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BUSA Banned for Violating Terms of Service

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After numerous complaints from members via email, private message and public posts on the forum, we have decided that it is time we part ways with BUSA.


His posts often violated our Terms of Service by demeaning other members as well as recommended physicians. These posts clearly demonstrate that he has little respect for our recommendation criteria or engaging in civil discussions.


Hopefully, this will help to restore a more productive and amicable tone to the forum.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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A great decision. I have just reactivated my account and this is even better news. I grew tired reading his



I did so recently as well (under a new username long lost from back in '07). I wholeheartedly second that emotion.


David - on behalf of those seeking solid advice and direction pre-op, comfort post operatively (even if a hasty or somewhat uninformed decision was made), and generally, legible, non-combative discourse on a wide range of hair-related topics - thanks.

Edited by Tav1
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Thank you, David. I hope that this serves as a wake up call for those knee jerk reactions that can cause more harm than good when someone seeks help and advice.

I'm serious.  Just look at my face.


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I don't see what rules he violated. You're right, he has disdain towards most of the doctors on this site, but that's his opinion, I don't think he was making personal attacks on any doctor.


He lobbed personal attacks on several members calling them names, insulting their intelligence, etc. Just perform a search and you'll find numerous examples of his inappropriate commentary.


I don't agree that he was just stating his opinion. Most everyone here does that daily without raising the ire of a large portion of the community.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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Hi David,


That's definitely a wake-up call. I know he skirted the line a couple of times, but did think he had good intentions to help other members at times.


A member I highly recommend you take a look at is taurusrisen. I was wrong to let him rope me in at times, and I was probably inappropriate with my responses, but he has engaged in personal insults and made some unfounded and unsubstantiated allegations. Take a look at some of his earlier posts from years ago where he accused another member of being a troll and agent for a particular surgeon.

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Hey Guys,


Just to back David's point a bit here ...


Remember that what we all see on the forums themselves is only one part of the equation. Generally, Dave and I view threads and only moderate with friendly reminders when necessary. In fact, I don't think we've ever swooped into a thread and banned anyone just based on that discussion. What does come into play a lot of the time, however, are the privates messages and emails we receive about certain members. There is a lot of input that goes into these types of actions "behind the scenes." This was definitely the case here.


And, to my knowledge, we didn't actually get any complaints from doctors themselves. It was from other members.


Anyway, sometimes these decisions can be a bit controversial. But we always try to make them with the best of the whole community in mind.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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In my opinion, time will prove BUSA correct on many things. While a little abrasive, I feel his opinion certainly is/was good for any person dealing with hair loss. We should welcome all opinions when making an informed decision. I disagree with nearly every word/video a certain doctor posts on this message board, but I welcome his thoughts as it makes me a better consumer.


Thank you for your contribution BUSA!

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I agree, while his way of getting things across was maybe a tad aggressive, he questioned things, which is what this forum is all about surely?..i enjoy this forum, it's a fantastic way to learn about procedures etc, especially for someone like myself who is considering having a ht this year.


I've been reading this forum for the past 10 years, maybe more, it probably saved me from getting butchered by and english surgeon at the age of 21, which I was all set to do. This forum probably saved me not only thousands of pounds, but a disastrous looking ht, that would of destroyed my 20's, so for that I will always be grateful.


But, there is no getting away from it, the powers that be, here, like to censor people that don't go with the flow, every forum, on any subject, has "sheep", nothing wrong with that, but you have to allow an open debate, within reason of course.


Busa, questioned things which is what we want, for example, I have the upmost respect dr feller, fantastic surgeon, but I can t help get the feeling ( I could be wrong) , that his banning, had more to do with him pretty much laughing at dr feller in this fue v fut debate ( how many of these are there now) . I think Dr Feller has made some very odd remarks with no facts whatsoever and Busa highlighted and exposed this...Dr Feller is a "coalition " surgeon, he pays a fee...etc etc...I don't need to draw a picture do I?


As I said I've been reading this forum for a long time, it's not hard to read between the lines.

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I support the decision.


He has over a long period of time proved to be consistently rude, abusive and offensive to multiple forum members.


I don't know if it is intentional but I am sure he has been warned along the way of his conduct and he has not taken this on-board.

Edited by chrisdav

2 poor unsatisfactory hair transplants performed in the UK.


Based on vast research and meeting patients, I travelled to see Dr Feller in New York to get repaired.

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I believe that he could have expressed himself in a more eloquent manner. Nonetheless, I do believe that his intentions were good, and he was only trying to help other members. His opinions were strong, but that is just what this industry needs.


He spoke his mind, and in my opinion, oftentimes he was right.

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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so is this thread now a new campaign to get BUSA back, what about all the people who don't PM you David and agree with BUSA on this site, do we now have to say who we like and don't like for the fear of them being blocked, this is social media, people disagree all the time.

June 2013 - 3000 FUE Dr Bhatti

Oct 2013 - 1000 FUE Dr Bhatti

Oct 2015 - 785 FUE Dr Bhatti


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hhmmm. Yea he was pretty straightforward and sometimes rude but I think he was just saying what he felt in his own way. He called it like he saw it, just like Dr. Feller did in that heated thread. We do need people to be honest here and say clearly when things aren't looking good. Both sides of any view are important. In a way I think we need some BUSA's. Though I understand him getting banned if he really offended some people and crossed the line too many times. But remember conflicting views are important or the threads are going to get pretty boring.

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Hey guys, I think this is a bit harsh. His posts could be abrasive and he didn't guild the lily, but like others I always felt his intentions were sincere. He did not strike me as a disruptive poster, rather someone with very strong views. A lot of what he said of course is entirely subjective and opinion based, and the manner in which he expressed those beliefs did have an irritant value on occasion, but I never felt that his intentions were bad.

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Was the guy sometimes rude? Yes! Was his opinions sometimes strange yes! Should he be banned for this! No! He should have had at least some public warnings about his way of putting across his opinions! Has he been banned because of what he said to dr feller? Yes!!

Does that Bode well for this community and it's integrity? No!!

He's made comments on patients threads that I didn't like, no warnings I can remember but as soon as he has negatively put FACTS on a thread regarding a coalition dr he miraculously gets banned!!

Moderators this isn't right!! And will dis way posters of questioning drs posts, claims and statements which is going to make for a worse less balanced and informed forum!

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The comment I will make on this matter is; I will liken Busa to Roy Keane for those of you not in the know, he's an ex premiership football player now sometimes commentator for the BBC and ITV football programmes in the UK.

Quite simply he's a no nonsense say it how it is kind of guy, a breath of fresh air compared to the safe don't ruffle any feathers Gary linkers [another commentator] of this world .

I suppose it comes down to hidden agendas I don't know exactly where Busa was coming from but he certainly wasn't boring

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Mick50, you're spot on with the Roy Keane analogy. I was quite warming to BUSA, he certainly had strong views and character which is always a plus to any forum discussion.


I think he was over bashing one doctor and had moved on to his next doctor, who was probably the Mick McCarthy to his Roy Keane, with a similar end result!

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Although BUSA was always very direct and came across as a douche (and was very bad at spelling), I feel his general intentions were good. All too often posters tend to sugar-coat the topics discussed here, which is not beneficial. I'm glad some of the other trolls are banned but I support him.

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BUSA was very direct, and honest, and he certainly didn't deserve to get banned. I actually agree with the comment that he left before getting banned: A FUT doctor who specializes in FUT usually does not perform FUE as well as a Doctor who specializes in FUE and has carried out 100s of mega sessions. What is controversial about this statement?


I suppose that having an opinion and openly criticizing a doctor is against the terms and conditions of this site.

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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It's like a guest that does not agree with Bill O'Reilly on Fox News. They get yelled at, the segment is over and they are banned from his show. That is exactly what I see happening here. We have a big bully (ironically calling other people bullies) presenting his "opinion" as "fact." I think many/most can see right through it. Well, at least I hope they can see right through it.

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His posts often violated our Terms of Service by demeaning other members




Out of curiosity, does this apply to recommended physicians as well?

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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But, there is no getting away from it, the powers that be, here, like to censor people that don't go with the flow, every forum, on any subject, has "sheep", nothing wrong with that, but you have to allow an open debate, within reason of course.


Busa, questioned things which is what we want, for example, I have the upmost respect dr feller, fantastic surgeon, but I can t help get the feeling ( I could be wrong) , that his banning, had more to do with him pretty much laughing at dr feller in this fue v fut debate ( how many of these are there now) . I think Dr Feller has made some very odd remarks with no facts whatsoever and Busa highlighted and exposed this...Dr Feller is a "coalition " surgeon, he pays a fee...etc etc...I don't need to draw a picture do I?


I know it's tempting to lash out and cry foul about free speech violations and censorship when a member is banned but this is absolutely false. You're confusing BUSA being banned due to rude and aggressive behavior for him being banned for his opinions. These are two different issues. There is no need to take my word for that since anyone using the search feature can find hundreds of opinions expressed here that are both popular and "go with the flow" or controversial and provocative.


As reasonable adults we need to be able to express those opinions constructively and amicably. Insults, personal attacks and agression have no place in a mature, educational environment.


We don't take banning members lightly but it's clear from all of the complaints we've received that this was the right decision.


I don't have all day to comb through BUSA's many posts but here are just a couple of examples of BUSA's inappropriate commentary...


u haven't done enough research then. if ur trying to get ur hair back and save money then go to Europe not freakn Mexico. really dude?


search this site and find 10 ppl that have gone to Mexico for a HT. don't be one of those fools that doesn't want to travel abroad and wants a cheap HT in Mexico. a fool and his money are soon parted.....:rolleyes:


Is this good advice? Maybe. Could it be provided without the demeaning tone? Yes!


the search button is ur friend. unless ur too lazy or stupid to figure that out on ur own....:rolleyes:


and just to appease ur ignorance there are several clinics around the world performing quality HT's that have techs performing them so being an actual doctor vs. one in training with one of the top HT doctors in the world really doesn't mean shiit wen it comes to HT knowledge that Blake has.


uve been awarded TROLL of the month! Congratulations! a free TROLL poster is on its way. you can hang it with pride over ur computer....:rolleyes:


but since ur likely one of the recent BANNED nut huggers ur probably well aware of everything I posted.


The moderators and publishers of this community are tasked with maintaining a forum that is welcoming, friendly and informative. That's not an easy job and sometimes we have to make decisions that some members will take issue with.


The bottom line is that we don't have to endure the presence of members that want to take advantage of their anonymity to lob insults make this place uncomfortable for others and we won't. Anyone that wants to do that is welcome to go elsewhere.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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