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What would you do if you were me? Thinking of booking hair transplant for next year. Diffuse Thinner. Cannot take Fin or Min.

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If I say I don't think about this every day, I would be lying.  It's gotten to the point that I feel that even at work I feel down and insecure.  I look at myself in work meetings on video calls or in the mirror, and I just know everyone is thinking about my hair.  

I tried Finasteride, I got too anxious and had to stop taking it. I tried minoxidil, it was going okay for a month and a bit but then had huge anxiety attacks at night and then had to stop which was a shame.

I am now slowly waiting for my hair to get to a point where it is so bad, that I can then start a hair transplant knowing I may need a top up one in a few years time. I just wanted your thoughts on all of this, because I think that time is now.

If you know anyone in my similar situation, or if this is possible and I am okay to proceed, please let me know, I really feel down.  The ironic part, it is the front where it is receding quite rapidly.




Edited by Hairtroubles
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1 minute ago, Hairtroubles said:

I tried Finasteride, I got too anxious and had to stop taking it. I tried minoxidil, it was going okay for a month and a bit but then had huge anxiety attacks at night and then had to stop which was a shame.

What?! Did you diagnose yourself or did you seek medical help for any of the issues? 

im not sure how finasteride/minox is correlated to this. Unless, you have some chemical imbalance that either drug would somehow impede. 

Follow my first hair transplant journey

3,252 Grafts a minimum of 6,712 hairs June 2022


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8 minutes ago, Vann said:

What?! Did you diagnose yourself or did you seek medical help for any of the issues? 

im not sure how finasteride/minox is correlated to this. Unless, you have some chemical imbalance that either drug would somehow impede. 

I kid you not, I went on finasteride without even researching it, didn't know the side effects.  Was at work and felt absolutely horrible 8 days in and had to get sent home, wasn't on anything else except fin.  Stopped it and never looked back after researching it after that.  

Minoxidil Liquid was given to me after seeing a hair doctor and it caused serious heart palpitations.

I am more interested in knowing if my hair is in a place to receive a transplant (do not want to be on fin or min).  I have seen people do this before on this forum so would like your guys thoughts?

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Just now, Hairtroubles said:

I kid you not, I went on finasteride without even researching it, didn't know the side effects.  Was at work and felt absolutely horrible 8 days in and had to get sent home, wasn't on anything else except fin.  Stopped it and never looked back after researching it after that.  

Minoxidil Liquid was given to me after seeing a hair doctor and it caused serious heart palpitations.

Interesting… I don’t know any medications that affect people immediately but I won’t say anything further.

if I was in your position, I would seek medical therapies once more and tell your doctor what you experienced. Perhaps, try to stick it out or micro dose (fin) would probably be something you could try. 

there are alternatives like medicated shampoo (which I’m personally not a fan of since you have to let it sit on your scalp for approx 3-6 mins just to reach dermis), PRP (can be costly and would need to be reapplied throughout the year), derma rolling, and a few others. But none of these are as effective as finasteride. Most of these can be adjunct to fin/minox. But since you are experiencing said side effects I would seek your doctors consult and perhaps get a second opinion (whether a surgeon or another derm) 

I also experienced some form of heart palpitations on minoxidil but not as quick as you… it took me about 8-9 months before I felt anything, but then again everyone is different. 

It’s strange to me that anxiety would be led to fin usage. But from my pov you’re in your head too much whenever starting medication or trying to tackle an issue you have been dealt with. It’s always nerve wracking to address something you have been dealing with for awhile, especially, one that helps your confidence or self-esteem. 

nonetheless, try to explore medical options once more before any surgical ones. 

Follow my first hair transplant journey

3,252 Grafts a minimum of 6,712 hairs June 2022


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Shave your head. 

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You need to go for several small procedures. First one would be hairline and gulfs temple. Being conservative with it.

Second, filling it gently the midscalp and crown.

Then, when all of your native hairs are gone, go for one more to give more general density.

The most important is to find a surgeon that will give you a proper planning of the future.

Finasteride is a gamble to me, at the end of the day, it is how much you care for your hair. I personally do, a lot. But still, no fin for me. I'd definitely do it if non balding guys had no DHT or just less DHT than those with male pattern baldness. But since they have the same amount, and it is just balding men who have genetic hair sensitivity to it, I won't give it a chance. Although I'm sure it's working well for many.

I don't really believe in the nocebo effect. There have been studies showing that peppermint oil or rosemary oil are just as effective as minoxidil 5%, however reports of people trying are quite negative. Why no placebo effects then? I could give more exemples.

Also, minoxidil gives sexual side effects as well, and most of people who got them (me included) had absolutely no knowledge of this potential sides from minoxidil. You scroll online, you'd find only heart palpitations, hypertrichosis, headache, rash, anxiety etc. (and I got none of it, funnily enough)

So, this nocebo effect is mostly people saying that to reassure themselves that nothing will happen to them. One of the other stuff they will say is usually that it is revealing that you have underlying condition etc are you sure you haven't check your hormones, do you have diabete blablabla. They are worried, they don't need other people talking about negative experience cause they care too much for their hair and really need the drug.

I absolutely agree that fin and minox can give amazing results, and for some, no sides, and that's amazing for them, but the fact that the ones who have sides have either underlying conditions or nocebo effect is just straight up BS.


Edited by Rasputin
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2 hours ago, Vann said:

Interesting… I don’t know any medications that affect people immediately but I won’t say anything further.

if I was in your position, I would seek medical therapies once more and tell your doctor what you experienced. Perhaps, try to stick it out or micro dose (fin) would probably be something you could try. 

there are alternatives like medicated shampoo (which I’m personally not a fan of since you have to let it sit on your scalp for approx 3-6 mins just to reach dermis), PRP (can be costly and would need to be reapplied throughout the year), derma rolling, and a few others. But none of these are as effective as finasteride. Most of these can be adjunct to fin/minox. But since you are experiencing said side effects I would seek your doctors consult and perhaps get a second opinion (whether a surgeon or another derm) 

I also experienced some form of heart palpitations on minoxidil but not as quick as you… it took me about 8-9 months before I felt anything, but then again everyone is different. 

It’s strange to me that anxiety would be led to fin usage. But from my pov you’re in your head too much whenever starting medication or trying to tackle an issue you have been dealt with. It’s always nerve wracking to address something you have been dealing with for awhile, especially, one that helps your confidence or self-esteem. 

nonetheless, try to explore medical options once more before any surgical ones. 

Thanks for you post. Yeah, It seemed to have an effect on me. 

I really do not want to take medical therapies, I have read so much about finasteride and I think I just can't take it knowing the stories I know.  I cannot take that risk.

What is the medical shampoo you are talking about, Nizoral?

Really, sorry to hear about your sides with Min, did you stay on it and persist?

I am thinking of trying rosemary oil and castor oil.

In your opinion, looking at my pictures, do you think I am in the clear for a hair transplant.

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47 minutes ago, Rasputin said:

You need to go for several small procedures. First one would be hairline and gulfs temple. Being conservative with it.

Second, filling it gently the midscalp and crown.

Then, when all of your native hairs are gone, go for one more to give more general density.

The most important is to find a surgeon that will give you a proper planning of the future.

Finasteride is a gamble to me, at the end of the day, it is how much you care for your hair. I personally do, a lot. But still, no fin for me. I'd definitely do it if non balding guys had no DHT or just less DHT than those with male pattern baldness. But since they have the same amount, and it is just balding men who have genetic hair sensitivity to it, I won't give it a chance. Although I'm sure it's working well for many.

I don't really believe in the nocebo effect. There have been studies showing that peppermint oil or rosemary oil are just as effective as minoxidil 5%, however reports of people trying are quite negative. Why no placebo effects then? I could give more exemples.

Also, minoxidil gives sexual side effects as well, and most of people who got them (me included) had absolutely no knowledge of this potential sides from minoxidil. You scroll online, you'd find only heart palpitations, hypertrichosis, headache, rash, anxiety etc. (and I got none of it, funnily enough)

So, this nocebo effect is mostly people saying that to reassure themselves that nothing will happen to them. One of the other stuff they will say is usually that it is revealing that you have underlying condition etc are you sure you haven't check your hormones, do you have diabete blablabla. They are worried, they don't need other people talking about negative experience cause they care too much for their hair and really need the drug.

I absolutely agree that fin and minox can give amazing results, and for some, no sides, and that's amazing for them, but the fact that the ones who have sides have either underlying conditions or nocebo effect is just straight up BS.


Hey man, 

Thanks for your message, appreciate this.  So you think I would need three transplants?  Surely I could get one big one now for 3,000 grafts filling in the crown and front of hair, that is what I was quoted from a very reputable hair transplant surgeon who the forum highly rate.  Yes, she is aware I am not taking fin.

I care a lot for my hair, just like you, but I cannot take the risk with Fin, I am terrified of it.  I don't understand when you say this, can you explain "I'd definitely do it if non balding guys had no DHT or just less DHT than those with male pattern baldness. But since they have the same amount, and it is just balding men who have genetic hair sensitivity to it, I won't give it a chance. Although I'm sure it's working well for many."

When you mention Rosemary Oil, are you saying that people quitting that had side effects, because I was just about to try it tonight.  Do you think Rosemary oil and castor oil works, I read it is the same as minoxidil.

So I am curious, have you had a hair transplant, whats your story, what are you currently doing now, will you do a HT without fin or min, and what do you think I should do.

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Hey, well, I am going to answer in several posts I think, keeping my situation for later when I have more time, I will make a post to update on my 4th procedure.

Just to make things clear, I don't want to discourage anyone using fin or minox, everyone's story is different, even though when it comes to our hair restoration stories, we all have similarities and can relate to one other.

I don't think you necessary need 3 hair transplant. It could be less, or more. If you look at Dr Zarev or Dr Pittella (but others as well) they can get results in one giga session. But that's more indicated if you're already a solid norwood 6 / 7.

Also, it's prudent to see how is your scalp growing transplanted hair and not waste all your grafts in one go. Even though the surgeon is an excellent one, who knows what can happen? So that's just a safe way of restoration, but not necessary your only option. Do you mind sharing which surgeon recommand you the 3000 grafts? You don' t have to.

No, for rosemary oil, I wasn't talking about sides, but saying that studies showed that it is as effective as minoxidil, but people's experience says otherwise. So, I wanted to minimize the prevalence of placebo / nocebo effects. But feel free to try and keep us updated on that. My opinion is that it's not really useful. I had great success with essential oils to treat skin infection for exemple, so I'm not saying it is not useful, but for hair loss... I don't know.

The drugs will be much more efficient, but that's also why there is much risks of sides.

My sides on minox appeared after months of using it (6 or 7, not sure). Actually, it was only one side effect I noticed: watery semen. It went from creamy and healthy to few watery drops. Never ever had this in my whole life. I didn't change anything else, lifestyle, diet etc... So I linked that to minoxidil quite easily. I used it for one year and few months. Results were good on the beard, average for the scalp.

Now, I know some might say, well that's not libido issues, not erectile dysfunction, but still, it is quite disturbing to say the least.

It's been one year I stopped approximately and I think I'm slowly recovering, I'm not sure, but I hope. It's gonna be really slow anyway, seeing how it goes. This side effect is mostly common with finasteride, I'm really really surprised this happened to me. And that's why also I wanted to minimize this so called nocebo, because never would I thought that minox could give me this.

I had 3 fue procedures, the first one aged 22, unfortunately, the yield from all this procedure wasn't good. Although, it could be much worst. I had in total 4000 grafts, and considering I'm a norwood 6, what I have is not that bad. But for exemple, I saw some results from Dr Konior with only 4000 grafts on norwood 6 that are much much better than mine. But at least most of the hair I have are transplanted and still strong (even 10 years after my first surgery)

I'm planning to get a 4th one to get a whole coverage, with possibly body hair if need be.

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1 hour ago, Hairtroubles said:

Hey man, 

Thanks for your message, appreciate this.  So you think I would need three transplants?  Surely I could get one big one now for 3,000 grafts filling in the crown and front of hair, that is what I was quoted from a very reputable hair transplant surgeon who the forum highly rate.  Yes, she is aware I am not taking fin.

I care a lot for my hair, just like you, but I cannot take the risk with Fin, I am terrified of it.  I don't understand when you say this, can you explain "I'd definitely do it if non balding guys had no DHT or just less DHT than those with male pattern baldness. But since they have the same amount, and it is just balding men who have genetic hair sensitivity to it, I won't give it a chance. Although I'm sure it's working well for many."

When you mention Rosemary Oil, are you saying that people quitting that had side effects, because I was just about to try it tonight.  Do you think Rosemary oil and castor oil works, I read it is the same as minoxidil.

So I am curious, have you had a hair transplant, whats your story, what are you currently doing now, will you do a HT without fin or min, and what do you think I should do.

Ah, I meant that if the fact that we were balding was due to having a bigger amount of DHT than men who are not balding, then to me that would make sense to use finasteride to lower DHT. But that's unfortunately not the reason we're balding. It is just our follicle sensitivity to DHT. So, by suppressing it, obviously, it would make the fall slow down, or even stop, but that's not really going to the root cause. The root cause is not DHT, but the follicle sensitivity to it.

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4 hours ago, Hairtroubles said:


If I say I don't think about this every day, I would be lying.  It's gotten to the point that I feel that even at work I feel down and insecure.  I look at myself in work meetings on video calls or in the mirror, and I just know everyone is thinking about my hair.  

I tried Finasteride, I got too anxious and had to stop taking it. I tried minoxidil, it was going okay for a month and a bit but then had huge anxiety attacks at night and then had to stop which was a shame.

I am now slowly waiting for my hair to get to a point where it is so bad, that I can then start a hair transplant knowing I may need a top up one in a few years time. I just wanted your thoughts on all of this, because I think that time is now.

If you know anyone in my similar situation, or if this is possible and I am okay to proceed, please let me know, I really feel down.  The ironic part, it is the front where it is receding quite rapidly.




OP, i do not say this lightly, but you would very likely be a poor candidate for a hair transplant at this moment in time. Particularly given your diffuse pattern of loss. 

If you got the frontal hairline done, there's no telling if the middle island will be there in the future. Given your lack of medication tolerance with how you described things, o your best option if you do genuinely want to have the visuals of hair is to get a hair system. Shaving your head and getting used to the look is also an option but not one i personally like and i'm sure that's not your first choice either given you're looking for help. 

Regarding your side affects, i personally am not a medical professional but i would suggest perhaps getting assistance. Anxiety is not exactly a well known side affect to occur. Potentially having gone looking for side affects, it is possible you may also inadvertently have put yourself in a mental state that made you feel hyper sensitive rather than actual symptoms of the medication. 

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3 hours ago, Hairtroubles said:

Thanks for you post. Yeah, It seemed to have an effect on me. 

I really do not want to take medical therapies, I have read so much about finasteride and I think I just can't take it knowing the stories I know.  I cannot take that risk.

What is the medical shampoo you are talking about, Nizoral?

Really, sorry to hear about your sides with Min, did you stay on it and persist?

I am thinking of trying rosemary oil and castor oil.

In your opinion, looking at my pictures, do you think I am in the clear for a hair transplant.

Based off your age and slow onset hairloss I would expect it to continue and not stop. I am not sure of your gentics but i would always assume the worst so you can plan for the best solution in the future. I will not be able to say since i am not a medical expert, but I think you should shave your head to see what you look like bald and accept the hairloss. If you are not willing to commit to taking medications I cant imagine the mental aspects you would have when losing hair in the future and exhausting all your possible outcomes to not get the type of result you want.

I will never recommend anyone to get surgery without exhausting every single available resource prior to making any last efforts. Yes a hair transplant is possible and I am sure there are surgeons ethical or not that will take your case but remember by the time you would lose all your hair they would most likely retire and not care about the results after (not every surgeon but there are those that exist).


In terms of medical therapies I think you should talk to your doctor because if you live in the U.S. some of those drugs you talked about are prescribed and if an ethical doctor prescribed you a drug I don't think they would recommend you taking it if it outweights the benefits you could get. There are a few medical shampoos that were originally intended to combat skin conditions (dermatitis, dandruff, dry skin, etc) there are ketoconazole types and more.

I workout a lot and would dermaroll minox which it would get further into my skin. I do not think that the minoxidil itself could penetrate the amount but after I started dermarolling my skin became more responsive to it. I cant say for sure that I stayed on it for a full year, but I believe it was close to 9-14 months (where after 9 months I wasnt persisent in applying it).

Nonetheless, some of the alternatives you have mentioned are no where close to taking the other top medical therapies that are recommended by doctors, surgeons, and other on the forum. I would say talk to a derm and evaluate your options (or any medical professional that is in the field). 

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3,252 Grafts a minimum of 6,712 hairs June 2022


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Try using topical fin and remaining calm.  If applying minoxidil is causing you to have major panic attacks, I think hair loss is the least of your problems.  Consider seeing a psychiatrist.  Seriously, I'm not saying this to be a jerk, but panic attacks over minoxidil use makes it seem like you genuinely may have an issue.  That level of anxiety is not conducive to undergoing a hair transplant - which involves many months of waiting to see a result that is permanent and which you spent thousands of dollars on and months recovering from.

Edited by John1991
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7 hours ago, Rasputin said:

You need to go for several small procedures. First one would be hairline and gulfs temple. Being conservative with it.

Second, filling it gently the midscalp and crown.

Then, when all of your native hairs are gone, go for one more to give more general density.

The most important is to find a surgeon that will give you a proper planning of the future.

Finasteride is a gamble to me, at the end of the day, it is how much you care for your hair. I personally do, a lot. But still, no fin for me. I'd definitely do it if non balding guys had no DHT or just less DHT than those with male pattern baldness. But since they have the same amount, and it is just balding men who have genetic hair sensitivity to it, I won't give it a chance. Although I'm sure it's working well for many.

I don't really believe in the nocebo effect. There have been studies showing that peppermint oil or rosemary oil are just as effective as minoxidil 5%, however reports of people trying are quite negative. Why no placebo effects then? I could give more exemples.

Also, minoxidil gives sexual side effects as well, and most of people who got them (me included) had absolutely no knowledge of this potential sides from minoxidil. You scroll online, you'd find only heart palpitations, hypertrichosis, headache, rash, anxiety etc. (and I got none of it, funnily enough)

So, this nocebo effect is mostly people saying that to reassure themselves that nothing will happen to them. One of the other stuff they will say is usually that it is revealing that you have underlying condition etc are you sure you haven't check your hormones, do you have diabete blablabla. They are worried, they don't need other people talking about negative experience cause they care too much for their hair and really need the drug.

I absolutely agree that fin and minox can give amazing results, and for some, no sides, and that's amazing for them, but the fact that the ones who have sides have either underlying conditions or nocebo effect is just straight up BS.


Nocebo effect is as real as placebo, to deny it means you have zero knowledge of biology. 

There’s a reason pharma companies spend millions conducting double blinded randomised placebo controlled trials even for extremely serious diseases 🤦‍♀️If nocebo didn’t exist , big pharma is very nasty and WHO as well to not give some poor sobs effective treatment who even end up dying. 

Come on we’re in 2022 not the dark ages. Let’s not devolve our knowledge, huh?

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I blame this kind of perspective from all the ads and publicity for hair transplants out there. With all those pictures with peeps of high norwood ,, all

of sudden have awesome hair .. believe me it ain’t that easy n it’s only achievable by a select few ., that took years n many surgeries to accomplish those results .. 

I felt the same way … 5-6k grafts n im

good.. but nah after I had my first hair transplant with hasson for 2500

grafts just to the hairline .. it turned out fine .. but damn I realized right there.. if I were ever to go balder than 5.. I’m gonna be fukked up .. because 2500 grafts just to the hairline n there still don’t seem to be much hair .. there is no way another 4k-6k grafts will ever give me back my fuller hair .. it’s just an illusion so it doesn’t like bald .. but the fullness n density is not even close to half of ur current hair .. so the hairs u have now u should treasure them ..  it don’t look Great n obviously thinning n receding .. but them hairs u got left is still worth about $30-40k worth of hair that u ain’t even trying to retain with meds n stuff .. so  u going to be spending $30-50k just to have the same hair u have now .. if u were to be completely bald right now . 

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  • Senior Member
9 hours ago, Hairtroubles said:


If I say I don't think about this every day, I would be lying.  It's gotten to the point that I feel that even at work I feel down and insecure.  I look at myself in work meetings on video calls or in the mirror, and I just know everyone is thinking about my hair.  

I tried Finasteride, I got too anxious and had to stop taking it. I tried minoxidil, it was going okay for a month and a bit but then had huge anxiety attacks at night and then had to stop which was a shame.

I am now slowly waiting for my hair to get to a point where it is so bad, that I can then start a hair transplant knowing I may need a top up one in a few years time. I just wanted your thoughts on all of this, because I think that time is now.

If you know anyone in my similar situation, or if this is possible and I am okay to proceed, please let me know, I really feel down.  The ironic part, it is the front where it is receding quite rapidly.




Try lower dose of fin. But if you can’t, it’s not the end of life. Nobody takes fin for life anyway neither should they. 

I don’t understand what’s the issue. Go for a HT, if you’ve beard hair you can use those.

You seem to be developing into NW5 but it could just stay in this nw3-4 pattern. What’s your age. 

You are depressed for nothing man, there’s balder nw7 people here who got a new lease on life. If you get an HT now you will enjoy few years then get another when hairloss progresses 

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I say this in the spirit of support. But I don't think you are a candidate for a hair transplant. Unrealistic expectations (what are your expectations?) and high anxiety do not bode well with surgery. Also you need to be aware that there is no 'safe' zone as was once thought years ago and the donor hair is subject to miniaturization. Just by reading your thread you sound like you would be too anxious to wear a hair piece (which is a legitimate option). Shaving your head and SMP is a good option. Is this something you could feel relaxed about? All the best!

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Try topical fin once every few days

 2,000 grafts FUT Dr. Feller, July 27th 2012. 23 years old at the time. Excellent result. Need crown sorted eventually but concealer works well for now.

Propecia and minoxidil since 2010. Fine for 8 years - bad sides after switching to Aindeem in 2018.

Switched to topical fin/minox combo from Minoxidil Max in October 2020, along with dermarolling 1x a week.

Wrote a book for newbies called Beating Hair Loss, available on Amazon

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5 hours ago, LookMaxx said:

Nocebo effect is as real as placebo, to deny it means you have zero knowledge of biology. 

There’s a reason pharma companies spend millions conducting double blinded randomised placebo controlled trials even for extremely serious diseases 🤦‍♀️If nocebo didn’t exist , big pharma is very nasty and WHO as well to not give some poor sobs effective treatment who even end up dying. 

Come on we’re in 2022 not the dark ages. Let’s not devolve our knowledge, huh?

Then go ahead and use Regenix to regrow your hair like Matthew McConaghey, it works or it will give you placebo effect anyway considering it worked for him.

Explaining all of side effects just with nocebo effect is just showing that YOU don't understand anything about biology. 

I don't deny neither placebo neither nocebo, but explaining anything based on that is absolute ignorance.

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steps I would take in your position

1. Shave and see how you like it

2. Augment with SMP if you dont

3. Wait for new meds (Pyri) or use safer current meds (Dutasteride Meso or Xyon Finasteride) if you still want hair

4. Wait a couple years to see what your final pattern is/stabilisation & if your donor seems alright go to Eugenix

5. Hair system? Accept your fate





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20 hours ago, Vann said:

I also experienced some form of heart palpitations on minoxidil but not as quick as you… it took me about 8-9 months before I felt anything, but then again everyone is different.


I tried Minoxidil years ago. I got the heart palpitations within 45 minutes of using it. I used it a few times before I realized it was the Minoxidil doing it. I though I was having a heart attack. Stopping the Minoxidil stopped the problems.


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(formerly BeHappy)

I am a paid forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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3 hours ago, BeHappy said:


I tried Minoxidil years ago. I got the heart palpitations within 45 minutes of using it. I used it a few times before I realized it was the Minoxidil doing it. I though I was having a heart attack. Stopping the Minoxidil stopped the problems.


Some will say nocebo ! The internet and youtube is not helping people sometimes watching too much of Haircafe channel 

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Let me tell you something though @Hairtroubles

Many here on this forum and not on this forum had decent / good / incredible results while being botched in their first, even seconds procedures (for some it's even more).

You are lucky that you never underwent any procedure so far, and you are here so we can help you. If you want a hair transplant, then go for it, just consult reputed surgeons, and I gave you a list in private. Their feedback will be of great help.

The point of norwoods 6 and 7 is just to have a decent beard to add to the top, because of the fact that you won't have enough grafts from the safe zone. So, just talk about it to the surgeons and come back here with several feedbacks.


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3 hours ago, Rasputin said:
7 hours ago, BeHappy said:


I tried Minoxidil years ago. I got the heart palpitations within 45 minutes of using it. I used it a few times before I realized it was the Minoxidil doing it. I though I was having a heart attack. Stopping the Minoxidil stopped the problems.


Some will say nocebo ! The internet and youtube is not helping people sometimes watching too much of Haircafe channel 


It certainly wasn't that in my case. I didn't even know it was Minoxidil. I only knew it was something the clinic gave me to help my hair grow. This was back in the 80s when Minox just came out. I had to ask them what it was when I started suspecting it was the cause my my aching chest pains.


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(formerly BeHappy)

I am a paid forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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