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Everything posted by irishsailor

  1. looking good so far. You should be sitting sweet by the summer:)
  2. Dr Radha's work is definately of a good standard. She has learnt from a fantastic surgeon. She has my vote:)
  3. Sheath, alot of guys have had their fingers burnt in the uk thats why we recommend travelling abrouad. When you take into consideration the exchange rate it does'nt work out that more expensive to travel. There is a section on the site where pat the publisher has travelled to clinics and reported back, one of the places he travelled to was Dr Rodgers. The doc isnt a butcher our a bad guy he's just not at the same standard as the doc's you see on here Best of luck with your research
  4. Great post! Kinda keeps you in check about the reality of what can be achieved
  5. Congrats on your HT. now comes the hard bit. " the waiting game" Glad your happy with your procedure, keep us posted with your results
  6. I think there is always going to be a stigma attached to HT's.
  7. Hi, was just curious if we have roughly 7 - 10000 grafts available from our donar area by strip before we possibly get some more by fue. How much in general before we exhaust our donar supply? I appreciate it will change from person to person but was just curious how much would be available by fue once all stripped out?
  8. Looking good so far, your going to see lots of improvement over the next few months
  9. best of luck, I too in your position would always put family before meds. Hope all goes well for you
  10. Fantastic result. I'm so happy this lady got the results she deserves after all she has been through:)
  11. Congrats on your procedure. You picked a fantastic surgeon
  12. Great write up. Congrats on your HT with Dr Rahal, you will be in for a fantastic result, the man seems to do no wrong:)
  13. Like i always say the man has magic hands:) Pt must be well pleased with these results. He looked to be thinning in his crown though, now he has full coverage:confused:
  14. lets hope by the summer we are all going out buying new styling products for our hair:cool:
  15. I went to the private clinic for a consultation, all looked good until you scratch under the surface. I promise you im not trying to sell any doctor to you. Like i said if you look through the various docs on here you will see results presented on here where the docs are right on the money every time.
  16. Hi welcome to the forum. Please please, whatever you do, spend sometime doing your research before you jump into a HT. And whatever you do, stay away from harley street. There are a list of surgeons on here who do outstanding work, and i would strongly recommend you check out there work before you proceed. I travelled to america from the uk to have my HT, with the exchange rate as it is, it will still work out cheaper than having it done in the uk. Most people like myself on here have had to travel abroad to have repair work for a poor HT conducted in the uk. Best of luck
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