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Everything posted by RCWest

  1. Since you're in Northern VA, you should have gone to Dr. Lindsey. He does impeccable work from what I've seen.
  2. Dr. Lindsey in Mclean, VA. is your best bet.
  3. Something's not right bro. 3000 grafts to the hairline, even singles, would be way thicker than what you have now. Who did your surgery?
  4. If you were to get transplants to "keep up" density in areas where you still have native hair, you could experience the dreaded shock loss. I tried that routine in my early 20's and I learned it's better to wait and see what is going to happen and where you're pattern is going before doing surgery. Stay on Finasteride and Minoxidil. It very well may reverse some of the thinning since you are in the early stages.
  5. Thank you for the reply Dr. Lindsey! If the scar actually protrudes from the scalp, wouldn't implanting rescued grafts stick out of the recipient area? I'm saying, if the scar with the grafts is thicker than the rest of the scalp skin, is that thickness all the way to the skull? Or is there a way to trim the height of the follicle?
  6. I've never heard of anyone hiding out in another country while waiting for their HT to heal/grow. I thought I was bad just wearing a hat;).
  7. Dr. Keser's results look suspiciously "too good". I'm not saying he is touching up his photos, but this patient seems to have pretty good hair diameter and probably a high density. His 2000 grafts maybe the same as yours or my 2500 grafts. You never know until you have all the information. Plus, he could have had a strong hairline grafted and left the middle thinner because notice how all his hair is pushed up towards the middle? I'm not trying to burst your bubble, believe me. I've learned so much on this site and I'd rather expect needing more grafts and be prepared than to plan on 2000 and be disappointed. I agree with ES, I would do 3000-3500 and do the complete front half. You'd be VERY happy
  8. Most, but not all of the time, the surgeon takes the donor strip, closes it up, and makes the graft sites. Sometimes he will relieve a team member when they get tired. The technicians do the cutting and most of the planting. They are HIGHLY trained, don't worry Personally I consider hair restoration to be one of the most tedious jobs in the medical field. At least with heart and brain surgery you can usually see what you're working with most of the time. With hair transplantation you are usually working with grafts and graft sites under 1mm in diameter. That's roughly 3/32 of an inch!! I'd go blind and have to be put in a straight jacket if I had to do that job 10-12 hours a day :eek:
  9. Maybe I missed it in the search feature, but I've wondered can grafts from a big thick scar be saved? It would seem they would be too tall. How would a surgeon go about this?
  10. I wore a hat at all times except at bedtime during my healing process. As long as it doesn't rub the grafts then you are A-OK! As far as sweating, I would think that would be similar to spraying them with saline water, which is great for healing and keeping them soft.
  11. WOW what 2000 grafts can do when placed correctly! Excellent density. This patient is probably so happy he can't sleep!!
  12. It's recommended that you start Propecia several weeks or months before getting a HT. Shock loss is one of the bad risks of getting a hair transplant. Propecia can help lower or prevent the risk.
  13. Follow this link. MSM detoxifies the skin, which is what is causing the breakouts. Can MSM Cause Acne? — High on health
  14. I look at it this way.... at least we have the option. What if there WERE no hair transplantation? It would either be hairpiece or bald :mad:
  15. I was on Dr. Path's site and saw this. How does this differ from regular strip harvesting?
  16. One time when my regular pharmacy ran out, they borrowed some from their other pharmacy across town. They were bluish/grey and tubular shape.
  17. Some people start shedding within a couple of days, some people don't shed them at all and they keep on growing like normal. It all depends....
  18. Dr. Brett Bolton has worked in several states. Sounds like another hair mill.
  19. You say you've been dealing with this half of your life. Do you just have a high forehead or do you actually have a receeding hairline? They are two different things.
  20. I've read this about Nitric Oxide many times, but kind of figured it was just another myth. It's true about whinos lol! I know many guys in their 50's who drink every night and have the fullest head of hair I've ever seen. One guy even still has what I consider a juvenile hairline! And he totally mistreats his body. He only eats breakfast during the day and he smokes. Go figure.
  21. 1. No, removing donor strips does not make the thinning area larger. It mostly pulls up from the looser skin on the neck I believe. 2. Over time and or with exercises, the skin in the donor area will loosen back up and actually reduce donor density *very* slightly.
  22. Advantage of strip over FUE-much larger sessions, 2 strip grafts for every 1 FUE graft, and strip grafts have a higher survival rate than FUE.
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