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I have Finasteride Sides, should probably stop and had a FUE previously

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2 minutes ago, davidn said:

yeah sry. Why do you need these photos? I am heavily balding in the crown right now, that's it.


Well to be able to answer if you need meds in the first place, if you are just going norwood 5 you might be able to have good hair without finasteride. You should not take finasteride with these sides, so just trying to help you.

These photos are not so good so I cant really say, I guess you can check up the norwood scale yourself, atleast I tried.

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15 minutes ago, Berba11 said:

For three years?? I get that you weren't sexually active (with a partner), but had you really gone all that time without noticing this?

A friend of mine (and I actually do mean a mate - I'm not talking about me here!) struggles to get wood with his partner(s) but has no problem by himself. It's clearly some sort of psychological barrier as there's nothing wrong with the plumbing. Gets by fine on viagra and has done since his early 20's (which sounds mad to me, but needs must and all that...).

You may well be completely correct, but it does somewhat seem like the issue might be misdiagnosed here?

Haha, not a mate of mine (and actually me) had a similar issue when I was about 18.

I had just begun seeing a girl I ended up being with for a long long time, and I was going through a particularly stressful period with a lot on my mind (but kept it to myself, probably didn't help) and one evening we were about to do the deed and... well, it wasn't happening for me.

It had never happened to me before and she really is a good looking girl, so I was extremely confused and paranoid from there onwards. The pressure I put on myself the next time was immense as I was telling myself if it happens again, it must be broken, which just made it happen again, obviously. She began to get upset at that point and thought I didn't like her which was ridiculously untrue but also made it worse and I was just completely psyched out for a number of weeks. 

Eventually I sorted my head out a few weeks down the line, told her what was going, stopped being silly and instantly things were fine - has never happened again since, almost a decade later. 

Point being, I know for a fact how much of a psychological issue ED can be and often is. OP, you very well might be right and it might very well be the fin, it's completely in the realm of possibility, just some thoughts before you ditch it for good.

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2 minutes ago, digi23 said:

Well to be able to answer if you need meds in the first place, if you are just going norwood 5 you might be able to have good hair without finasteride. You should not take finasteride with these sides, so just trying to help you.

These photos are not so good so I cant really say, I guess you can check up the norwood scale yourself, atleast I tried.

yo I am totally sorry! This was misunderstood, thanks for trying. Makes sense. I just dont have good quality pictures from before the transplant. I am a Norwood 5, my dad is a norwood 6. However, I have found a pic of my dad as I am pretty much resembling his hair loss. He is 60 now.


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24 minutes ago, davidn said:


yo I am totally sorry! This was misunderstood, thanks for trying. Makes sense. I just dont have good quality pictures from before the transplant. I am a Norwood 5, my dad is a norwood 6. However, I have found a pic of my dad as I am pretty much resembling his hair loss. He is 60 now.


Hmm your dad does NOT look like Norwood 6? He does have hair on top still, not sure what Norwood this is because the photo is not extremely clear but he seem to have receeded alot on the temples. 

I think @JC71 the master can say what Norwood he is.

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1 minute ago, digi23 said:

Hmm your dad does NOT look like Norwood 6? He does have hair on top still, not sure what Norwood this is because the photo is not extremely clear but he seem to have receeded alot on the temples. 

I think @JC71 the master can say what Norwood he is.

yes, but it is a typical comb-over tbh. he doesnt have much hair outside of the classical horseshoepaps.PNG.a632cb1c784b364c6ac4e77428a71d08.PNG.

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1 minute ago, davidn said:

yes, but it is a typical comb-over tbh. he doesnt have much hair outside of the classical horseshoepaps.PNG.a632cb1c784b364c6ac4e77428a71d08.PNG.

Well NW6 dips lower, well below the horseshoe.

I would say Norwood 5A, it is the pattern I see in you in one of your pics aswell.

Norwood scale

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10 minutes ago, digi23 said:

Well NW6 dips lower, well below the horseshoe.

I would say Norwood 5A, it is the pattern I see in you in one of your pics aswell.

Norwood scale

honestly I would say 5V is a good estimate.





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Yes your pattern looks around the 5a and your father could be anything up to 6. What’s important here is the MPB is strong in your family. As you started to lose hair young then of course your more likely to keep losing it. However none of us can be totally assured where we are going to end up. We don’t all end up 6/7 thankfully 😂

Edited by JC71
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4 minutes ago, JC71 said:

Yes your pattern looks around the 5a and your father could be anything up to 6. What’s important here is the MPB is strong in your family. As you started to lose hair young then of course your more likely to keep losing it. However none of us can be totally assured where we are going to end up. We don’t all end up 6/7 thankfully 😂

thanks for your estimate. I am not in a good situation then without finasteride..

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I'm reading all this and I'm not sure what all the anxiety is about. This is very simple. If you think fin is giving you sexual side effects that you don't want then stop taking it. That's all. There's nothing to stress about. Just stop using it. You keep mentioning if you will look bad with hair in the front half. Why would you? You have a high hairline and you didn't do just a small band of transplanted hair along a very low hairline. If your dad had all your transplanted hair up front the same way you do, would he look bad? Looking at the pictures I'd say he would look a lot better. How hard is that to figure out?

So just stop doing 2 things. Stop using finisteride and stop worrying about it.


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(formerly BeHappy)

I am a forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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2 minutes ago, davidn said:

thanks for your estimate. I am not in a good situation then without finasteride..

It’s the unknown, you could stay where your currently at, or it may progress. Nobody would be able to say for sure. I would be speaking to your Dr regarding your issue and see erm what comes up (pun intended) 

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4 minutes ago, JC71 said:

It’s the unknown, you could stay where your currently at, or it may progress. Nobody would be able to say for sure. I would be speaking to your Dr regarding your issue and see erm what comes up (pun intended) 

thanks man. But you think it would alright if it progresses, aka no too obvious weird pattern?

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Just now, BeHappy said:

I'm reading all this and I'm not sure what all the anxiety is about. This is very simple. If you think fin is giving you sexual side effects that you don't want then stop taking it. That's all. There's nothing to stress about. Just stop using it. You keep mentioning if you will look bad with hair in the front half. Why would you? You have a high hairline and you didn't do just a small band of transplanted hair along a very low hairline. If your dad had all your transplanted hair up front the same way you do, would he look bad? Looking at the pictures I'd say he would look a lot better. How hard is that to figure out?

So just stop doing 2 things. Stop using finisteride and stop worrying about it.


I agree with this.

To OP, in your last few photos from the top down, you look as though you have a full head of hair with a slightly thinning spot in the crown. I don't see the 5v - am I missing something?

If I was in your shoes, I'd drop the fin once I was completely sure that it was causing the issues, then 6 months down the line I'd try topical dutasteride or dutasteride mesotherapy and maybe add in oral minoxidil. If I still had sides from that, I'd probably just pack the meds in, hopefully we have some stuff coming out in the next 5 years.

your donor looks pretty good and as I say, you look to me like you've got a lot of hair, I'd probably just get another transplant when I had lost more hair and chase the hair loss that way. If I was older with a bald crown or whatever, I'd just accept that or if I didn't like it, shave it off and get SMP which with 10 thousand plus transplanted hairs up top should look pretty good as long as they were implanted naturally.

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If you go back and look at the first images you can see a 5 type pattern, that’s is not to say your there yet at all. But it’s clear to see how your loss is developing. What you do have is a appropriate hairline and what appears to be a excellent donor area still. 4K was a lot of grafts to do at a early age. Most clinics would not have even considered you as a patient at that age. But it’s done and it looks fine, and I get it, who wants to be balding at 21. 

Edited by JC71
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12 minutes ago, JC71 said:

If you go back and look at the first images you can see a 5 type pattern, that’s is not to say your there yet at all. But it’s clear to see how your loss is developing. What you do have is a appropriate hairline and what appears to be a excellent donor area still. 4K was a lot of grafts to do at a early age. Most clinics would not have even considered you as a patient at that age. But it’s done and it looks fine, and I get it, who wants to be balding at 21. 

thanks. yeah, I also have a lot of beard growth under my chin. Perhaps that helps too?

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About the finasteride, you may have some borderline things going on with your health/hormones, and adding the finasteride is just enough to give you the side effects. You may be able to get all that diagnosed with some blood lab tests and address them. Here are some guys with good reputations on youtube that you should check out. Don't give up yet, educate yourself some more on the psychological/physiological/fear mongering sides of the finasteride topic. The guy from the second video down has a clinic that offers blood labs/analysis for guys taking finasteride here 






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I think you should go back to the treating surgeon who did your hair transplant and describe exactly what you are going through. Also if it helps perhaps speak with a professional about your anxieties regarding all of this. I had two bad hair transplants when I was 18! Your transplanted hairline is excellent because it will age well over the many, many years to come. You have so many options now and ahead of you. You could also cease all medication and have blood work done to find out what your testosterone levels are. At the very worse you could one day just shave your head and have SMP as has been suggested and also as I have done. It would be great if we could see some pics of you today front on, a top view and from the sides and from the back with your hair grown out to get a better idea. I could go in with so many other options both now and in the future. However try and stay focused in the present and the here and now because currently (5ari’s aside) you are fine my friend. 

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On 11/10/2021 at 12:25 PM, ciaus said:


About the finasteride, you may have some borderline things going on with your health/hormones, and adding the finasteride is just enough to give you the side effects. You may be able to get all that diagnosed with some blood lab tests and address them. Here are some guys with good reputations on youtube that you should check out. Don't give up yet, educate yourself some more on the psychological/physiological/fear mongering sides of the finasteride topic. The guy from the second video down has a clinic that offers blood labs/analysis for guys taking finasteride here 






Kevin mann is a legend and Derek provides great insight. 

From my experience the majority of the people who say they have side effects from finasteride are usually guys who are really anxious about the drug. 

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You and I are going to meet somewhere in the middle …

we have similar loss patterns but I decided to get SMP first to allow myself to use the diffuse hairs for a buzz cut look. Am now contemplating adding some grafts to the top as I’ve lost most of them in order to keep a natural SMP look (as opposed to a completely 2D one)

I tried fin, got sides, stopped, and proceeded as described above. If you’re scarring isn’t an issue, or even if it is, SMP is an amazing, amazing solution for a lot of people, and it could potentially solve you’re entire issue in one quick swoop. 

i would have no anxiety about it if I were you. 

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