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Everything posted by RCWest

  1. Sorry to hear this Candi. I started at 16-17 with MPB. I still have some but it is thinner than I like. Female hair loss can be complex. A lot of times it can be caused by medication like anti depressants or especially birth control pills. It can be caused by disorders like PCOS which throws hormones out of balance. My aunt lost most of her hair because of underactive thyroid. Go to a doctor and start out with a complete blood workup. That's always a good start. It could be something simple. Hope this helps!
  2. What? In those pics your hair looks very thick. Am I missing something? I just said that 1531 grafts sounded like a lot for the hairline. How large was the area he grafted? Sorry if I sounded sarcastic, I did not mean it in any way!
  3. It's the diuretic he has me on. It's not enough for hair loss, but I figure it may benefit me just a tad anyways. I asked him for it and he didn't see any problems with it.
  4. Dr. Lee makes many blends of liquid minoxidil without the propylene glycol, and it probably ends up cheaper than buying the foam. Plus you can get 12.5% if you want
  5. Here is a pic of Matthew with shaved head. Hard to really see anything though. http://images.hollywood.com/images/large/l_384669.jpg Celebs can afford the best doctors and the most grafts. If I could be a celebrity, that would be all I wanted out of it. I'd be happy with a small house
  6. Whenever in doubt, Google it http://www.fashion-forum.org/images/designers/marc-jacobs.jpg Looks like he only had some mild receeding hairline and a little hair miniaturization. I'd be happy with what he had pre op!!
  7. The Mustang is just a toy. I can't drive it anymore, as I lost my license because of seizure disorders. It basically just sits in the driveway. As for getting to work, I am disabled from back issues and Epilepsy. Another HT is the only thing in life I want to treat myself to. I don't go out, party, buy other things, etc. I just want this one thing and I'll be happy with life!!
  8. This happened to me. I never really was told what could have caused it. Has anyone else had their grafts stay pink once all the healing was done? I don't know if it was because of too small of a recipient site or something to do with bloodflow. The hair is healthy so it's not hurting growth.
  9. Welcome to the best hair transplant board on the web! You will be well armed with knowledge when you go for a consult. Dr. Cooley is who I am going to see when I have the funds. Everything about the guy is just awesome.
  10. And when you become too fed up with your hairloss, you will take ANY hair you can get!
  11. What determines "maxed out"? No laxity left? The most hair was taken while leaving just enough to cover the sides and back? Or whichever one comes first?
  12. Joh, what was your Norwood level and how many grafts were done?
  13. I've wondered who do people go through to finance a procedure? I know some people save up, but some places offer financing. My credit isn't the greatest. I'm to the point of selling my Mustang to get this done!!
  14. My worst part was the actual planting! I had a very low platelet count when I had mine done, and they kept having to push the grafts back in. The anesthetic starting wearing off and they had to redo it while I was already sore! My last procedure of 400 grafts (remember this was 1993 when they were $22 a pop!) took 5 hours!!
  15. AMAZING results Dr. Bernstein! You really are one of the best! Very dense and thick all over. The patient must be over the moon
  16. I've never actually read in stone what makes a doctor say that is all the hair he can get. Is it laxity? The density remaining? Whichever one of those he reaches first?
  17. Welcome to the anxiety phase . You feel disfigured, anxious, helpless and impatient. It WILL get better! Stop looking in the mirror like I did. It drove me nuts, but you will recover.
  18. I use it! I take 5 mg. twice a day. It's too early to tell but I do have small hairs regrowing where before there were none!
  19. The instructions I've read say 12 and older. Nizoral is mostly for dandruff and help for MPB. Although I think it is a strong, great smelling shampoo, I don't think it would help you unless her hair is very oily.
  20. I hate to determine without full frontal pics. Kinda looks more like it's receeded a tad, but like I said, hard to tell w/o better pics.
  21. That's a lot of grafts for such a small area isn't it? Did Dr. Rahal determine that that is all the hair you are going to lose? I sure hope so, you have an outstanding head of hair
  22. But remember that women are attracted to confidence more than they are a man's appearance. So whether or not women like my hair or my higher level of confidence, it's hard to tell. In my opinion, getting a hair transplant is all about feeling better about yourself. The rest will fall into place naturally :-). Confucius couldn't have said that better! That is exactly the way I feel and what I believe.
  23. The Nelson twins never HAD a hair loss problem. Bosley is one twisted dude to use celebs with full natural heads of hair in his promos!
  24. I've seen quotes as high as 50-60 percent of the original density. You don't want to use all your hair in one spot.
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