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4 month post FUI - Not very dense

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Exactly 4 months since surgery. I’ve seen lots of other peoples results at 4 months and their hair looked thicker than mine. There are gaps with no new hairs at all. Thoughts? 




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Way too early to tell and your current position looks perfectly in line with what most people will have at four months. If things haven't improved from here by 6 months then there could be an issue but as it stands, everything looks exactly on track.

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On average the regrowth just starts beginning at 3-4 months post-op, so based on the pics, your progress is above average. 


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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@Portugal every individual is different. Month wise result will vary from person to person. At month 4 mark, I think your result looks satisfactory. From now on it'll only get better. Best wishes 👍

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Some people grow hair sooner than others so stop comparing it with others. 4 months is pretty early to expect a lot of growth. Generally if a patient has no growth at  8-9 months is when they should start feeling concerned. So seeing a small amount of growth at month 4 is perfectly fine.

Give it more time and your results should get better and better.

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