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Potential Recommendation of Dr. Vladimir Panine of Chicago, IL

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Dear Forum Members,


As many of you know, we gather as much information as possible about a physician, their staff, technique and track record before they are even considered for recommendation on the Hair Transplant Network. Part of our review process involves getting input from patients and the members of this forum community. To learn more about this review process, click here.


I would appreciate this community's input on the potential recommendation of Dr. Vladimir Panine of River Grove, IL on the Hair Transplant Network. At this time, Dr. Panine is only being considered for recommendation, not the Coalition. To see our standards for recommendation, click here.


Dr. Panine of Chicago Hair Transplant Clinic has over 14 years of experience in surgical hair restoration and performs hair transplant surgery as the primary part of his practice. He and his experienced staff averaging 6 years of experience can perform over 3000 follicular unit grafts in a single session when appropriate for patient.


In addition to a showcase of impressive results, Pat Hennessey, Publisher of the Hair Transplant Network visited with Dr. Panine and observed him and his staff in live surgery last year. After observing Dr. Panine and his staff in surgery, Pat felt that his work was truly state of the art. Unfortunately due to technical issues, the photos taken by Pat during his visit were lost and thus, highlights from Pat's visit have not been posted. However, to see photo examples of Dr. Panine and his staff performing surgery, click here.


Adaptability and flexibility are vital ingredients Dr. Panine includes to produce a successful and natural looking hair transplant. Dr. Panine creates a combination of parallel (sagital) and perpendicular (coronal/lateral) incisions at an appropriate angle to mimic the patient's natural direction of hair growth. Dr. Panine typically densely packs up to 40 FU/cm2 when appropriate depending on the patient's goals and area of baldness. He believes it's better to add additional density in a second procedure to protect the scalp's vascularity and maximize hair growth yield from the first procedure.


Dr. Panine uses minimally invasive techniques to ensure minimal trauma to the scalp and maximum growth yield. Dr. Panine harvests the donor strip using a single blade to minimize transection and uses the trichophytic closure technique exclusively to minimize the appearance of the scar. By using a single running stitch with individual sutures in between, Dr. Panine feels he can minimize tension on the wound and create an optimal scar. Dr. Panine's experienced staff carefully trims all follicular units under microscopes and inserts them into tiny recipient incisions made by Dr. Panine.


Given Dr. Panine's and his staff's extensive experience and dedication to state of the art hair transplantation, I believe he should be considered for recommendation. To view our standards for recommendation, click here.


View some of their patient and surgical photos below:


4152 Grafts in two sessions with Dr. Panine


3059 Grafts with Dr. Panine


3223 Grafts with Dr. Panine


4672 Grafts in two sessions with Dr. Panine


2575 Grafts with Dr. Panine


1495 Grafts with Dr. Panine


2452 Grafts with Dr. Panine


2880 Grafts with Dr. Panine


Surgical Album Demonstrating Surgery ??“ 2790 Grafts


I welcome input and comments from forum members regarding his potential recommendation.


Best wishes,



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  • Senior Member

100%; he's presented some very impressive work in a professional manner, and I have zero reservations about giving a blessing to Dr. Panine's clinic. I only hope that once recommended Dr. Panine continues his level of involvement, as it has definitely been a benefit to the community and potential patients.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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I do have two questions for Dr. Panine that I hope he will answer:


1. Does he perform FUE? And, if so, how long has he been performing it, does he have any examples of his FUE work, what size/type punch does he use, and what does he charge for it?


2. The patient who received 2,425 grafts is listed as a 27 year old Class 3V and Dr. Panine restored his crown. Why? My understanding is that at that age, and with such a large bald crown, the likelihood that the patient will progress to a NW 6+ is very likely. What if the patient runs out of donor and cannot keep up with his hair loss? Even if this was discussed with the patient, and the patient decided he wanted a crown restoration, shouldn't the physician refuse to do something that might endanger the patient down the road?

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  • Senior Member

just b/c he has that much loss now does not guarantee he will be a nw6 plus. grant it, it is a good question and there is a good chance he might but nothing is a guarantee. propecia can maintain what he has for a very long time.

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  • Senior Member

I remember awhile back seeing a few iffy results from Dr. Panine. But since then, most if not all his results have been looking really great. And his photo documentation has been thorough as well. I would support his recommendation.


One has to wonder what PGP would have to say... icon_confused.gif

Dr. G: 1,000 grafts (FUT) 2008

Dr. Paul Shapiro: 2,348 grafts (FUT) 2009 ~ 1,999 grafts (FUT) 2011 ~ 300 grafts (Scar Reduction) 2013

Dr. Konior: 771 grafts (FUT) 2015 ~ 558 grafts (FUT) 2017 ~ 1,124 grafts (FUE) 2020

My Hair Transplant Journey with Shapiro Medical Group

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  • Senior Member

Indeed, aaron....I was extremely skeptical when first introduced to Dr. Panine, but have been universally impressed since, and agree with you that their documentation is thorough and upper tier in quality.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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You're right. I too was iffy about his results when they were first presented. Frankly, Pat and I felt that some of the pictures Stuart initially presented wasn't indicative of the regular work he's performing today.


It was also clear that their photo quality and presentation was less than optimal. Over the last year Stuart took my advice and began taking and presenting better quality and more realistic photos. In my opinion, the kinds of photos Stuart has been presenting recently better demonstrate the artistry and skill of Dr. Panine and his staff today.


All the Best,



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I can answer some of your questions though obviously Dr. Panine's clinic is welcome to jump in.


Dr. Panine does provide FUE and uses punches ranging between .8mm and 1mm depending on the individual. His FUE procedures typically max out around 700 daily. I'm not sure however, how long he's been providing FUE as an option.


Regarding the restored crown on the patient who received 2452 grafts, it seems like a good move. Obviously, there are always risks of future hair loss however, the number of grafts uses were minimal, and frankly, it doesn't take a lot of grafts in the crown to cover baldness. To create density in the crown however, is another story and requires a significant number of grafts.


That said, assuming this patient has good donor laxity and density, he should be in good shape for subsequent procedures if necessary. Hopefully he's on Propecia and/or Rogaine to help slow down or stop future loss.


All the Best,



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  • Senior Member

Dear TC17,


My name is Vladimir V Panine, MD and it is a great honor to be introduced to the community which guards integrity of hair restoration.

In answer to your questions, I have been performing hair restoration procedures since 1994 (Birmingham, Alabama Meeting) and FUE procedures for the past three years. Our next photo album will be that of a patient with "plugs" from overseas corrected with a series of FUE procedures, including FUE from the chest.

Bill has mentioned already that we use titanium punches 0.8mm to 1.0mm in diameter and top out at @ 700 grafts per session. Our clinic charges $ 10 per FUE graft.

In regards to the second question, the patient who received 2452 grafts in the crown area has a high posterior fringe (donor area), excellent donor laxity and density. Patient's hair loss is stable over the past three years and he faithfully takes Propecia ( he started 6 months prior to procedure). If a decade ago we would have hesitated to perform surgery, today due to the advent of Propecia we felt that the risk/reward for this 27 year old patient was worth it.

In conclusion, my excellent staff and myself would like to thank reviewers for positive and encouraging comments about our results and our clinic. We will continue to post our results on a weekly/monthly basis and look forward to working with the community.

I am employed as the patient coordinator and office manager for Chicago Hair Transplant Clinic. Feel free to ask me any questions.


Dr. Panine is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians


I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be interperted as medical advice

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  • Regular Member

I have observed and worked with Dr. Vladimir Panine and have found his expertise and staffing to be excellent in providing consistent surgical results. His artistry and command in the operating room provide his patients with comfort and excellent care. I defiantly support his recommendation. Dr. Christopher Gencheff

Dr. Gencheff is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network
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Thanks to everyone who took the time to offer their input on the potential recommendation of Dr. Vladimir Panine.


After carefully considering all the evidence we acquired including the impressive results presented on this community over the last year, Pat's review of his evaluation of Dr. Panine and his staff in live surgery, and feedback from the patient and physician members of this community, I believe that Dr. Panine deserves to be recommended on the Hair Transplant Network.


He is now recommended and his profile can be viewed on the Hair Transplant Network.


Best wishes,



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  • 1 month later...

Im a little late heading into this discussion, especially as a decision has already been made. But I would still like to add my thoughts. Primarily, to congratulate Dr Panine for his inclusion on the recommended list of Dr's here on this network. I am also in full support of his inclusion, and feel that his results and documentation are very good. Im very interested in viewing more of his work and gaining patients experiences.

Again, congratulations. May your relationship with this community continue and prospur.


Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcH4PY1OxoYFwSDKzAkZRww

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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