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Fix Poorly Extracted Donor Area?

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Is it possible to repair an over harvested or poor extracted pattern donor to cover the patchiness with body hair or beard hair?

Are there any clinics or examples that could do it?

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You can put beard and chest grafts into a depleted donor area. Check out @mustang thread here:





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56 minutes ago, pomloe said:

Thank you. Looks like that is what I will have to do to my donor as well cause of the messed up transplant from Cinik.

Pomloe is a fake and a troll in my opinion 

Not only does he have an agenda through his make believe thread, he also spreads it on other threads continuously.

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My donor is ruined from Cinik. Not trolling at all. Tired of you constantly saying that. I got a poor result from Cinik I will make sure to share my experience.


Here is my donor area:







Edited by pomloe
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5 minutes ago, Egy said:

I think it is possible to fix your situation, but one thing is certain, you don't have to go to another hair mill.

Thank you. I have been suffering from much anxiety because of these results. When I look back on everything, I should've trust my instinct to not go through with the HT when I saw the Dr. not inspecting the donor density, and young female technicians laughing on their phones during the whole surgery.

Also another thing that is very dangerous that they don't inform you is it is NOT local anesthesia, it is twilight anesthesia, which means they give you a pill that makes you fall asleep during part of the surgery, they don't even tell you what kind of pill it is or what form of medication, they just say take it or no surgery.

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I don't remember taking any pills, but due to the fact that the girls kept talking to each other (especially one of them) and that Cinik didn't inspect the donor (he only checked by raising his hair with a ruler), that I confirm it, even with me, it was like that.  As for the fact that we could get up and leave, yes, we should have, but unfortunately they had already taken our money, that's the first thing they do, unfortunately.

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17 minutes ago, pomloe said:

@DrTBarghouthi@Melvin- Moderator@BHRClinic Any thoughts on my donor?

Yes the donor looks patchy and rather depleted. How many grafts were extracted ? Can you share some more photos of the result and also the beard?

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I can't be sure, because we didn't see any photos of your donor before the surgery, but it may already be scarce anyway, and probably an ethical clinic / surgeon would have rejected you, which Cinik never does, in the end he gives a damn to him, if it's okay, okay, if it goes badly, it's your business.

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15 hours ago, DrTBarghouthi said:

Yes the donor looks patchy and rather depleted. How many grafts were extracted ? Can you share some more photos of the result and also the beard?

He said he got 5,000 grafts in his other thread. This was a complete botch/overharvest job. First of all no more than 2500-3000 grafts should ever really be done in one day. I'm also willing to bet this guys donor beforehand wasn't very strong. Sure maybe the patient wasn't as knowlegable about what to look out for and what questions to ask, but at the end of the day the doctor to an oath to be a doctor. Which means he should have known better.

To the OP, did the trasplant turn out alright at least? For the donor I would look into SMP or use dermatch.

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Hi Pomloe, I will reply as we have been tagged, but if I understand correctly, your surgery was five weeks ago, so essentially this is still very early to assess as you would need to factor in also any potential shock loss.

I did read on another thread it was December that you had surgery so was not really sure myself of the timescale but if 5 weeks ago then your clinic should be able to advise on shock etc and treatments such as Minoxidil to speed up regrowth.  As you are under their duty of care then it is best to see them for recommendations as they may not agree with our protocols but we would advise patients who may suffer from shock loss to apply minoxidil.  You will for the donor usually need to wait a good 4/5 months to then rule this out and assess the donor then once that aspect has passed.


Hopefully the clinic whom you trusted and paid for the surgery will be able to assist you in the post-op period and hope you will see improvements, but be patient and see how it comes in and of course make sure to be in contact with the performing clinic.  It is not easy for sure but patience will be needed now and don't rush into anything and see if the donor improves and hopefully your clinic can confirm this and medication to take. 


Take care.




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You’ve created two threads without providing any pictures. Looks like you did and then removed them.I’m locking this thread until you choose to share images, so we can see that you’re genuine. 

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