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Everything posted by Dewayne

  1. Tell it to da' judge.... Seriously, that's why we have courts. Hope it works out for whoever is right. Personally, I'm just glad I'm about to have some hair!
  2. I doubt anyone was doing decent ht's back in the early 90's.
  3. on front 2/3; removed about 50 'mini' grafts of 4 - hairs. Note the larger holes that used to be my hairline, which was very noticeable.
  4. Not to bring any of you guys down, but my scar was still tender and a little raised on the sides 17 years later. However, I didn't know any better so I learned to live with it and mostly not think about it. Last week Dr. Cooley combined the scars and felt confident I wouldn't be having that problem anymore. Apparantly I had some scar tissue that was causing the tenderness.
  5. I just had about 50 of my old plugs removed with my new procedure I got last Thursday. Look at some pics on this site under 'Repair Jobs" and see if you find something similar.
  6. If you keep it up, I'm going to have to take Aquirius off ignore to counteract your posts.
  7. I would agree with Goldstar; and it's like $30 for 7 months worth. I'd seriously wait on a ht and try spending 5 mins. a day on Dermmatch or Toppik. I certainly wouldn't let that amount of loss bother me. In 10 years when you're 35 maybe you've kept what you have with the meds, and consider one then.
  8. I've written it plenty of times, but man you've got to find some way to come to grips with this and live your life. I for one think a thinning / bald guy who shaves his head daily looks very professional; if a few other things are in place: nicely shaped head, physically fit, sharply dressed. There are plenty of men who've overcome being completely bald to do great things, and that hat is limiting you more than no hair will. I remember being in my early 20's and wearing hats out to bars. I wish I would've shaved mine and not thought another thing about it. Plenty of professionals I know are bald and look fine. Take a look at coalition doc Bernstein - he's a NW7 and looks great, imo. http://www.bernsteinmedical.com/
  9. I'm sure you'll get a more definitive answer, but Dr. Griffin told me it's best right out of the shower while the pores are still open. Obviously not still soaking wet, maybe after towel drying, shaving and right before "styling", if that's still in your routine.
  10. I would seriously consider sticking with the guy in Houston, if you liked your visit as you say. It's like choosing between a Lexus and an Infinity. Both are great, but one is down the street and the other is in another country..... JMO>
  11. misterno: If it's this doctor, he's is recommended by this site. When Bill gets on he can give you some more info. on him. Check it out http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/Consult-a-Physician/Doctors.asp?DrID=636 I think you're misunderstanding the Propecia a little. Your transplanted hair, 3000 or however many grafts you get, will probably never fall out. However, if you have natural hair still left on top, or if you would like to grow some more natural hair along with the transplanted hairs, Propecia has been proven to do both in some patients.
  12. I'd be leaving it alone myself. It looks great, you're not itching, so I wouldn't worry to much about the white stuff for a few more weeks.
  13. If I were you, I'd feel pretty confident about getting an excellent transplant with Hasson. I guess they are all different, but Dr. Cooley said I could sleep normal, just to wear some siran wrap and a surgeons hat. I asked specifically about sleeping upright but he said no. We'll see I guess. I do think the FUE into a scar is an excellent option for those wanting to shave all that great transplanted hair down one day....
  14. I'll take a stab at some of these questions since I'm sort of holed up here in my crib recovering from my ht of 3 days ago..... We don't know your age, history, pics, etc. so if you'll post that especially some pics you'll get some good advice. 1. With a ht, you'll never get back the hair you had when you were 16; so it is good to use the meds b/c it's been shown to regrow hair. At least, it might stop what you have from falling out. In fact, depending on your age, you might consider the meds for a year or so. 2. Don't let them remove any hair on the top of your head. And they won't. 3. That price is decent I suppose. Dr. Alexander in Arizona charges $4 per and that's probably a good standard to go by. 4. I don't think I've heard of a top-surgeon using that type of "technology". Maybe at Hair Club For Men; but stay away from that place. 5. The coalition doctor in Las Vegas advertises a 12 month interest free plan as well as a payment plan. He has a good rep. as well. 6. The docs in Canada and New York are very good, but they are also the most active on this board. There are some good ones not as active posting as well. Check out the "Find a Surgeon" button above and call some of these guys. I talked to about five clinics and was happy with three of them. 7. I've never been to Houston, but I think there are two recommended surgeons in Texas. Also, Arizona and Las Vegas have some fine docs as well. Who did you consult with? I bet someone can give you the lowdown on him / her if you tell us the name.
  15. You know, I just searched through my bag and found the Prednisone pills I was supposed to be taking. The envelope said 3 on Friday, 2 on Saturday and 1 on Sunday (today). I just took the first one. I guess I forgot about those, and will start taking them today. Here's hoping I don't swell up too bad.
  16. short is better, imo, to a certain extent of course. I've been going to barbers for the past 20 years, instead of real beauticians who actually know something, but occassionally I find one who hits it just right. Mostly the one I go to now they are afraid to take any off the top and it blows around too much in the wind.
  17. Do you wait to see if your head swells, or is it inevitable? And should I already be putting ice on my head even though I've had no signs or feeling of any impending swelling? Thanks.
  18. Do you wait to see if your head swells, or is it inevitable? And should I already be putting ice on my head even though I've had no signs or feeling of any impending swelling? Thanks.
  19. Here you go: http://needhair.bannerview.com/financing/ Just make sure you do without some of the other trappings that can get young people in trouble, ie new car, etc. Can you live with your folks for a year? Get a second job? This guy looks to be first class, and 12 months no interest isn't bad.
  20. When I was 24 and had my first ht, I financed nearly the whole thing through whatever finance company the clinic associated with. My payment was about $160 per month on $3,500 or so. Ideally, you will save money monthly if you're young and pay for it outright. For example, $200 per month invested in a rather conservative mutual fund getting, say 7%, should provide about $8k in three years. If you're needing one now, be sure to look at your priorities. At 24, I thought I needed to drive a new car that cost me $300 per month (1991 dollars), so I was stupid. I should have kept on driving my $1,500 Dodge Colt and saved, saved, saved! Another option, in todays credit environment you could probably get a decent rate of <10%, which is better than what I got back then. Just give up some other things. This is a hell of a lot more important than driving a new truck, or getting a 4-wheeler ATV, etc... Also, it seems I read where the doc in Vegas does in-house financing. Maybe you could get a little extra and kill 'em at blackjack while you're out there recovering!
  21. Stay away from "The Hair Club for Men". I bought one of their 'systems' and wore it for a week. I traveled four hours to get that damn thing taken off and came back to work with a shaved head; after everyone noticed the sudden head full of hair I had achieved overnight.
  22. Godzluv, You're right that doesn't look like a hair transplant experience I'd be happy with either. However, 800 is not much and I don't know where they put them. If you're on the east coast I would suggest you contact Dr. Cooley. But, he's the only one I've had experience with - except Dr. Shory back in the stone ages. My perception of Dr. Cooley is he's an honest man and I truly haven't heard a bad thing about him. I truly believe he cares more about helping people than making money. He's in Charlotte and also gives a full 10% discount for prepayment with certified funds. I'm sure there are some others but that's my advice. Surely you've got more than 800 available. I was worried about my scalp being tight as well but the doc said I have close to 6,000 total available.
  23. I first started getting other people commenting about my thinness at 20 or so as well; but generally it was about age 25 before everyone started noticing it. I had enjoyed a very high success rate with the ladies as well. But, I think some Toppik, along with Rogaine and Propecia, could get you another 10 years. Just act like you don't give a damn and other people will see your confidence instead of your hairloss. My neighbor is a NW 7, in great shape with a great job. The last thing he thinks about is his hair. He shaves it every day and I admire him for it. His wife is hot too. So, most of it is attitude. Easy for me to say it b/c it bothered the crap out of me. I keep telling my boys that hair isn't important, yada yada yada, because I want to prepare them for the mpb they'll probably face as well.
  24. There's a place in Southern California where you can get it done for $0.67 per graft.... However, some things in life you get what you pay for and this is at the top of the list. Why don't you call Dr. Lindsey in Reston, Virginia. He's posted many before / afters on here and comes highly recommended by one of the top hair transplant surgeons in the world. It might be $4 per graft, but at least you'll look good for the rest of your life. Take it from me; it won't seem like long before you'll be 40 and you don't want to look like some goofball with an obvious hair transplant for a hairline.
  25. This was a concern of mine as well, as I've been paying a trainer $250 per month + gym membership for two years and don't want to lose what I've achieved. Dr. Cooley told me this morning to not do anything for 5 days, and go about 70% after that. I should have asked 70% for how long but didn't. I get my stitches out in 14 days so I figure I'll be able to go 100% then.
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