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12mth hairline pics Rahal


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i thought i'd stick up a few pics of my new hairline. To be honest i have been a little disapointed with the over all density, my hair is pretty sparse and see through and i'm a a little paranoid over the ht hairs looking pretty uniform.


I do need need to try a new hairstyle as i have a habit of growing it long to cover my ears. So the native hair is farly dense in contrast with the ht hairs at the front which doesnt help.


The hair is still a little wirey on the rite side and still a little fizzy all over.


I'd say if went to a pretty decent hair stylist, and have it cut short it would look pretty good, but i dont dig wearing my hair too short so i've been relunctant.








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thanks, its always tricky though rating a ht from a photograph. You really need to see one in the flesh to see what its really like. This is why a lot of folk can be naive about what to expect because they've seen so many pics as opposed to checking one out in the flesh in detail. Mine is very good but i could do with another pass to get more density and i assume the majority of folk who had a similar procedure usually require at least a 2nd pass.


Regarding the hairline its also a big help if ya have some native hair at the start of the hairline lets say the peak at the center, this really helps blend and introduce the ht into the hairline helping it look more natural. Although in my case those native hairs seem to be miniturizing and falling out despite that i'm using finasteride and rogaine.

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I'd definitely like to see some photos from before, and perhaps some post-op which show placement.


Since getting involved in the transplant scene I've noticed that many of the features associated with a transplant are common in natural hair. Things such as see through hairlines. I really doubt if anyone would notice anything amiss with yours. To the people you meet I'm sure you're a guy with a great head of hair.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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Originally posted by Raphael84:

Some people will never fully appreciate how fortunate they are!




yeah the guys that went bald gracefully!






heres some pre ht pics which should giv ya a rough idea of the way my hairline looked. I had about 2500 gfts which re-established the hairline and filled in the temples slightly. I was given an age appropriate hairline.


I did also mention that i didn't want the 'wall of hair' look at the hairline and spoke about a softer hairline which i agree looks a lot more natural. In a way its so long since i had a hair-line i've forgotton what one looks like.








But yeah the new hairline looks natural when i hold my hair back and really frames my face good. It was when i looked through the hairline from the side during certain light it can seem very sparse. But maybe this is just me, now im feeling more confident after posting pics, soon i'll get a new more appropriate hairstyle so my hair is more stylable and i can really enjoy the result. If my density holds up in the donar area maybe i could get a second pass down the road if i want.

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I think those are pretty darn good results. And I think the density is acceptable as well. I wouldn't have another HT at this point... you risk hurting a good thing. If you start to bald further down the road, then yes.. but enjoy what you have now. Rahal did you well.

Dr. G: 1,000 grafts (FUT) 2008

Dr. Paul Shapiro: 2,348 grafts (FUT) 2009 ~ 1,999 grafts (FUT) 2011 ~ 300 grafts (Scar Reduction) 2013

Dr. Konior: 771 grafts (FUT) 2015 ~ 558 grafts (FUT) 2017 ~ 1,124 grafts (FUE) 2020

My Hair Transplant Journey with Shapiro Medical Group

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Your photos aren't capturing the lack of density you're referring to, but as far as I can tell, your results are phenominal. Understand that most hair transplants under harsh lighting conditions aren't going to be as dense as natural hair and quite probably, show some scalp.


Feel free to post some additional photos to help capture the concerns you are referring to.


Best wishes,



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Hey JoJo - like the others, I think the density is great. Your hair quality looks like mine. But do you think any of your concerns could involve what your hair line looks like now vs. what it once was?


For me, my hairline was similar to your BEFORE pic up until almost year ago. My hairline's been restored almost back to where it was 3 yrs ago, but it's not quite exactly how it was originally. I guess maybe b/c my Dr. tried to restore it back on pics I had given her of my hair 3 years ago. But I think in the end, could a surgeon ever get the hair line exactly what you saw in the mirror for years?


Not sure. At least where I'm at, I'm thrilled to see most of my hairline back the way it was before the receding, but when I look at it in the mirror, it's like it's slightly different from what it was originally.


So ... just me thinking outloud. icon_smile.gif But overall, the density rocks. Congrats.

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Rahal did you well, for sure; really first-rate result. It is what I'd expect from Dr. Rahal, and that's a good thing.


Unless your photos are using flash, or are somehow *extremely* deceptive, I think your hairline is *mint*, and I would just style that bad boy and live it up. icon_smile.gif


Like Bill mentioned, even with a high-density restoration like yours, you aren't going to have perfect-density. But, unless my vision really deceives me here, I think any halfway decent cut and a cool style your hair will look movie star good.


Only you know your hair at the end of the day, but I really think you have everything you need to style your hair with ease and aplomb, and enjoy it.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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A common complaint with long hair and hts is that it accentuates a lack of density, however and rather paradoxically there are many ht patients with long hair like shuffle and evolution who look like they have had no hair loss at all.


As a prospective ht patient whose primary concern with hair transplantation is having a see-through look this post greatly interests me. In your pictures with that lighting this is not evident, so I urge you to go outside and take pictures of your hairline in full sunlight no flash especially from the side.

The hair should also become less wiry in the coming months and density may also improve a bit. Cheers

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I can understand why you are not entirely happy with your result.

I made some cutouts of one of your photos. All cutouts are from the same photo. The first one shows the transplanted area, the second one shows your natural hair in the middle of your hairline and the third one is from the temple.

As you can see, the density of the transplanted area is lower and the transplanted hairs are much thicker.

Nevertheless, your result looks not too bad on your photos.


But photos do not always tell the truth. I had a hair transplant with Dr. Rahal, too. I am 9 month post op and my density is poor up to now. But when I take photos, it doesn't look that bad as it really is.


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Originally posted by Jojo:

heres a pic from the side showing how thin it looks. But i'm not complaining i'm very happy with the result considering.

http://i339.photobucket.com/al...n_080/P1010034_1.jpg the journey has been emotional all in all if ya get me hahaha but well worth it.


Your pics actually look pretty impressive to me. Any chance you could post a YouTube video to give us all an even more realistic sense of your result?

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