i had been on propecia 16 months, that i truly seen the effects. Stick with it for a year but they reckon the best results can be up to 2 yrs after taking the meds regulary
  3. Hi, congrats on your upcoming HT. Most people end up having more than one HT to get the desired look and density that they crave for. So when considering a HT you need to keep in mind regarding future loss and the possibility of further HT's. Regarding playing footie, clinics vary in answers, most say anywhere from 2 weeks to a month. Best to check with the clinic your having your HT with and ask them what they advise. Wish you all the best,
  4. If he is in your back yard then it's a no brainer the man can do no wrong. You will def be in safe hands Good luck
  5. Danteef, Good write up and welcome to the forum:) Dr lindsay does excellent work as you know. I'm sure you will be in for a fantastic result Congrats on your HT
  6. Hi, im sorry to hear of your bad experiences. I also had a not very good HT with the Hospital Group. There are lots of guys on here who have travelled to get a repair. The main thing to remember is please dont let travelling get in the way. I travelled to New York to Dr Feller and whilst only 4 months out am now starting too see the results in travelling.
  7. Great result!! i agree that what the patient brings to the table plays as big a part in the wow factor. Patient must be well pleased with these results:)
  8. Thanks for the comments guys:) I know it sounds strange but im glad i have been taking pics and set up my blog as i didnt think i had any growth til i looked at the 4 month pics and referred to the ones from before i started:) All good, like Spex says this is only the start, hopefully lots more to come
  9. I really don't understand how people can make a lawsuit against the company, it says in plain English, the possible side effects associated with the drug, it's not like someone put a gun to their head and forced them to take the meds!!
  10. Dr Arocha seems to be doing no wrong at the moment, i have always been very impressed by his standard of work. The man certainly has magic hands
  11. Well i am now about a week shy of 4 months, thought i would update now as im going away for the next 2 months and may not be able to add to my blog. There seems to be hair growing however it wasnt til i took the pics that i kinda seen it for myself:) Hopefully this is where the fun starts. Would appreciate any comments
  12. I would say your looking good so far and only 4 months:) I think your going to be sitting pretty come the summer fella:)
  13. Dr Arocha certainly has magic hands. I think that is a great result when you look at the area covered and grafts used. The patient must be well pleased with his results, which at the end of the day is all we want Thanks for sharing Kira:)
  14. Congrats on your HT with Dr Charles, he certainly is one of the good guys:)
  15. Hi, Its not uncommon to get a shed at the start of adding to your regime. In this case propecia. It's just your hair going into a resting phase and should grow back healthier than before. Regards
  16. That is one sweet hairline. Pt must be grinning from ear to ear
  17. That is one sweet hairline. That patient must be over the moon with that result. Absolutely fantastic results
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