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    • Bro this is elective surgery. No one needs a transplant. It is cosmetic. When you are a business you always try to find the sweet spot between price and demand to maximize profit. He isn't doing heart surgery plus there are thousands of other clinics?
    • To make our wait times shorter, we have to increase our prices. I mentioned the caliber of our clients because you noted that other doctors have treated World Cup winners. I won't brag about the types of clients we have had and are having. As I said, anyone who pays our fees is welcome and is treated equally. The costs of our location are indeed lower, and I can perform the surgery in less time than many others. Yes, we take higher profits, but I think that's fair if people are willing to pay for the work done by my hands because they see the difference. It's not greed; it's called business. If it were greed, we wouldn't be doing monthly free work for people with burns and other deformities. Now, I would like to ask you to excuse me. I will leave this discussion here. I've made my point clear, and you've made yours. It's fine to have a different opinion than I have. I genuinely wish you the best in life.
    • That’s as good as I’ll get them.  There is some sites of extraction visible but let’s see how it will come along. 
    • Another thing I would like to point out paying the highest prices does not guarantee better quality of design or results. Example Dr koray Erdogan from turkey the guy some of the greatest technology and clinics in the world along with huge team and marketing also personally connected to very very powerful families in Turkey. He charges 5.5 euros however with always almost double or treble graft numbers yet he's results are poor quality and really bad design. Dr Keser will 100 percent give you better results. In my opinion you are probably 20 to 40 percent than Dr Keser let's say for argument sake 100 percent better so if you charged 7euro per graft I could understand that.
    • Hello Dr. Thank you for your time and joining the debate.  What do you mean caliber of clients do you mean richer? We all wish you continued success and growth and better results. However just by saying our work is the best we will change prices every 1 to 3 months does not make sense. It is like Rolls Royce raising prices on their cars every other days cause they make the best cars this is lack of class and humility. While your prices are extremely high your operating times seem to be the lowest also you don't have anyone else participating with the operation other than 1 assistant so less overhead costs to you and from what I understand your location is not like a city centre. I'll give you another example Dr Keser charges 3.5 euro with great results but he does not do more than 700 grafts a day so it takes him 3 to 4 days on some procedure. From what I understand you easily do 2500 grafts a day and usually finish by 4pm yet charge about 40k euros do you not think that is excessive are you trying to buy the whole of Netherlands.
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