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Everything posted by irishsailor

  1. Pt is going to be well pleased in 12 months when it all grows in
  2. i agree with the above. Dr Charles is one of the good guys, he does fantastic work:)
  3. Richie, thanks for the kind comments. I accept though that the lighting could of been better. I shall endeavour when back to get some better pics All the best
  4. charlie 08, The before pics were taken at the clinic on the day, the after pics were taken at home. I appreciate the difference in lighting will add to the illusion however i wasnt trying to con the community.
  5. HI, It was FUT procedure. Thanks for the comments
  6. Hi everyone. Well im now 4 months post op with Dr Feller. I appreciate it's still early days however the fun time seems to be well and truly on the way. It wasn't til I actually looked at my pre-op pics taken on the day by Dr Feller that i really started to notice the changes. I appreciate this is still early days. But i'm over the moon with the transformation already Just added some pre and 4 month pics to share. Not sure if i did the right thing starting a new thread, just wanted to show my comparison from before to now:)
  7. Well i got a new camera so thought i would try it out. I posted a couple of pics on here last week as i thought i was going away with work, but got another couple of weeks at home. Well i'm now exactly 4 months post op, thought i would add a couple of pics with my new camera:)
  8. i think it's a good result for the area covered and grafts used
  9. Your going to have a fantastic result, when it's all grown in
  10. Congrats on your HT with Dr Cooley. He gets fantastic results
  11. Best result i have seen to date, bar none The man can do no wrong
  12. i think things are going well so far. It can take a year or so for the scar to heal completely so it may calm down some more
  13. Congrats, happy you had a good experience with SMG. They do fantastic work, would be nice if you could put some pics on:)
  14. Congrats on your upcoming HT with Dr Charles. He's one of the good guys and always get's the best for his patients
  15. Congrats on your HT with Rahal. The man does fantastic work:)
  16. Gents, thanks for the replies. Yeah i suppose i was being a little over the top. Mind you i have seen alot of fortunate guys at the moment getting more than the average Hey lets all hope that things never get that bad that we exhaust our donar supply out completely:eek:
  17. Work looks good, i think the patient will be a very happy man in 12 months time:)
  18. I'm glad the doc pointed it out as i would never of found it That scar is pencil thin!!
  19. Great work Dr. I'm sure the patient must be well happy with his results.
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