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What are the differences among Hassan, Wong, Gabel, Ron Shapiro or Konior ? What are their strengths?


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If it makes a differences, I am looking to do 1600-2000 grafts, FUT. I say 1600-2000 because that's what the several HT surgeons I have consulted with gave, I understand that these surgeons will give different estimates. Btw, glad this site exists, I had consulted around in my local area, and wasn't quite satisfied with my local options. 

I had a 1500 grafts surgery about a decade ago, and looking fill in areas that have lost density + my hairline needs to be fixed a little from my last transplant. 

I am slightly leaning towards coverage over density, though from what I can tell, all of them have a pretty good understanding of this balance. 

From what I've been reading, Gabel is a little newer though by now is well established/experienced. 

Other than that, as far as I could find, other differences I could find don't seem to matter too much too but:

Konior seems to do most of the work himself as opposed to techs. 

Hassan or Wong seem to be more reliant on techs, though their techs are very experienced (~10 years). 

Hassan seems to do more hair transplants than Wong due to more reviews being produced by him. 

These don't seem to tip the needle for me. I'm thinking hair transplants take several hours. Techs aide in preserving the surgeons much needed focus for optimal results, especially for tasks that are repeated a few thousand times. If a surgeon needs more rest to recharge and put more focus into fewer patients, they should do it. 

One of the questions I have is, why is Ron Shapiro so touted here, but not his associate Paul Shapiro or David Josephitis? Paul Shapiro doesn't even seem to be on the coalition. 

Anyways, it seems that I can't go wrong, but I have to pick one. Good dilemma to have, thanks to this website. 


I may have to expand my list, due to border crossing issues, wait times, etc. Any recommendations? Pref those who are great at detail, hairlines, repair, though again, that seems to be most of them. 

Great stuff. I am looking to do ~2000 grafts. My previous HT is a little messed up in the corners, so I guess I fall into the 'repair' category. Do you any other recommendations for surgeons whose strengths fall under 'detail' and 'repair' category. I am ok if they are not (yet) in the coalition if they have great praise on here (like Dr Nadimi ).

After looking at this post, and doing some more research, I would say Konior is likely my top choice. But It looks like I may not be able to get in due to his wait list. His associate Dr Nadimi seems more available, though she doesn't seem to be a coalition member. From the posts here it really looks like she has a great rep. I saw in one of the testimonial that during one procedure, she had to step out and take care of a different patient. It seems that a lot of up-and-coming HTSs try to pack a lot of work in to make a name for themselves. But younger people tend to have more energy so not necessarily a bad thing. She might be a future coalition member, and so if there is a discount compared to Konior it may be great value HT, though it seems that if you study under a coalition member, that's not necessarily guaranteed, ie Rasman/Pak. 

In case the others have very long wait times like Konior, I decided to expand my list. From my research, I added:

 Bernardino Arocha: His assistant posts results here regularly. I don't hear these epic praises for him like with the others. But seems like a solid choice. 

Timothy Carman: He seems to be a high demand area for HTs; San Diego. So I'm not sure where there is so little talk about him. He is close to where I am, so I would love to consider him.

Haber, M.D.: Another coalition member. Like Timothy, not much buzz on here about him. 

Edited by HairRun
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You have won most of the battle with that shortlist.  Congratulations.  As for the differences:

Konior, Hasson and Wong tend to have a 'straighter' hairline design; and by that I mean with less macro irregularity.  hairlines are still curved but not zigzagged.  H&W occasionally do more 'V' shaped hairlines, but not always.

Shaprios are more macro (zigzag) and tend to be the least agressive of all the doctors named.  Gabel is somewhere inbetween but probably nearer Konior/H&W end of the scale.

Hairline position: H&W the most aggressive, Shapiro the least.  The others somewhere inbetween.

Not sure why Paul Shapiro is no longer listed.  Maybe he slowed down surgeries and it's just a business decision not to be part of the network.  I'm sure they get more than enough referals by word of mouth.

I don't think H&W do much of the implantation.  Maybe a few 100 here and there and leave the rest to techs.

I'm pretty sure Ron always does a few hundred grafts, then techs take over.  I think the same with Gabel, though he may do a greater proportion, perhaps up to 50%.

Konior, technically doesn't insert the grafts, though he does adjust them (quality control).  His lead tech does most of the intiial placement, but he does oversee 100% implantation as it is usually stick and place.  I think all the other docs normally usually use pre-made openings, so don't have to be there 100% of the time.

As far as experience, all have 25-30+ years, except possibly Gabel (20 years?) and Josephitis (my guess: 12 to 15). 

Konior and Gabel dual Board Certified (Head/neck and HT).  Most of the others Board Certified in HT.

Edited by 1978matt
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4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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  • Senior Member
1 hour ago, 1978matt said:


Konior, Hasson and Wong tend to have a 'straighter' hairline design; and by that I mean with less macro irregularity.  hairlines are still curved but not zigzagged.  H&W occasionally do more 'V' shaped hairlines, but not always.


Could you please elaborate what does macro irregularity mean?

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14 minutes ago, tressful11 said:

Could you please elaborate what does macro irregularity mean?



4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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Hasson and Wong are probably the best clinic for doing megasession hair transplant procedures, even Konior acknowledged this in our interview. 

Dr. Konior is probably the most detailed surgeon in the world. Great for repairs, hairlines, etc.

Dr. Gabel is genuinely one of the nicest surgeons/people I’ve ever met. Ethical, skilled, and reasonably priced. 

Dr. Shapiro is one of the most experienced surgeons in the world. He was the surgeon who essentially started this community, after performing an 1,800 graft procedure on @Pat - Community Publisher back in the late 90s. Back then it was unheard of. 

You really have to examine your own case and figure out what it is you need. Do you need a lot of grafts? Do you need a repair? Do you need quality at a lower budget? All of these things will need to be factored in.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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I've been seriously considering H&W for a while now. I've noticed that they can kinda do it all from dense hairlines to good coverage for a NW5. I've seen them do great straight hairlines and great M shaped hairlines (for higher norwoods). H&W dense packs really well and are known for their megasessions. They're among the best in the world if not the best in the world and are very consistent. Though Dr. Wong and Dr. Hasson are different doctors so they both have to be looked at individually. I think Doug mentioned that Dr. Wong is better with female hairlines cause he ends up doing more of them. Though to be honest, they're both great docs so you can't go wrong. 

As for the techs, I think techs can be both a plus and a minus. At the end of the day, the surgeon will almost be like a manager making sure that the employees work are up to his standard and establishing processes/guidelines/training that allows the techs to perform optimally. However, the benefit of this is that techs master their specific tasks far better than a doctor can by nature of only doing a limited number of things 8 hours a day. They may also just do certain things better than the Dr. like having a steadier hand.

But then if you're in Turkey, where the quality control is crap, the techs maybe don't have the same established systems that a clinic like H&W has, and the employee retention is garbage, then obviously you're not gonna get as great of a result. People are only as good as their training and their experience which H&W are masters at. 

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4 hours ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

Hasson and Wong are probably the best clinic for doing megasession hair transplant procedures, even Konior acknowledged this in our interview. 

Dr. Konior is probably the most detailed surgeon in the world. Great for repairs, hairlines, etc.

Dr. Gabel is genuinely one of the nicest surgeons/people I’ve ever met. Ethical, skilled, and reasonably priced. 

Dr. Shapiro is one of the most experienced surgeons in the world. He was the surgeon who essentially started this community, after performing an 1,800 graft procedure on @Pat - Community Publisher back in the late 90s. Back then it was unheard of. 

You really have to examine your own case and figure out what it is you need. Do you need a lot of grafts? Do you need a repair? Do you need quality at a lower budget? All of these things will need to be factored in.

Great stuff. I am looking to do ~2000 grafts. My previous HT is a little messed up in the corners, so I guess I fall into the 'repair' category. Do you any other recommendations for surgeons whose strengths fall under 'detail' and 'repair' category. I am ok if they are not (yet) in the coalition if they have great praise on here (like Dr Nadimi ).

After looking at this post, and doing some more research, I would say Konior is likely my top choice. But It looks like I may not be able to get in due to his wait list. His associate Dr Nadimi seems more available, though she doesn't seem to be a coalition member. From the posts here it really looks like she has a great rep. I saw in one of the testimonial that during one procedure, she had to step out and take care of a different patient. It seems that a lot of up-and-coming HTSs try to pack a lot of work in to make a name for themselves. But younger people tend to have more energy so not necessarily a bad thing. She might be a future coalition member, and so if there is a discount compared to Konior it may be great value HT, though it seems that if you study under a coalition member, that's not necessarily guaranteed, ie Rasman/Pak. 

In case the others have very long wait times like Konior, I decided to expand my list. From my research, I added:

 Bernardino Arocha: His assistant posts results here regularly. I don't hear these epic praises for him like with the others. But seems like a solid choice. 

Timothy Carman: He seems to be a high demand area for HTs; San Diego. So I'm not sure where there is so little talk about him. He is close to where I am, so I would love to consider him.

Haber, M.D.: Another coalition member. Like Timothy, not much buzz on here about him. 



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On 4/16/2021 at 3:01 AM, HairRun said:

One of the questions I have is, why is Ron Shapiro so touted here, but not his associate Paul Shapiro or David Josephitis? Paul Shapiro doesn't even seem to be on the coalition. 

Dr. Paul has retired from surgery.

Dr. G: 1,000 grafts (FUT) 2008

Dr. Paul Shapiro: 2,348 grafts (FUT) 2009 ~ 1,999 grafts (FUT) 2011 ~ 300 grafts (Scar Reduction) 2013

Dr. Konior: 771 grafts (FUT) 2015 ~ 558 grafts (FUT) 2017 ~ 1,124 grafts (FUE) 2020

My Hair Transplant Journey with Shapiro Medical Group

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37 minutes ago, x.moonprincess.xo said:

I had a procedure with Dr arocha bernardino and he gave me a botched hair transplant. Dont recommend 

please create a thread with before and after photos. Also, please send me your name and date of surgery, so Dr. Arocha can respond to your case.

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I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

Check out my final hair transplant and topical dutasteride journey

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

Follow our Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube.


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I did not realize people were wondering about my brother so much.    Yes. My brother Paul who was with me for over 15 years  decided during the pandemic it was time for him to retire( or take a long sabbatical).  He loved doing  hair transplants but was having some neck pain issues from the long surgeries and just felt it was time to enjoy life a little.    If any of his patients need to contact us  for any reason....... Dr josephitis and myself will take over Pauls past  cases. In addition Paul will  fill us in  and bring us up to date personally on any history of past patients  he has done to ensure continuity of care. 

 We still are in constant contact as he is my brother and lives near by.   So he was not removed....he just decided to slow down and enjoy the roses


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On 4/16/2021 at 5:39 PM, HairRun said:

Bernardino Arocha: His assistant posts results here regularly. I don't hear these epic praises for him like with the others. But seems like a solid choice. 

Arocha does have a lot of results getting posted here regularly. He has a more conservative approach than some other clinics, so he doesn't get the extreme "Wow!" before and after effect that some mega sessions from other clinics may get, so the praise factor simply doesn't get as high. Most people want to see huge differences between the before picture and the after picture before they will get excited about the results. That's just human nature. If you are looking for a conservative approach that will save a lot of grafts for possible future use, then Arocha may be a good choice. It all depends on where you are in the balding process and what you are looking for.



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(formerly BeHappy)

I am a paid forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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11 hours ago, BeHappy said:

Arocha does have a lot of results getting posted here regularly. He has a more conservative approach than some other clinics, so he doesn't get the extreme "Wow!" before and after effect that some mega sessions from other clinics may get, so the praise factor simply doesn't get as high. Most people want to see huge differences between the before picture and the after picture before they will get excited about the results. That's just human nature. If you are looking for a conservative approach that will save a lot of grafts for possible future use, then Arocha may be a good choice. It all depends on where you are in the balding process and what you are looking for.


That's basically what I'm looking for. Hair that doesn't show obvious balding/recession, and saving up donor hairs for the future. Not a 'wow, movie star results!!!' thing

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