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Failed FUE two years ago in Istanbul, my options ?

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I'm glad I found this forum. I underwent a FUE HT 2 years ago in what I know "now" a not so great clinic. 

They said they harvested/implanted 6000 "hairs", and now I know they overharvested my donor area.

Currently I am looking into a reputable clinic where a "doctor" not a technician does the surgery and the ones that I found through research are HLC and Dr Pekiner for FUE and BTH. 

Q1. Are there other clinics I could check?

Q2. FUT + BHT maybe ? Any clinic that does this ?

Help appreciated 🙏





Edited by Sleeplessinsf
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Just one FUE surgery and you're already over harvested.  Unfortunately, I'm not sure you have much to work with anymore.  Where do you live?  You should consult with multiple elite docs in person to see if anything can be done.  Strip is out of the question since your donor is see through.  Beard hair is fine and dandy but it isn't going to fully restore a NW6.  You could feasibly do SMP in the donor region to balance things out.  You're definitely in a pickle.  

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Dr. G: 1,000 grafts (FUT) 2008

Dr. Paul Shapiro: 2,348 grafts (FUT) 2009 ~ 1,999 grafts (FUT) 2011 ~ 300 grafts (Scar Reduction) 2013

Dr. Konior: 771 grafts (FUT) 2015 ~ 558 grafts (FUT) 2017 ~ 1,124 grafts (FUE) 2020

My Hair Transplant Journey with Shapiro Medical Group

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I have talked to a surgeon in San Francisco (where I live), he said he can do FUT and extract 2000 grafts.

Other two in Tijuana Mexico (HMR) said they could extract 2000-3500 grafts FUE without depleting the donor area. 

I still want to use BHT to take as little as possible from back of the head donor area. I’m trying to get in touch with HLC or Dr Pekiner for that, and wondering what this community might have to say, suggest.

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I agree with @aaron1234. Your donor is already overharvested and you have a lot of real estate to cover. Surgery would not be worth the cost and time in my opinion.

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14 hours ago, Sleeplessinsf said:

I'm glad I found this forum. I underwent a FUE HT 2 years ago in what I know "now" a not so great clinic. 

They said they harvested/implanted 6000 "hairs", and now I know they overharvested my donor area.

Currently I am looking into a reputable clinic where a "doctor" not a technician does the surgery and the ones that I found through research are HLC and Dr Pekiner for FUE and BTH. 

Q1. Are there other clinics I could check?

Q2. FUT + BHT maybe ? Any clinic that does this ?

Help appreciated 🙏





As the other people have said, your donor looks like it does not have so much left to create cover for the rather large NW6 area of loss. I guess you could deplete your donor further, and if you have a great neck beard get some coverage from that aswell. But I doubt it will be enough.

I think you need to becareful though specially with thoughts of doing FUT, because it will create a visible scar in your depleted donor. It is not really an option imo. 

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What are you doing medical therapy wise?

Considering SMP might be a viable option.

Post photos of your sides.  There could be grafts there you could use.  How about beard and chest? 

Patient Consultant for Dr. Arocha at Arocha Hair Restoration. 

I am not a medical professional and my comments should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own. 

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On 11/1/2021 at 5:53 AM, LaserCaps said:

What are you doing medical therapy wise?

Considering SMP might be a viable option.

Post photos of your sides.  There could be grafts there you could use.  How about beard and chest? 

Yes, that's why I'm trying to find a doctor/clinic that does BHT. I'm not finding luck getting responses from Dr Pekiner. It does not seem I'm getting to him, I'd appreciate if someone has proper contact info for him, and also suggestion for good places who do BHT in addition to FUE. I am also on Finasteride, Minoxidil.

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Have a look at @IrishWarriorthread ..

Very similar scenario donor / area to cover wise ...

is there any particular reason you haven’t reached out to the in my opinion best FUE/BHT clinic on the planet for very difficult high NW with almost bust donor areas ...ie Eugenix ? 

Everyone here is asking the same question. ? 

I know it’s probably not what you want to hear but have you considered shaving your head ..?? Might suit ? 

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4 minutes ago, Zoomster said:

Have a look at @IrishWarriorthread ..

Very similar scenario donor / area to cover wise ...

is there any particular reason you haven’t reached out to the in my opinion best FUE/BHT clinic on the planet for very difficult high NW with almost bust donor areas ...ie Eugenix ? 

Everyone here is asking the same question. ? 

I know it’s probably not what you want to hear but have you considered shaving your head ..?? Might suit ? 

@Zoomster I came across 3 clinic who's been said best for BTH: Two were HLC and Dr Peknier, I thought I was more familiar with Turkey since I've been there twice, I gathered Eugenix was in India but felt really far. I contacted HLC who seemed indifferent (told me to go on Finasteride/Minoxidil for 12 months and check again by then 🤣 and then ignored my follow-up.

I don't seem to have luck finding proper contacts for Dr Pekiner, his website link is broken, the email address that I found on his facebook page, emailed to it with no response, I also tried contacting through this website "https://www.best-hair-clinics.com/" which said will connect me to him but no response. I got a response from Dr Koray Erdogan/Asmed through that website though, which I am going to email and see if they do BHT. I am also in contact with Serkan Aygin, who apparently do BHT but want to verify their work, results etc. At this time, I will look into Eugenix.

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Just now, Sleeplessinsf said:

@Zoomster I came across 3 clinic who's been said best for BTH: Two were HLC and Dr Peknier, I thought I was more familiar with Turkey since I've been there twice, I gathered Eugenix was in India but felt really far. I contacted HLC who seemed indifferent (told me to go on Finasteride/Minoxidil for 12 months and check again by then 🤣 and then ignored my follow-up.

I don't seem to have luck finding proper contacts for Dr Pekiner, his website link is broken, the email address that I found on his facebook page, emailed to it with no response, I also tried contacting through this website "https://www.best-hair-clinics.com/" which said will connect me to him but no response. I got a response from Dr Koray Erdogan/Asmed through that website though, which I am going to email and see if they do BHT. I am also in contact with Serkan Aygin, who apparently do BHT but want to verify their work, results etc. At this time, I will look into Eugenix.

@Zoomster I tried the shaved head look and I was no Vin Diesel nor Jason Statham 🤣

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7 minutes ago, Sleeplessinsf said:

@Zoomster I tried the shaved head look and I was no Vin Diesel nor Jason Statham 🤣

I second Zoomsters advice and in fact I think perhaps the only clinic that can actually help you to any meaningful degree/that you should really even consider (as long as you have good Beard hair) are Eugenix.

Edited by JDEE0
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43 minutes ago, Andrei said:

For you i do not recomand hlc or pekiner they are very agressive with grafts count and your donor is not goodd. Look at somebody else where are specialists in bht like eugenix, dr mwamba, dr biasanga....

@Andrei Yes I'm going after all options who do BHT so I can minimize from back of my head. HLC are somehow ignoring me, when I told them I was on finasteride/minoxidil, they said come back once you're on it 12 months for "re-evaluation" while they haven't even done an evaluation. A robotic email was telling to come back for reevaluation. I am unable to go through for Dr Pekiner: 1. His https://https://drpekiner.com/ => "File not found", 2. Didn't check read my facebook messenger message. 3. The email I found for him on his messenger page: "info@drpekiner.com" no response. No one answers the phone. Weird. I'd love to find his info. I'd also contact Euginex.

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15 minutes ago, Sleeplessinsf said:

@Andrei Yes I'm going after all options who do BHT so I can minimize from back of my head. HLC are somehow ignoring me, when I told them I was on finasteride/minoxidil, they said come back once you're on it 12 months for "re-evaluation" while they haven't even done an evaluation. A robotic email was telling to come back for reevaluation. I am unable to go through for Dr Pekiner: 1. His https://https://drpekiner.com/ => "File not found", 2. Didn't check read my facebook messenger message. 3. The email I found for him on his messenger page: "info@drpekiner.com" no response. No one answers the phone. Weird. I'd love to find his info. I'd also contact Euginex.

Euginex would be an excellent choice!

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14 hours ago, Sleeplessinsf said:

@pomloeyes I will sure contact them !

so far I heard great things about them and HLC, and Pekiner !

do you have a good contact info for Euginex? 

You can call or send them a WhatsApp message at +91-8826473333

They are very responsive. After you contact them and they gather relevant information, they will assign you to a specialist who will help you through the rest of steps. 

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20 hours ago, Sleeplessinsf said:

@Zoomster I tried the shaved head look and I was no Vin Diesel nor Jason Statham 🤣

None of us are, mate. But virtually every guy who is balding - particularly ones with advanced hair loss such as yours - will look 1000% better and sharper with a nice short buzz cut. You don't have to be Jason Statham! My own hair loss isn't as advanced as yours but I buzz down to a 3(ish) all over.

The challenge you have is getting enough hairs from beard & scalp to actually provide you with an adequate and aesthetically pleasing level of density. The clinic who quoted you 2,000 grafts... Pointless. It just won't go far enough. It depends on your goals though. If you wanted to just have a decent framing to the face you could opt for the frontal third and have a decent result. If you're looking for more even coverage cross the entire front, midscalp and crown it's going to be tough to do with your donor as it is, depleted graft numbers and potentially more loss in the future if the finasteride isn't doing its job.

Suppose someone could get 2500 scalp grafts and you've a good enough beard to take 2,000 grafts from... 4,500 grafts will do a decent job probably but you need to make sure it's in the right hands. I'd forget about HLC and be looking at the Belgian doctors & Eugenix for my money. You need to be willing to travel.

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Another vote for Eugenix. I would also consult with Bisanga. To be honest though i  think it’s going to prove difficult to get anymore out of the donor area which is already severely depleted. Let’s hope your Beard is going to be a good source. Although you would still need some scalp hair for upfront..

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4 hours ago, raik783 said:

You can call or send them a WhatsApp message at +91-8826473333

They are very responsive. After you contact them and they gather relevant information, they will assign you to a specialist who will help you through the rest of steps. 

Thank you, I contacted them already and started the quoting process etc along with other drs like Pekiner in Istanbul and Taleb in Amman.

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20 minutes ago, Berba11 said:

None of us are, mate. But virtually every guy who is balding - particularly ones with advanced hair loss such as yours - will look 1000% better and sharper with a nice short buzz cut. You don't have to be Jason Statham! My own hair loss isn't as advanced as yours but I buzz down to a 3(ish) all over.

The challenge you have is getting enough hairs from beard & scalp to actually provide you with an adequate and aesthetically pleasing level of density. The clinic who quoted you 2,000 grafts... Pointless. It just won't go far enough. It depends on your goals though. If you wanted to just have a decent framing to the face you could opt for the frontal third and have a decent result. If you're looking for more even coverage cross the entire front, midscalp and crown it's going to be tough to do with your donor as it is, depleted graft numbers and potentially more loss in the future if the finasteride isn't doing its job.

Suppose someone could get 2500 scalp grafts and you've a good enough beard to take 2,000 grafts from... 4,500 grafts will do a decent job probably but you need to make sure it's in the right hands. I'd forget about HLC and be looking at the Belgian doctors & Eugenix for my money. You need to be willing to travel.

Thank you so much for the detailed message. Yes my objective is as much more density in the frontal and midscalp areas, and with almost all that I quoted with are confirming I still can get 2000 grafts from back of my head and hoping a good amount from my beard that together will give me good density in these areas. I’m so thankful to this great forum that I got to know of these options who do BHT: Euginex, Pekiner, the Belgian doctors, Taleb in Amman and I’m already in contacts with them, and yes I will travel. And yes HLC is out already as they didn’t show interest in working with me. However I was told that to go with Euginex and have the operation with Dr Arika will cost a lot more than the other options, I will also put in consideration who has availability as they seem to be booked for months.

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Eugenix all the way man! No question that you are the best use case for them. They have countless youtube videos of corrective work on patients with depleted donor. Not sure how thick your beard hair is, but I know they have plenty of experience with chest hair. Although they always make chest hair a last resort they have still used it with fairly good results. 

You could probably use SMP for the donor area to cover up the overharvested areas and still extract enough scalp hair for the hairline. From there a mix of beard and chest hair for the remaining may do the trick.

Follow my Journey with Eugenix and Dr Arika Bansal!

Edited by MazAB
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To be quite frank. You are in a situation in which if you are financially unable to go to Eugenix who can harvest beard grafts in the range of 1-2 thousand then I wouldn't even risk going forward with any clinics based on a budget. Your best option may be to shave your head and add SMP if you choose to. It's just my humble opinion and I wish you all the best!

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20 hours ago, Sleeplessinsf said:

Thank you so much for the detailed message. Yes my objective is as much more density in the frontal and midscalp areas, and with almost all that I quoted with are confirming I still can get 2000 grafts from back of my head and hoping a good amount from my beard that together will give me good density in these areas. I’m so thankful to this great forum that I got to know of these options who do BHT: Euginex, Pekiner, the Belgian doctors, Taleb in Amman and I’m already in contacts with them, and yes I will travel. And yes HLC is out already as they didn’t show interest in working with me. However I was told that to go with Euginex and have the operation with Dr Arika will cost a lot more than the other options, I will also put in consideration who has availability as they seem to be booked for months.

I'm going with a higher package at Eugenix myself but during my consultation with Dr. Arika, she was very clear that even if I got the lowest package, my result should be no different and I would get the same level of support throughout the process. She mentioned that they have full trust with all their doctors and staff and will stand by their work no matter which package it is. So if you're thinking of going to a cheaper doctor because of the price, maybe one thing you should consider is one of the lower packages with Eugenix. Good luck!

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On 10/31/2021 at 11:40 PM, Sleeplessinsf said:

I have talked to a surgeon in San Francisco (where I live)

Since you are in CA, take a look at Dr Sanusi Umar in Redondo Beach, CA. He was a pioneer in doing BHT and has some cases where he did over 10,000 body hair grafts on guys that couldn't get anyone else to take their case.



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I am a paid forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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On 11/2/2021 at 7:55 PM, Sleeplessinsf said:

I am also in contact with Serkan Aygin, who apparently do BHT but want to verify their work, results etc. At this time, I will look into Eugenix.

Stay away from that clinic, they are just big hairmill who sells only lies, nothing more, saw many cases failed, and there mostly you'll be threated by low-skilled technicians, and not doctors... Eugenix is good choice in your case...

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