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Everything posted by aaron1234

  1. That guy is enjoying every last strand he has! And for good reason, he looks excellent! Nice work Dr. Feller!
  2. I wouldn't say Finasteride causes prostate cancer. It is actually used to combat an enlarged prostate in the 5mg dosage (Proscar). What hairthere is probably referring to was a recent study in which it was hypothesized that taking a 1mg daily pill of Finasteride may actually REDUCE the risk of prostate cancer. However, they also theorized that if the patient does indeed get prostate cancer down the road that it may be a more aggressive form of the cancer. Again, this hasn't been noted as a common side effect of the drug but rather a theory of the long-term risks of it. Many doctors are skeptical of the study. More often you will see patients fear the sexual side effects of finasteride. I've been on it for over 5 years and it's worked fine for me with no side effects.... and that's the same for the vast majority of men who take it.
  3. It is possible to lose surrounding native hair after a transplant if it is miniaturized. It's called shock loss. However, if you are on propecia and go to a quality surgeon then the risk is reduced substantially.
  4. Feller is great! Certainly a good start. Take a look at all the docs on the site and figure which ones you like most. Definitely consult with the top docs: Rahal, H&W, Shapiro bros., Feller, etc....
  5. If you got on Fin you could might really bulk up your crown. You have a lot of miniaturized hairs back there to revitalize! You definitely need a lot of grafts, at least 3K. 4K would be appropriate.
  6. Your first procedure was a genuine success! Fin seems to have stabilized you and you might even have had some gains with it. I'm sure the 2nd procedure will finish you off. Congrats!
  7. If you want to be obsessed with your hair then just get on fin - tho you probably don't even need it. But for the love of God don't get a hair transplant!
  8. Yes, you look good 1 month post-op for sure. The scar is healing very well. Don't be concerned about the shock loss, it will come back. And you keep your hair long enough to cover I assume.
  9. Your grafts are just shedding. Unless you see blood when a graft falls out you are ok. Is the hard and dark stuff on your scalp scabs? That's what I imagine you are experiencing. It is normal to feel pain in the donor region.
  10. Yeah, stick with what is proven. No need to do 10% minx if 5% is doing the trick for you.
  11. Pigmentation, aka scalp mirco-pigmentation. Look it up, it is somewhat controversial but could really help someone in your situation. Pretty much it is ink. Dr. Rassman is the first recommended doc offering it. It could definitely help with a depleted donor area. Thanks for the props btw
  12. I wouldn't give up all hope at this point. Just be careful and don't do a surgery with the first doc that tells you what you want to hear. I would get multiple opinions for sure.
  13. Fantastic presentation and gotta dig the layout! The before, immediate post-op, after photos really do Mercer's HT journey true justice. I'm really impressed with what the 2nd surgery did for him density wise. Once again fantastic work Dr. Ron.
  14. Oh man, well you've done your research. If you think you're ready to jump the gun then go ahead and do it! Just be prepared for the possibility of more procedures down the road.
  15. If you have an elastic scalp and like your hair length then I would go with strip. If you feel US surgeons are out of your price range I would still consult with them. Sometimes they go out of their way to help those on a tighter budget. Not all, but some.
  16. Good job staying on the Fin. You had a good head of hair were you able to maintain most of it? If it's not much different than before I would still hold off on surgery. Dr. Path is good but don't let the fact that it is cheaper make the decision for you.
  17. 8K grafts v?a FUE? Do you have any donor left? Wow, that would do a work on ones donor density. Who was your doc btw? Everyone needs to understand that FUE has its limits too. Looking at Feller and H&W is a great start to fix your situation.
  18. Ah, bummer. Well, the good news is that the loss should probably be restricted to that region if you change your hairstyle... it shouldn't get worse. Spread the word I guess. Every time I see dreads/braids I'm tempted to say something but I suppose it's none of my business. All the best to you. I'd definitely do a lot of research on docs on this site (ones who provide a lot of female patient examples) and then see if some are willing to do a small test procedure - maybe just a few grafts - just to see what happens.
  19. just4me, I'm just curious, but as a young african american female is your hair loss on the temples from traction alopecia? Did you wear your hair back a lot (like in braids or dreadlocks)?
  20. My pleasure Janna. Can't believe it has already been one month!
  21. Both incredible! I've met with Konior and he is extremely thorough, even in his consultations. His results are consistently great. And of course Rahal is one of the best in the biz as well. Meet with both if you can.
  22. You've gotten good advice so far. Get on Fin and I say stay on it for 2 years before you get any kind of procedure. You're still very young. Probably too young and with not enough loss to make a transplant worthwhile at this point. See what the meds do for you and take it from there.
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