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Consultation Fees

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What is everybody's opinion on them? Dr. Feriduni has said I can have a consultation but have to pay 217 euros. I think this a lot of money for a 45-60 minute chat when I am there to assess if I will be spending 10k+ euros (more if you factor in the inevitable future procedures). I also think it is a sneaky way of just tying you into the clinic by getting you to invest, financially, in that particular clinic. On the other hand, Dr Feriduni is world class.


What are people's thoughts on the matter?

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  • Senior Member
What is everybody's opinion on them? Dr. Feriduni has said I can have a consultation but have to pay 217 euros. I think this a lot of money for a 45-60 minute chat when I am there to assess if I will be spending 10k+ euros (more if you factor in the inevitable future procedures). I also think it is a sneaky way of just tying you into the clinic by getting you to invest, financially, in that particular clinic. On the other hand, Dr Feriduni is world class.


What are people's thoughts on the matter?


I think that it is acceptable. Sure, I am glad a lot don't, but it is understandable, especially for someone that is in super high demand. It weeds the window shoppers out and makes room for the most serious. If you get surgery with him, then the money is put towards your surgical fees I believe. If 200 euros makes someone choose a doc even though they know that he isn't the right guy, then they are probably not in a financial position to get a transplant. Basically, at least in the US, it is just a doctors visit to a GP (and you only get about 10 minutes with them usually), so its not that crazy. I know a lot of plastic surgeons do this too.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

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I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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I have the money so that is not the issue. I just find it immoral that they are tying you in to a particular clinic by making you pay consultation fees. I hadn't though to ask if the amount is subtracted from the total fee. If it is, it is less bad as I will probably go with Feriduni anyway. I will send them an email now to find out.

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I see both sides. I understand the doctors need to not waste their time with every lookieloo who has a passing curiosity but it is fair to get to meet and find out if the doc youre choosing for this costly surgery is somebody you feel comfortable with and being charged for that seems greedy. The good news is, in the hair community the information is pretty out there so you tend to hear who has character issues etc so if you like their body of work the consults usually just a formality. I haven't heard of anybody racking up multiple costs in consults. So if youre interested exclusively by Feriduni, drop the fee and get it done. Ive never heard of a consult fee not being taken from the total if you go ahead with the op.

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Well, I have just got a reply from his rep and the money does not go towards the final cost of the surgery. It isn't the money itself, I just find this a bit cheeky to be honest. If I have 2-4 procedures during the course of my time with him, that will be 20-40,000 euros and he is charging 200 euros for the privilege to spend that money with him. I could understand if it would deducted from the final cost of the surgery. I do wonder, on the basis of some replies here, if this is a difference in culture between the US and Europe (even though the doctor is Euopean).

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While it's great that some doctors do free consults, I can't honestly blame doctors for collecting fees for in-person consults. For starters, most doctors do apply the fee to the cost of the procedure so if you do end up going with them, you really didn't end up paying anything. On the other hand, if doctors scheduled 5 free consultations in a day for 30 minutes each, that's 2.5 hours he's not getting paid a nickel.


Think of it this way...


When you make an apt with your general practitioner, you have to pay, even if you're just going in for a checkup or because you have the common cold. If a hair transplant surgeon is going to take an hour away from his day to focus solely on you, showing you his portfolio, answering your specific questions about your hair loss situation and coming up with a strategic plan for your needs, I think it's fair for a physician to request a consult fee.


Realistically, by the time I'm ready to sit down with a surgeon to discuss the specifics, I've already selected him. And I selected the physician based on viewing dozens of patient results of his online, a free virtual consultation and conversation on the phone, reputation on this community, etc.


And if you're choosing a surgeon that's not local, in many cases, there is no in-person consult until the day of your surgery or even the day before after you book a flight out there. And at that point, they don't charge you additional money for the consultation the day before your procedure because you're already booked.


Long story short, I think it's a nice touch and a bonus when a well respected physician offers free in-person consults. But it's definitely not necessary and I don't begrudge a physician for charging a nominal consult fee for giving up a part of his day.


Frankly, a lot of doctors who offer free consults are newer and don't have the reputation to be booked months in advance yet. Thus, they offer free consults as a way to try to get more business. Doctors who are exceptionally busy don't need to give away free consults because they're booked months in advance.


Make sense?


Best wishes,



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I just read your comments where you said that Dr. Feriduni's consult fee does not go to the final cost of the procedure. That's unusual to me however, I still stand by what I said. Dr. Feriduni is a world renowned surgeon, I'm certain with a long waiting list given his outstanding work. I know you said you feel like you shouldn't have to pay for a 45 to 60 minute "chat" with him, but an hour is actually a pretty long time, especially if he's scheduled multiple consults in a week or even a day.


Think about your career. If you were in high demand for whatever you did and people were lining up at your door, would you be giving away your services for free if/when you could be getting paid? I know I wouldn't.


Again, I understand your desire to get it for free. But understand that you are selecting an outstanding surgeon with a world renowned reputation. What's an extra couple hundred bucks for a lifetime of thick, natural looking hair from one of the best surgeons in the world?


That's my opinion.



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I take your point completely (I don't pay for visits to the GP though ;) ) and it isn't the amount of money itself as 200 euros out of possibly 30k euros isn't much (it isn't much anyway) and I also appreciate he doesn't want to give his work away for free, I wouldn't. I just think the fairest way to deal with it would be 200 euros and then if you choose to go with him then it is deducted from the amount. As I said earlier, it isn't the amount itself that bothers me. It is the fact it feels like I am being "trapped into" going with this doctor by having to financially invest in him first (financial investment leading to an emotional investment).

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I take your point completely (I don't pay for visits to the GP though ;) ) and it isn't the amount of money itself as 200 euros out of possibly 30k euros isn't much (it isn't much anyway) and I also appreciate he doesn't want to give his work away for free, I wouldn't. I just think the fairest way to deal with it would be 200 euros and then if you choose to go with him then it is deducted from the amount. As I said earlier, it isn't the amount itself that bothers me. It is the fact it feels like I am being "trapped into" going with this doctor by having to financially invest in him first (financial investment leading to an emotional investment).


I'm surprised that it does not go to the cost if you have him for the procedure too.


That said, I know that a lot of docs can be pretty generous. It is pretty common for docs to not charge for extra grafts from a strip, I see it here all of the time. I see some docs doing pro bono work on kids from injuries or tradition treatment, etc.


They run a business and should get paid for their work. But, I pointed out the above to say its not like all of these guys are swimming inside of their gold coin vaults like Scrooge McDuck.


Honestly, for supply in demand (number of really TOP docs vs number of rich balding guys), I really believe that the top 10 docs could probably increase thier prices pretty significantly and still stay booked. You'd be suprised (and so was I) the amount of people out there where money is no object and they can and would pay twice as much without really blinking.


That's one of the issues when it comes to transplants even still today (and ESPECIALLY 10 years ago), there just aren't that many premier superstar docs out there IMO.


So, yeah, the 200 euros is a bummer, buy would you rather get a free consult with Dr. Pluggy McGee?


The 200 is pretty insignificant. But, I do think that they could put it towards your procedure.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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Here's my take on it, you can go get a free consultation online by submitting your photos. Now this is what I did, there is no substitute for in person consults, I paid $250 to see Dr. Mohebi who's office is 20 min from my house, my thinking was that he offfered a miniaturization test and did a thorough examination of my entire scalp, something that I wouldn't get elsewhere, for peace of mind the $250 is nothing, it's not immoral of him, he's charging me for providing a service plain and simple, I took it ONE STEP further and drove 14 hours to go see Dr. Gabel, although his consult was free I still spent money on the gas and overnight hotel, it came out to be about the same $250. Did it matter to me? NO why should it, you're going to be spending thousands of dollars, you want to make sure you make the right move if spending a couple hundred bucks is required so be it. If you're not willing to spend that money on a quality consult you shouldn't be looking in to a procedure IMO.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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I'm surprised that it does not go to the cost if you have him for the procedure too.


That said, I know that a lot of docs can be pretty generous. It is pretty common for docs to not charge for extra grafts from a strip, I see it here all of the time. I see some docs doing pro bono work on kids from injuries or tradition treatment, etc.


They run a business and should get paid for their work. But, I pointed out the above to say its not like all of these guys are swimming inside of their gold coin vaults like Scrooge McDuck.


Honestly, for supply in demand (number of really TOP docs vs number of rich balding guys), I really believe that the top 10 docs could probably increase thier prices pretty significantly and still stay booked. You'd be suprised (and so was I) the amount of people out there where money is no object and they can and would pay twice as much without really blinking.


That's one of the issues when it comes to transplants even still today (and ESPECIALLY 10 years ago), there just aren't that many premier superstar docs out there IMO.


So, yeah, the 200 euros is a bummer, buy would you rather get a free consult with Dr. Pluggy McGee?


The 200 is pretty insignificant. But, I do think that they could put it towards your procedure.


Completely agree with all of that. It isn't the amount that bothers me, I can afford it and the consequent procedure(s) but it is the principle and the fact they do not put it towards the procedure. Also, I am paying to have a consultation in SIX (6) months!!!!!! I could see him sooner if I just booked the procedure. Crazy timetabling.


You might be tempted to say just have the procedure then as it sounds like you have already chosen your doctor however, I am of 3 minds and want to discuss each option with him.

1) Forget it and shave it all off (I have a forelock though :( )

2) get FUE and give myself just enough on top over 2-3 procedures to give myself a shadow and then shave it off and keep it that way forever so it looks like I was losing my hair and then just cut it short. This looks suits me anyway.

3) FUT procedures to get max out of my donor and make the most out of it and then FUE the scars. The deciding factor is I do not want to take medication so if 2 or 3 aren't viable, I will do 1. I am hoping at least one of them will be though.


Dr Feriduni is the only doctor who has turned me away too for my crown citing that the pattern would be more obvious in my mid-30s (3 years away) and even said I should wait about a year to get the frontal 3rd done (which at this rate it will have been by the time I get the procedure). This shows ethics to me so I want to see him which in turns means I will probably, grudgingly, fork out the 217 euros.

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Here's my take on it, you can go get a free consultation online by submitting your photos. Now this is what I did, there is no substitute for in person consults, I paid $250 to see Dr. Mohebi who's office is 20 min from my house, my thinking was that he offfered a miniaturization test and did a thorough examination of my entire scalp, something that I wouldn't get elsewhere, for peace of mind the $250 is nothing, it's not immoral of him, he's charging me for providing a service plain and simple, I took it ONE STEP further and drove 14 hours to go see Dr. Gabel, although his consult was free I still spent money on the gas and overnight hotel, it came out to be about the same $250. Did it matter to me? NO why should it, you're going to be spending thousands of dollars, you want to make sure you make the right move if spending a couple hundred bucks is required so be it. If you're not willing to spend that money on a quality consult you shouldn't be looking in to a procedure IMO.


Logically you're right but I just think it should be discounted from the overall amount if I go ahead with the procedure (see above for more details).

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Logically what difference will 200 make out of a procedure that costs thousands of dollars, plus there is no guarantee you'll even have the procedure, you're paying for a professional opinion and examination period. I don't know your financial situation maybe 200 makes a big difference to you I don't know, but if that's the case you might wanna save up some money. I'd pay 200 in a heart beat if I felt the consultation was worth it as I said I'd even travel, maybe you should do the same, Dr. Bisanga, Dr. Lupunzula, Dr. Lorenzo, Dr. Freitas they're all in Europe, you may have to travel but some may be willing to do a consult for free, however you'd still have to pay travel expenses which IMO is worth it. Either way you're going to spend money.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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Thanks for the reply. I have mentioned repeatedly in this thread that my financial situation is not the limiting factor here. I do not mind paying 200 euros for something like this. I have spent more on nights out. I begrudge not having this reduced from the total amount should I go ahead (and if I don't, I would understand why he has charged 217 euros for his time).

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If I can toss another perspective into the mix...


If you're going to a world class physician for your HT then you know they have the techniques down and the consistent results to back up their technical aptitude. Most often when patient's meet with a doctor then, it's to talk about the "artistic" side of the transplant (hairline design for example). Setting clear expectations for doctor & patient is critical to the success of the procedure. It benefits the doctor to have these conversations with patients before asking for any type of commitment, even a consultation fee...


- Tara


Rahal Hair Transplant Clinic - Answers to questions and posts using this account are strictly opinions and not to be considered medical advice.

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I take your point completely (I don't pay for visits to the GP though ;) )


You said you don't pay for visits to the GP. I don't know exactly how it works in Europe, but even if you don't pay out of pocket, your insurance company does. And you pay for insurance. Or at least someone does. The point is, the doctor is not working for free because someone is paying him/her.


Hair transplant surgery is elective surgery and thus, it's not covered by insurance. So because they can't take insurance, someone has to pay for their time.


Trust me, your GP is getting paid for his/her time and someone is paying for it. :-)


I just think the fairest way to deal with it would be 200 euros and then if you choose to go with him then it is deducted from the amount. As I said earlier, it isn't the amount itself that bothers me. It is the fact it feels like I am being "trapped into" going with this doctor by having to financially invest in him first (financial investment leading to an emotional investment).


Ok, but don't you think the financial investment would lead to the emotional investment even if he put that money towards the procedure? Actually, I think it's exactly the opposite. By not applying the money towards the procedure, you aren't getting anything further out of going to him for the actual procedure. Because instead of taking that consult fee off the final price of the procedure, making it more compelling for you to go to him, the procedure cost is completely distinct.


At the end of the day, nobody wants to have to pay for something if they can get it for free somewhere else. But by your own admission, you don't begrudge him for charging for his time because you would too :-). So ultimately, you'll have to decide whether or not this very minor issue will stop you from consulting and having surgery with one of the best surgeons in the world.

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Just my 2 cents, as I said earlier I dont begrudge any doc charging a consultation fee but I do begrudge a doctor not willing to take it off the final price if you decide to go with him. That for me would be something that would stop me going to a doctor. I can afford the money, the money is a non issue so lets stop harping on the amount this is about the principle ...to me that they make a stink over what amounts to peanuts is concerning, part of the reasons I chose the doctors I did for my surgeries is their passion for what they do and I avoided docs who seemed more motivated by the finances involved. I get a lawyer feeling from a doctor that insists on billing like this..like any discussions are on the clock and that they think their time is so important that in the future after the transplant I may have trouble reaching them and may end up working my way up thru middle men, and reps etc to get questions answered because their time is so valuable. Now is that going to for sure be the case no and I know that but that is the impression that I get and I dont want to feel that way going into a surgery nor should I have to question that... god forbid what if something goes wrong in the healing process or the result is subpar then what hassle am i going to potentially face if hes nickle and diming me now. Are they going to be sticklers on the repair and fight me, just thoughts that pop up and are red flags for me. I want to feel the process is about the hair not the money.

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