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  1. I'm a NW2-3....Look into Xandrox. They make concentrations up to 15%. My routine as of this past January is using one small doseage of Xandrox 12% once a day in the morning on the front part of my scalp/hairline. I can say without a doubt, that there has been regrowth on the front. Small hairs, but growth none the less. And any shedding has stopped. Also, just about 2 weeks ago, I began using the 15% solution on my temples...where there is no hair. I simply take a q-tip and dab a small amount on the q-tip and tap it onto my temple area. My mind may be playing tricks on me, but I swear I already see a "strengthening"/thickening of the temple hairline and a few new hairs. It's potent stuff....which is why I use a minimal amount of it. Does anyone else here have any experience with Xandrox?...any results? I don't work for them btw....just really impressed so far.
  2. I'm new to the forum, but have been reading off and on for about a year now. I'm in my early 30s and had my first procedure done in CA about 3 years ago. I had a receding hairline (class 1-2). I had a procedure of about 1500 grafts, which in hindsight was far too many because I lost more hair than I gained due to shock loss. Last summer, I went to a different doctor (one who is highly recommended on this website) for a small FUE procedure of about 350 grafts to fill in the gaps that were created on my front hairline. I had a good experience with Dr. #2 and the grafts seemed to be very well placed. But, now 7 months post op...I'm just not really seeing a difference. The reason I'm concerned is because my first procedure was fully grown out at months 7 to 8 and nothing new ever grew after that. So I guess I am expecting the same for procedure #2. What makes this bad is that the transplant is completely noticable....especially when wet or under light when my hair is dry. The best way to describe my scalp is that someone took a blowtorch and singed my scalp and hair. It's scar tissue with pluggy doll looking hair and doesn't look or act natural at all. I blame this on procedure #1, but I was hoping #2 would be able to mask this problem...and it simply hasn't. I just don't see any indication of any reasonable growth from #2. Maybe my expectations were too high. I have put nearly $12,000 into this...all so I wouldn't have to wear a hat anymore. And now, I wear a hat every day. If I figure out how to post a picture, I will do so. Please don't flame me for not naming doctors...it's just not in my nature. I'm setting up an appointment with Dr.#2 fo a checkup. I'm hoping he'll tell me that nothing has just started to grow yet. Any words of advice or encouragement are extremely welcome.
  3. I'm new to the forum, but have been reading off and on for about a year now. I'm in my early 30s and had my first procedure done in CA about 3 years ago. I had a receding hairline (class 1-2). I had a procedure of about 1500 grafts, which in hindsight was far too many because I lost more hair than I gained due to shock loss. Last summer, I went to a different doctor (one who is highly recommended on this website) for a small FUE procedure of about 350 grafts to fill in the gaps that were created on my front hairline. I had a good experience with Dr. #2 and the grafts seemed to be very well placed. But, now 7 months post op...I'm just not really seeing a difference. The reason I'm concerned is because my first procedure was fully grown out at months 7 to 8 and nothing new ever grew after that. So I guess I am expecting the same for procedure #2. What makes this bad is that the transplant is completely noticable....especially when wet or under light when my hair is dry. The best way to describe my scalp is that someone took a blowtorch and singed my scalp and hair. It's scar tissue with pluggy doll looking hair and doesn't look or act natural at all. I blame this on procedure #1, but I was hoping #2 would be able to mask this problem...and it simply hasn't. I just don't see any indication of any reasonable growth from #2. Maybe my expectations were too high. I have put nearly $12,000 into this...all so I wouldn't have to wear a hat anymore. And now, I wear a hat every day. If I figure out how to post a picture, I will do so. Please don't flame me for not naming doctors...it's just not in my nature. I'm setting up an appointment with Dr.#2 fo a checkup. I'm hoping he'll tell me that nothing has just started to grow yet. Any words of advice or encouragement are extremely welcome.
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