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Everything posted by Dewayne

  1. was as great as all of his patients have posted. We started yesterday at 7 a.m., started cutting at 8 a.m. and finished around 6 p.m. I'll get some pics up and my weblog updated this weekend, but since I drove home (6 hours) today, I'm going to chill out a little tonight. However, I will say the 2,750 grafts (only planned 2500) was nothing in pain compared to the 300 mini-grafts I got 17 years ago. The only pain I felt all day was getting the pain meds shot a couple of times in the forehead. If there's a better doc out there, I'd damn sure like to meet him (or her). Dr. Cooley was in the operating room at least 95% of the time and did all the slits; and placements along beside another nurse. It's no wonder he doesn't post on the sites very much, as he was in there before me (6:50 a.m.), in the room with my surgery all day (until 6:30 p.m.), and back in there this morning working on another patient when I went back at 7:45 a.m. this morning. I asked one of the cutters what the biggest size session they've done and she said 4,100; so I'd say he does 'megas' as well. The good thing about going to a surgeon who is also a dermatologist is he took care of three things on me that needed medical attention; a dark mole on my back, a 'tab' growth on my head, and another knot on my head that had fluid buildup. In all, a great experience and I'll get some pics up soon.
  2. Hell, I'm about to go out in a driving rainstorm and drive for 6 hours, pay $9k and dream of getting a hair line like yours..... Seriously though, I wouldn't go through with a hair transplant at this point. If I were you, I'd make an appointment with a psychologist and try to work through it that way first. I'm serious. My best friend's wife is one in Atlanta, and she helps people with image issues all the time.
  3. Thanks for the comments, and your general contributions to this forum. I'll be adding about 5000 hairs in about 18 hours so I'll be hoping I'm done. I feel pretty good b/c my dad was at least a NW7 by the time he had me at 30; and now I'm 42. I'm going to get me some Propecia and Rogaine as well, to go along with all the other meds my 42 yr. old body requires nowadays.....
  4. 300 miles; all interstate. I'm staying in a hotel tonight and Thursday night and then driving back Friday.
  5. in the chair high on valiums and whatever else they'll give me. My scar will be stitched up and I'll have tiny slits being cut into my head! I'm leaving for the drive at 1:00 or so today.
  6. in the chair high on valiums and whatever else they'll give me. My scar will be stitched up and I'll have tiny slits being cut into my head! I'm leaving for the drive at 1:00 or so today.
  7. I must admit to being a bit taken aback by the argument; as I've never really thought of it in these terms. Of course there is a difference between two men shaving their heads where one has a head full of hair and the other is balding. But, I still think the shaved head on a balding guy looks great if he meets a few requirements: mainly a good shape, thin, clean looking, etc. Most people I see with a shaved head I assume are thinning so there really is no need in my mind to think about the difference. The guys who look good, imo, are obviously thinning: M. Jordon, Andre Agassi, Willis, etc. But, their thinning is the main part of what makes it cool imo. They don't try and comb it over, cover it with a hat, conceal it, etc. It's like "I don't give a damn!" And to me, that makes a hell of a better man than David Beckham shaving his even though he's got a head full of hair.
  8. From my research, I think you can get a top-notch surgeon to perform the surgery at a rate of $4 or so per graft. So, the reason I said that is you posed a question if it's worth it. Now, if they said 3500 grafts for $25,000; I would suggest you go to Arizona, Virginia, North Carolina or Florida, instead of Canada. But, I know for about $14 - $16k they'll do 3500 grafts. It'd be worth it to me. Just check out that new thread on Nictronic. That would be worth $50k to me personally.
  9. 16inchscar: Today I went to this ribbon cutting of a new business in my community; and happened to meet this young boy of about 3 who was being held by an older sister. To me he looked to have a slight case of Downs Syndrome. I was heartbroken to find the young boy can't operate his legs either and when on the floor he has to sort of scoot around with his legs not really crossed, but sort of indian style nonetheless. I'm sure this boy will have struggles forever, but perhaps he might beat the odds and do some awesome things in his life. You can't let a bad hair job get you that down. Especially when there's probably a chance for correction. Here's your chance, man; time to rise up and be strong!
  10. A couple off the top of my head are Gravity, Dreaming (something....), Your body's a Wonderland, Daughters,... However, I like his music that is not normally played on the radio and I can't recall any names right now. If you bought one of his 3 or 4 cd's and listened to the whole thing, I think you would like it - if that's your type of music.
  11. Well, I'm not so much nervous about the procedure itself as I went through it years ago and I'm sure it's even less traumatic now with the new technology. I am anxious about my return to normal routines. I own my business and I'm usually not good at taking time off from work. (I can surf forums all day as long as I'm at least at work.... ), but I've always had a hard time taking time off. So, I wish I had about two weeks to lay low. I might try and work from home a few days next week but we'll see.
  12. I'm not the expert, but do you have some pics you can post? That will get some conversation going for sure.
  13. Yep, for sure. I think mine is a little misshaped and weird looking as well. It was the early 90's when I was losing it and a shaved head was definitely not in style then.
  14. You know, geography and price aren't supposed to be one of the top deciding factors; but we do live in a capitalistic society in which competition has definitely raise all our standard of living. Having said that, I'm traveling to North Carolina to get 2500 grafts for $9k. Now granted, that includes a 10% discount for certfied funds payment in advance. That price includes a two night stay at the luxurious Best Western of Charlotte..... So that is a little steep, imo.
  15. I guess the main difference is it will wash out with shampoo.....
  16. I concur with the above posts. I've said it before, but I have business contacts with a lot of wall street types in the investment business and quite a few of them wear shaved heads. I think it looks great, if: 1. You're not a fatass, 2. You dress sharp, 3. You don't let it bother you. Unfortunately, if you get a bad ht then shaving is out of the question. It's always amazed me at how some guys show no confidence, while others who shave their heads exude extreme confidence and it's like they don't know they are bald. (Remember the Seinfeld episode where Elaine's boyfriend sported a shaved head and said "I'm not bald, I just shave my head because I like the way it looks." When he let it grow out he became severely depressed that he was actually bald.) Anyway, congratulations!
  17. BTW, that doesn't look like all that bad of a job from the previous tp. Mine was in 1991 and it looks worse, and I've thought mine was ok for the time. I think a world-class surgeon could do wonders for you.
  18. Under the search function above, if you type in Dermmatch you'll find some true success stories - as well as amazing pictures. From what I understand, it takes some practice to get it right. Perhaps you are using too much, or it's too wet. I've been using it for two weeks and haven't had that problem. I've had other problems such as a reddish tint, unnatural feeling, etc. but not that one.
  19. Seeker: Check out some of the pics on this site under "Repair Work". You might even find some of Dr. Vogel himself. To me, repair work looks much fuller with fewer grafts than the same amt. on a virgin scalp. The reason is obvious, but my point is I was amazed at what 1,000, 1,500 or so grafts did for a head with a previous ht.
  20. You sort of look like me, from the top. I'm going under with Dr. Cooley on Thursday for 2,500. FWIW, he trained under Dr. Vogel according to the video of the interview with him on this site. But, I think 1500 would be worth the trouble and it might blend in with the existing tp you already have.
  21. I like the idea of not having to go back, or to a local clinic, to get them removed. However, I wonder if the dissolvable sutures might make it easier to stretch the scar, or perhaps get a tear from less streneous activity? Do they heal at the same rate? etc...
  22. From my research both are excellent. Where are you located? I know geography is on down the list but if you're in Central or South Florida, H&W are a long ways away; and you'd fly over some excellent docs on the way. Just my opinion.
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