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New Real Hair Club Member

New Real Hair Club Member (1/8)



  1. I had a procedure done two years ago. Over the last few weeks, I have obvious growth of hundreds of new hairs. I can tell most, if not all, are transplants. Anyone have thoughts on why I am seeing this growth 2 years later? Is it possible these are hairs that had grown and then I lost them, and now they are growing back? Would this be considered "shedding"? I have recently started on MSM, about 2 months ago. Would that have anything to do with it? Or, what I am afraid of, is that my procedure was done poorly (Bosley) and things are really screwed up.
  2. jk


    Thanks. I'm at about 4 months myself so hopefully the worst is over. Any medical explaination for it? I'm guessing I'm touching my hair and then my forehead which is not good to begin with but throw in the sticky, heavy minoxidil and it really cloggs pores.
  3. jk


    Has anyone experienced acne after starting rogaine? My forehead has been breaking out badly since starting. I try not to touch my hair or face but I know I do.
  4. jk


    Has anyone experienced acne after starting rogaine? My forehead has been breaking out badly since starting. I try not to touch my hair or face but I know I do.
  5. I admit I have on tried a few stores, but I am having trouble finding nioxin. Where should I be looking? Store and section? about how much is it?
  6. if you are currently using propecia, how long can you go without until you start going backwards again? I am transferring precriptions and I will be without for about a week. Am I ok?
  7. jk


    How soon can you wash your hair after putting rogaine on and not lose its value? Also, after using it for one year, do you think it is safe to go down to once a day?
  8. How soon can you wash your hair after putting rogaine on and not lose its value? Also, after using it for one year, do you think it is safe to go down to once a day?
  9. Look at most the "average" people around you in personal or business that have an attractive spouse or are higher up in their companies organizations. I have and I find that about 75-80% have a nice head of hair. Most of the time when you see an attractive woman with a bald or balding man is because when they were married, he had hair. She is not going to leave him because he has gone bald but I honestly believe that if he were bald prior to them starting a relationship, it never would have happened. It has also been shown that taller men hold positions of higher power. We can't change how tall we are but if we could, I'd bet most guys who are shorter would add a few inches. The days of "plugs" are gone, atleast with the Drs who are using the best technology.
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