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  1. heyas im going to give you some advice ... coming from someone else who is young, and already been down the transplant route. firstly, i really feel for you, but the good news is, you have crown loss (ha, good news?)...good news in the sense that it can likely be treated non surgically. 1/4th proscar pill everyday will cost you about $20 a year. topical spiro s5 cream, $20/month, and since you are in a desperate state, while i hate minox (because it doesnt the get to the root cause of hair loss), it would really help you. but please dont rely on minox, think of it as a cosmetic aide only, it will make any hair grow longer and thicker, but your hairs will still be under attack by dht. oral and topical anti-androgens such as finasteride (proscar) and spironolactone actually help fight the cause. research all of this! there are no guarentees with hair loss treatments, but after all the time ive researched hair loss, crown loss sufferers tend to respond great to treatments, and ive seen many guys regrow their crowns completely. i dont think a hair transplant is good for you for a few reasons. you havent given meds a chance yet. you have significant loss, no transplant will give you the density you need at 22. again you're 22, and hair transplants, depsite what people say, do not look natural (color, texture, thickness, etc), especially to younger people who tend to be more detail oriented. scars, never invisible, unless you opt for FUE hair transplant, which ... may not be right for you. hair loss is not permanent, but strip scars are, and you will lose that excised skin section forever, chances are you'll never get it back, no matter what advances come about in science. and lastly, surprisingly, there are great options for hair peices out there. you can have one custom made to fit only your bald spot, glue it on, and it will last three months. i know this sucks, but hey - it's something to buy you time until a real cure comes out, or until you're confident about getting a hair transplant. people our age will likely not have to live a bald life...sometime in our lifetime there will be a cure. these hair peices are undetectable, secured by nearly invisible lace. if you wore it on your hairline, someone you're intimate with (or if your a public figure photographed at high resolutions) might be able to notice. another reason you're lucky you've got crown loss. with that said, im not anti-hair transplant for young people in any way, i'm totally pro, if you were doing your hairline, and much smaller area, i'd opt for a hair transplant - because, you can't really conceal a hair peice in the hairline. not trying to talk you out of getting a hair transplant at all, just want you to go into this knowing you need to research it, it's risks, benefits, etc, thoroughly, and have the right mindset to commit to it. please please research all avenues, from treatments, to transplants (pay attention to the color/texture compared to native hair), and think it thoroughly. if you go transplant, choose A GOOD dr, don't let travel stop you, money is one thing, but you have no excuse to let travel stop you from picking the absolute best your money can buy. good luck p.s. if your serious about treatments, or anything really, pm me, i'd be happy to help out and answer any questions.
  2. thanks! i did take some post-op healing supps, i guess they worked, and it's a good sign then? phew
  3. coloring transplanting hair is fine. though i would buy the womens brands, loads more colors, brands, and options, and you tend to get more dye (since you said you make it last)
  4. Thanks, but that wouldn't explain why I was red/pink for months my first surgery, but my second surgery - I healed with in the first few weeks. Just curious
  5. i do not have prolonged redness, but have in the past. my question is, what causes it? lack of blood supply and oxygen, or the opposite?
  6. do they come out easily when u try plucking them? i dont know how a dead graft could stay in place for 14 months, but at the same time, if its not dead, theres no reason why it shouldnt grow longer, hairs have to shed or grow, either or lol.
  7. yah i know it can cause bleeding, but i think the benefits outweigh the negatives. i took it, and didnt have a problem with excess bleeding.
  8. I'd also be interested in ideas to increase the blood supply... would using Minoxidil up until the surgery date help with this? ive read from a few doctors that it might. i regret not doing it...i wonder if its too late, im about 2-3 weeks post op
  9. Thanks guys! So since my first op took three months before redness went away, and this time, only a few weeks...what does the mean re: blood supply and healing? Does better blood supply mean elongated redness, or quicker disappearance of redness?
  10. what can a person do with scarred recipient site, to increase blood supply??
  11. why avoid vitamin e? it thins blood which means it could flow to the grafts easier and help them survive, no?
  12. p.s. after they fall out, most of the hairs are bent 90 degrees towards the root were they squished when they were implanted?
  13. hey, what does it mean when all the grafts fall out by the first week? thats a little soon right? during my first transplant, it took 1+ month for them to fall out, but this round ive been taking some post-op healing supplements. could this mean great healing, or could it be a bad sign? or does it mean absolutely nothing? i had little to no scabs, all of which were gone by day 3. my redness went away quickly, and now on day 15, the recipient area is only slightly pink, with a few pimples.
  14. Do you think taking Ciclosporin (an anti-rejection immunosuppresant drug used to decrease organ and transplant rejection) would help those undergoing a transplant in a damaged or scarred recipient site?
  15. im lowering it even further. any other tips for increased healing or recipient site survival rate? any products to promote healing?
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