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About Gandalf

  • Birthday 04/04/1979

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Gandalf's Achievements

New Real Hair Club Member

New Real Hair Club Member (1/8)



  1. One year ago (DEC 2003) I had my first HR session. Results are awsome. I have considered having a second session. Unfortunalety this past DEC 2004 I was diagnosed with hepatitis A. I was wondering how long should I wait in order to have my second HR. Please comment.
  2. One year ago (DEC 2003) I had my first HR session. Results are awsome. I have considered having a second session. Unfortunalety this past DEC 2004 I was diagnosed with hepatitis A. I was wondering how long should I wait in order to have my second HR. Please comment.
  3. It has been 7 months since my first HT. I think I will be needing another session. How long should I wait?
  4. It has been 7 months since my first HT. I think I will be needing another session. How long should I wait?
  5. I had my first HT las December(2003). Right after HT I started using Propecia and it has been working great. I was wondering for how long should I take it? It has been 6 months. Is there any problem if I stop using it? Is there a recomeded time of use? Please advice.
  6. I had my first HT las December(2003). Right after HT I started using Propecia and it has been working great. I was wondering for how long should I take it? It has been 6 months. Is there any problem if I stop using it? Is there a recomeded time of use? Please advice.
  7. I wanted to share my experience with Dr. Glenn Charles, his staff and the hair transplantation surgery I had performed on December 29, 2003. I was beginning to have hair loss in the front of my head since a very young age. Never really believed in topical medicine so I never tried them. I always thought HT was the best solution. I started doing some research on HT and came across Dr. Charles. Since the very first communication he was very prompt in his reply and cleared all questions. I decided to have my HT on December 29, 2003. I was never nervous about the procedure, Dr. Charles or the results. It has not been long enough to have final conclusions about the procedure but I have no worries and I'm sure everything will go as expected. I will keep following the posts keeping up with my results. For those interested in HT I definitely recommend Dr. Charles at Boca Raton, FL. (CHARLES MEDICAL GROUP) Regarding the procedure with Dr. Charles, it is all very relaxed and honest. Dr. Charles explains all the procedure and spends as much time needed to answer any questions. His staff is GREAT. They all making sure everything is going well and constantly ask if you need anything to make the process more comfortable. Any time you need a break you just let them know and accommodate yourself of do what you need. Once the procedure is over, Dr. Charles gives you the post surgery info and instructions. Once again, he takes all the time necessary to explain everything and answer any questions. In a near future I will be back to follow up with more updates regarding my HT procedure. I hope this info is helpful for anyone out there considering HT with Dr. Charles. Take Care!
  8. I wanted to share my experience with Dr. Glenn Charles, his staff and the hair transplantation surgery I had performed on December 29, 2003. I was beginning to have hair loss in the front of my head since a very young age. Never really believed in topical medicine so I never tried them. I always thought HT was the best solution. I started doing some research on HT and came across Dr. Charles. Since the very first communication he was very prompt in his reply and cleared all questions. I decided to have my HT on December 29, 2003. I was never nervous about the procedure, Dr. Charles or the results. It has not been long enough to have final conclusions about the procedure but I have no worries and I'm sure everything will go as expected. I will keep following the posts keeping up with my results. For those interested in HT I definitely recommend Dr. Charles at Boca Raton, FL. (CHARLES MEDICAL GROUP) Regarding the procedure with Dr. Charles, it is all very relaxed and honest. Dr. Charles explains all the procedure and spends as much time needed to answer any questions. His staff is GREAT. They all making sure everything is going well and constantly ask if you need anything to make the process more comfortable. Any time you need a break you just let them know and accommodate yourself of do what you need. Once the procedure is over, Dr. Charles gives you the post surgery info and instructions. Once again, he takes all the time necessary to explain everything and answer any questions. In a near future I will be back to follow up with more updates regarding my HT procedure. I hope this info is helpful for anyone out there considering HT with Dr. Charles. Take Care!
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