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Everything posted by irishsailor

  1. Looking great with lots more maturing to come. I'm sure the patient must be thrilled with his results so far
  2. Great pics and an even better result. It's always nice to see the after pics, the the smile on the patients face. That tells the complete story
  3. Congrats on your HT. You picked a fantastic Doc, im sure you will be in for a fantastic result
  4. Good write up!! Conrats on yr HT, hope you keep us updated with your progress
  5. Great result, with minimal grafts used. I'm sure this patient must be pleased with his new sweet hairline
  6. You have mentioned a few legends within the HT world, i dont think you can go wrong with any of the names you have mentioned. Hope all goes well for you
  7. Hi there, i have been on propecia for 2 years now and it took a good 6 months to a year before it really kicked in. It is a drug that takes a while before you start to see the full effects. Please dont take this the wrong way but i doubt you would of seen results on propecia staright away and it could possibly be a seasonal shed that you are going through at the moment. Dont give up on the meds yet fella, hope this helps
  8. Hi, just wondering if anyone regretted not going straight for DUT rather than trying propecia first?
  9. Good stuff Chris, you have defo come along way fella. Hair is looking great Sorry i never got up on thursday, down side to being in my line of work yr life really isnt yr own and had to go away last minute Glad you all seemed to have a good day with spex and the Doc
  10. Hairthere, your hair looks fantastic, i'm jealous I'm happy you have finally got the head of hairyou wanted and deserved. I'm definately going to get my tp's done with Dr Feller in my round 2!!
  11. For me is was having options, plain and simple. Ive never enjoyed being told what i can and cant do and hated the fact that i was restricted to keeping my hair short. Whilst i know i will never have a full dense head of hair at least i have some options now in styling it
  12. Richie, thanks for the comments fella. Mrs treated me to my posh haircut with a stylist lol. Been a few years since i last went to one!! Defo nice to have some hair back again Austin, thanks for the comments. No regrets, im soo glad i flew to New York to see Dr Feller, he was a top bloke and had a great day out. Best of luck with your upcoming HT
  13. Newhairplease. You must be well impressed, those are fantastic results fella. That is impressive tranformation since the last pics you took. What does Dr Rahal give you lot to get the early growth;)
  14. Just got a haircut, thought i would finally add a couple from outside:)
  15. Nothing short of fantastic chrisdav. Im so pleased for you
  16. Chrisdav are you coming up to london to see the doc next week?
  17. Thanks chrisdav. Just seen your update, looks like were both in for a hairy summer:)
  18. Hello all, well just got back. Was good being away as it took my mind of my hair for a while:) I have definately seen alot of new growth over the last 2 months, and friends were shocked when i got back tonight. Just thought i would add some pics . would appreciate any feedback. Ive tried to improve the quality of pics with a new camera. Hope everyone is keeping well:)
  19. Best of luck. Like evryone say's nothing to worry about. He's a great Doc:)
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