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Everything posted by Leeson

  1. I'm sure Bill has my old blog saved if he'd like to chime in.
  2. Unfortunately not...over 19 years ago. it was general thinning in the front when I turned 21. My front was thick, but the sides and behind forelock had noticeable thinning. Latham's in Alabama has photos when I went to them for TP 2 after first doc messed up.
  3. I think the first doc in 1994 stated I was a norwood 5A.
  4. Yea, it was at the sides of the front and went back...general thinning going back half way. I also take Avodart.
  5. Hey all, I know I haven't been on the site in years. Basically, I moved from Alabama to Los Angeles in 2009 and had work done in January 2009 from Dr. Hasson and just thought I should check back in and let you know not one person has ever detected I had a transplant and have a full head of hair. Just thought I should give HW a shout. Feel guilty not checkin in with my bretherens on this site after I went through 8 former TP's with other docs. Thanks Dr. Hasson. Leeson
  6. John, Your hair is fine, the flash can do weird things. It can make a thinning man appear to have a full head of hair and vice versa. Your at an age where you worry about lose and can have hypervilgilence. The most extreme move I'd take is what the others suggested and take FDA meds, but do not entertain the idea of a HT. Your not losing your hair! L
  7. Nice result, nice transformation, I have to say. Sparky: Every time I try to post on the bald truth about a certain doc (not Armani) it never gets posted, but then again, none of my post are approved. Maybe I filled out something wrong, IDK.
  8. Joe told me (after Customs seized my shampoo) that any shampoo is fine, but don't use conditioner.
  9. I've done that before. sometimes a grouping will be in the hairline, so you have to pluck it out. Definitely post some pics and we'll do our best to advise you. Leeson
  10. Very, very, very nice! Did I mention it was very nice?
  11. I do agree with the yield being FAR less than expected. you still look totally natural, but I do agree with the sub-par yield.
  12. I appreciate your contribution as well!!! Your good peeps
  13. Thanks Dr. Carman! I think this is a good discussion. That does worry me the spotting scars that would show from FUE. And I guess if you tanned, then the scarring would be even more pronounced. Oh and Sparky, I think Dr. Rahal has been training with Dr. Feller in FUE, correct me if I'm wrong.
  14. BTW. ScottishGuy, your looking good, your looking real good!
  15. I think drs. Feller and Shapiro should input on this topic, as many seem to be intereseted in this, including myself.
  16. If the nape thins out, you lost a few hundred hairs...but what if it doesn't? Risk vs. reward. if the nape goes, then use regular hairs. My nape grows like crazy also Ryan. Instead of trimming the hairs, utilize them!
  17. So, enjoy the 10 years...then get regular hairs transplanted if it thins out. case closed...a few hundred hairs.
  18. I'd like more discussion about this. When you look at the hairline characteristics used from HT vs. temple point fine hairs, it's so obvious when you compare. If there were softer hairs to use; I think fue might be the only way to go with the hairline. I'm not saying arm hair, but maybe nape exclusively.
  19. YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME! what are you still doing on this forum? Go enjoy life now, and that's an order! You look awesome!!!
  20. You are a NW3 V (barely). Even though you have no history of balding, hairloss has attacked many here with no history of HL. Meds will usually halt the progression. It could progress over 15 years or over 1 year (it can be quick sometimes). It is a difficult thing to predict. I started losing my hair at 21 y/o and look like I have a full head of hair and w/o avodart, I would look awful (That you can take to the hairbank!). I started propecia at 25 and avodart in nov. 2002 and haven't look back. First thing is to HALT your hairloss, then evaluate. BTW, I had no sides on propecia, and with avodart, I'm still fine. Like I said, you need to stabilize your HL then talk about number of grafts. Once you do, maybe 2,800 - 3000 for hairline and crown, but I can't stress enough about halting the crown. You should start (after meds at least 9 months to 12) with the hairline with around 2000-2500 and see if propecia regrows the crown, as I feel it will!!! Still wait until 9 months and see if Propecia help with the front before doing a HT.
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