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Everything posted by Spanker

  1. I have to agree. I can not see your front very well, the pic is small, but I would not do anything right now. I know it sucks to be thin in the back, but the problem is that it is a fairly large area. You would probably experience shock loss to your recipient area making you look much worse for some time, and at your age, you are sure to have additional loss eventually. I think crowns are ok to do work on, but IMO, they should have to be pretty bald, so the difference is noticable. If you take a bald crown and add hair, it really improves appearance, but it is much much harder to improve the appearance of a crown with as much hair as you have, especially as you age, because you will loose more native hair. I would really reconsider, but I kind of doubt that they are going to work on your anyway, as you are just not a great candidate at this point IMO....I think you might do more damage than good. But then again, they may beef it up a little.
  2. The result is pretty good, but is there a reason that you did not just use FUE to complete this repair?
  3. It is amazing how cocky one can become in a short nine months. bwahaha. Just kidding. I do hope that you continue to contribute to the forum. I have been watching your case since I came to this site and your hair looks great. U r a lucky guy. Based on your pics,I don't see how u r going to improve much in the next 3 months but I do hope you post a 1 year just for all who have ollowed and all that come after. It is a great case...u should be in a H and W brochure or something.
  4. I don't think I have ever seen anyone on this forum say: "I stopped taking fin because I didn't think it was helping me with keeping my hair, and you know what, I was right!"
  5. I don't think I have ever seen anyone on this forum say: "I stopped taking fin because I didn't think it was helping me with keeping my hair, and you know what, I was right!"
  6. Looks good...but not really needed. She was an attractive woman before and I never would have looked at her and thought: "Wow, she needs an HT!"
  7. I think all of that is a relative question. And even harder to say with the pics u proviced. "Going Bald", I reserve that for someone who is gonna end up a NW4-5 or above, the rest are just losing some hair. Which most people do. Not all but they say about 40 percent in their 40's show loss. With that said, if you were 18 with that hair line I would say there is a chance you will go bald, if you are 35 I would say that things don't really look that bleak...so with such little info it is hard to tell. I don't thnk you even showed a pic of the crown, the pic onthe left it is hard to tell. The pic on the right you do appear to have some recession. I would consider getting on finasteride, but the severity of what you will go thru is still to be determined.
  8. Opps, Google had a date of 2011 on it when I searched it.
  9. I would have guessed a little higher graft count but I am no expert. U appear to have minituration on the entire top to some degree so I are u on propecia? It could just be the lighting. Good luck.
  10. I thinkg that this is a very important study. It is nice to see that there is a lot of research going into HT and that the knowlegde from these studies may someday cure other diseases. Below is a fairly new article definately worth a read: Science Netlinks: Science Updates
  11. it does look natural, but needs to be more dense....his next proceedure should really set this off. Also, it is a larger area than I would expect for that few grafts.
  12. In general, most people say a #4, Asians sometimes have to go higher. How many grafts are you looking at?
  13. interesting read, if would be more impressive if was not from hairloss linked to stress, since MOST hair loss in men is because of DHT affected folliciles
  14. We seem to be in a very similar situation but I think I am a year or 2 younger (32). My loss is not noticable to most people and I plan on being able to hide it. I am also saving to pay cash....I have 3K right now and am looking at about 1000 grafts, so I am getting close.
  15. email takingtheplunge or Bill (falcros), they can walk you thru it. I don't know how either.
  16. It does look tidy to me, I it does look like the doc should have went further back in the middle of your head as it still looks live there is strong minituration that has not been worked on.
  17. If anyone say anything, just say, "Haters gonna hate!" , that is my go to line. And a mid 30's girl might poke a little at you....so what? When you are both in your 40's, the man is usually (not always) socially more atractive, IMO. Women get their socail stigmas from weight and age. An upper 40's guy can swing a mid-30's girl all day long (if he has skill...or money)....but not the other way around. (again.....usually). There are exceptions to this just like there are exceptions that some bald men are very attracttive. I agree that there is a little bit of socail taboo with this surgery, however, I feel that it is mostly due to lack of education. I showed my mother in law some before and afters on here and she was absolutely BLOWN away. When people see your results I feel that they are going to have a different attitude about it.
  18. your hair looks prettty good to me. But good luck.
  19. propecia and/or minox....but pics would help with suggestions, along with age.
  20. I try not to worry so much about numbers in density. If you do enough research you will know and trust your doctor. While I do want about 45 to 50....I do trust Shapiro. I try to kind look at it like telling an artist where to put strokes. I know from consistent results that are really good that he knows what he is doing, so I will just tell him what I am looking for and let him do his thing.
  21. Has anyone seen on the interent where the guy takes a pic of himself everyday for 7 years or so and it very rapidly plays/shows each pic with background music? That would be awesome to do for an HT!!
  22. Dr. Konior and SMG are at the top of my list right now. I had a phone consult with Dr. K's rep yesterday and an online consult with Dr. K himself who is very very quick to return a response. I am looking at a smallish case. Dr. K is about $5.65 per graft, which is on the higher side for FUT. SMG (Drs Shapiro) are about $4.25, so for 2000 grafts you are looking at about $2800 in savings, and SMG is TOP notch. It is a toss up for me because SMG is about twice the distance and I just feel betterbeing closer to the doc. So it is kind of a toss up. I am struggling with the decision myself. EDIT: Actually SMG is a $4.50....my bad
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