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Umar 8 mos 3000 FUE


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Hey Guys,


Sorry for skipping last month. It does get harder and harder to take the pics and post each month especially when not a lot has changed.



Not much has changed. I think there has been some overall thickening. I have some gaps on the right side still. Overall the difference is amazing and I'm happy. But to be fair, its not perfect. The right sided gaps probably will not fill in. They aren't noticeable for the most part, but all of these pictures were taken with a flash.




Overall happy - Umar has promised me, he'd fill in any gaps that don't grow in for free. I may take him up on that one day, but for now I'm happy.

Had 3k With Umar on Feb 16, 2009


My Hair Loss Website

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Nice...take him up on the touch-up work to complete the transformation back to handsome lad. The hard work is done. Natural hairline, no strip scar, first go at HT..count your blessings. Most don't have full satisfaction after the first round. Dr. Umar's offer is mighty generous.

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by Abedogg:

Hey Guys,


Sorry for skipping last month. It does get harder and harder to take the pics and post each month especially when not a lot has changed.



Not much has changed. I think there has been some overall thickening. I have some gaps on the right side still. Overall the difference is amazing and I'm happy. But to be fair, its not perfect. The right sided gaps probably will not fill in. They aren't noticeable for the most part, but all of these pictures were taken with a flash.




Overall happy - Umar has promised me, he'd fill in any gaps that don't grow in for free. I may take him up on that one day, but for now I'm happy.




Did Dr Umar tell you how long you would have to wait before getting the free grafts to fill in the gaps?


1st Transplant: 5,485 grafts with Dr Jerry Wong


2nd Transplant: 3,100 grafts with Dr Jerry Wong


3rd Transplant: 5,035 grafts with Dr Sanusi Umar


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He hasn't yet. But he made it sound like I could come in any time. He said in his email it wouldn't require shaving, just a couple of hours.


I don't think I'm going to want to do it, or have time to get to CA for another few months, so i did send him an email asking if i could do it in a few months.

Had 3k With Umar on Feb 16, 2009


My Hair Loss Website

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Moderators

I see he took some hair from the back of the neck. I'd like to know how that area is looking now. Any noticeable scarring on your neck? Seems like that would be a good place to get hair from in some people IF it doesn't leave easily noticeable scarring.


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(formerly BeHappy)

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i have to agree i think DR. UMAR has made a balls of this.


loads of gaps that should not be there, just goes to show the risks with FUE.


wether or not he will fill the gaps for free is a diffrent question as he did not get it right the first time so why should you let him waste for more of your grafts. i would ask for the money rather than the touchup and go elswhere.

Dr A. Armani 2500 Fue

Dec 2008


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Guys -


Its important to note that under most lighting my hair looks great. So, during my everyday life, they are not easy to spot. These are under harsh flash.


I'm also sure that many can relate to having good hair days and bad hair days even after your HT.


When I took these my hair had been kinda thin, scalp itchy. Its gotten better over the last two or three weeks and I'm very happy again.


So, although I don't think I have 100% growth, I'm happy with the growth overall and I feel that my hair is getting denser as well.


I'm due for an update next week.

Had 3k With Umar on Feb 16, 2009


My Hair Loss Website

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I'm sorry to say but this procedure looks like a failure to me. My heart goes out to you. At 9 months it is very very rare you will see newly sprouted hairs. Thickening will occur for a few more months, but very rare new hair growth. I wish for everyone's sake that after the 9th month post-op mark there are still many more new hairs to grow in.

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Originally posted by Einstein:

I'm sorry to say but this procedure looks like a failure to me. My heart goes out to you. At 9 months it is very very rare you will see newly sprouted hairs. Thickening will occur for a few more months, but very rare new hair growth. I wish for everyone's sake that after the 9th month post-op mark there are still many more new hairs to grow in.


Well, I don't know how you can say that. It certainly is NOT a failure.


First, Abedogg is, for the most part, pleased. That is the single biggest factor of them all.


Second of all, you certainly CAN get growth as well as thickening after 8 months.


Third, there is a HUGE difference pre-op to post-op.


Abedogg, I do have to say that the variety of lighting you've taken pics with shows a huge variety in appearance of coverage.


It seems like you would be a good candidate for a concealer like toppik for touch up. It also suprises me how few guys know that by adding some thikening gel to the hair when its wet immediately after the shower, can have a huge impact on density appearance. Certain gels go on wet, dry naturally with the hair. These aren't used for styling, simply for body.

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I would not classify this procedure as a failure.


If abedogg is satisfied, even after acknowledging less than optimal growth, then all of us should be satisfied. After all, his opinion is the most important.


Additionally, this thread does not paint a rosy outlook or a poor outlook...it details the journey quite well and will allow any potential reader to grasp the positive and negatives of this approach.


Myself personally, I am not a big fan of the nape hair (except and as an alternative source)...if I had to guess, I would say that there is a possibility that the nape hair is what did not grow or is cycling differently than expected.


Time will tell.


The important thing here is that abe is happy and has a commitment "option" from his doctor that he will take care of him at no charge should he choose to exercise it.


Notice he did not blame the patient or declare this to be an expected result or tell him there are no guarantee's.


All in all, very informative thread.


Take Care,


Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Originally posted by the B spot:

Hey Wind....what do think are the best thickening/density products to put on wet hair?





A quick first point. Umar only uses nape hair on the first two lines of hairline grafts. So, I doubt Abedoggs appearance has anything to do with nape hair.


As for gels, my favorite is Matrix hair thickening gel. When I get out of the shower I put a nickel size amount and run it through my frontal 1/3 of my hair. Then I just let my hair dry as normal (because I'm lazy and hair dryers are noisy icon_razz.gif. )


I also use Nioxin thickening conditioner, but the gel is the big difference maker. I tried different thickening mouses, but the gel works best for me. I have light brown thinner type hair and living in Cali, where there is no humidity, left to their own devices, hairs like mine don't give great coverage.


With the conditioner and gel and only washing my hair every other day, I can get thick coverage.


I also want to add, although I know it doesn't apply to everyone, that getting highlights can also thicken your head of hair. Highlight chemicals damage the hair (not the follicle if done professionally and correctly) which adds to its appearance of thickness.


I get subtle blond highlights (the same color my hair turns if I spend a lot of time in the sun) and this adds to my hairs thickness as well.

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i honestly hope and wish i am wrong. there is nothing more hurtful than a cosmetic procedure gone wrong. i would personally not be happy in his shoes, but good to see he is satisfied.


B Spot, what are the realistic chances of new hairs growing in after the 8th and 9th post-op mark?

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Thanks Wind. I'll have to check out the Matrix and report back to you =)I'm trying to get my wife to accept me with some blond highlights...she has an issue with it..I might just do it anyway. BTW---On a funny note..she wants a wedding ring "upgrade" said she expected me to spend what I have spent on my hair....I laughed. icon_biggrin.gif


Einstein... once you get to 10 months, just about everything should have broken through the skin...that doesn't mean you can "see" it or that the hair will provide any cosmetic benefit...that could take several more months to occur.


Also, it seems most people experience a slower growth period for each successive HT....something to keep in mind as well.

Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Hey Guys,


I don't think that there is going to be any more growth. I haven't noticed much in a while. But I do think thickening and proper styling products make a huge difference.


I've been pretty diligent about showing my gaps so people get a good idea of a critical view. However, most people are not inspecting my head in my day to day life.


I'll take some pics without the harsh light and with my hair styled and I think you'll understand why its hard to be dissapointed.


Like I said its hard to put a percentage on my growth (I didnt expect 100% with FUE) but overall I'm satisfied and if you saw me in person you might suspect that I'm thinning but you wouldnt suspect I had a hair transplant.



Had 3k With Umar on Feb 16, 2009


My Hair Loss Website

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If Abedogg is satisfied with the result,then I believe him. Also, he has said that he has shown his result in the harshest possible way.

It is hard to show what a result looks like with pictures. There have been some Rahal patients where their pictures look amazing, but the patients have been stated their concerns about gaps and not enough thickness.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi Abe. I'm scheduled for a transplant using nape hair with Dr. Umar in a few months. As another poster had asked, I'm also wondering if there is any visible scarring at the back of the neck? From all of the pictures I've seen of Umar's patients, I don't see anything visible, but it would be nice to hear firsthand. Could you please let us know? Thanks.

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The postulation would be that the gaps are a direct result of sub-optimal yield; indirectly a result of using FUE vs. strip, which has a tendency to compromise yield.


I'm not sure why the gaps would be island-like, but this of course can all change as Abe has a bit to go in his progression. Could just be simple randomness.


Abe's done a really good job keeping honest about his HT; even if one were to accept the fact that he had compromised some yield b/c he opted for FUE w/ Umar, the sacrifice may very well be well worth it to have gotten the yield he did get, + not having gone the route of strip.


Abe's hairloss is pretty mild all things considered, to, so I think he should be pretty set going forward -- could always do one more FUE session to refine things.


Just because it got mentioned...re: the Rahal patients being alluded to....having personally talked to and seen additional pics of a couple of them, my opinion is that it's mainly a case of looking for perfection where perfection can't be expected.


It really goes both ways -- pics can make things look worse or better; it's just more difficult to get a fully formed, dynamic perception from pics vs. in the flesh. In person, it is easier to pick up on subtlies and things to give you an idea as to what your "really" looking at, cutting through deception (inadvertent and intentional).


But my opinion is that you can get a really good feel for HTs -- even if this means having a good feel that what your looking at isn't a fully-formed picture of reality -- from pics alone.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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I think the illusion is there, Abe just took some very harsh & revealing pics. Yes the gaps are there but he has come along way & with concealers this can look pretty darn good.

Its tough with coarse hair like that but it is what it is. From the front it looks fantastic.

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