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Heartbroken and mental breakdown...that is what all i have to say


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Well... Dr. Gabel called me yesterday. I am kind of upset to learn from that he is upset and worried on what i wrote.


I don't believe you wrote anything inappropriate or hurtful on the forums, apart from your misinterpretation of Dr Gabel's warning about what you may read on the interne.

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Im not trying to upset you dr.




Wow. And you actually put that your trying not to offend the dr when you just called him and 2/3 of the doctors on this site unethical.


Who the heck to do you think you are calling dozens of physicians unethical on this site? Its easy to say "I did not name names" and hide behind some avatar and name, but when you insult the integrity of people that have worked their whole lives to become a physician and do their best for their patients - do you expect them just to sit back. Not.


I am very passionate about this as I know Dr. Gabel for the hard work and commitment that he provided to me. The last word I would call him is unethical. When I come to his office, I am always treated with the utmost respect. And I am so happy with the results and continued commitment that he provides me and his patients, as I have seen him interact with other patients while in the office. And he said in his comments that he is very concerned about the results of this patient, has been in contact with him, and will do what it takes to make it right.


aaron602: you have lost all credibility on this site with such a stupid, profound statement. Why don't you man up and name the 2/3 of the physicians on this site who are unethical? Lets see if they sit back while you insult them. Why don't you man up and also answer the question about why they are unethical. Again, lets see if they just sit back while you insult them. How do you know (the physicians who you are going name) they are unethical?

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. Quote from Charles R. Swindol



March 14, 2013. 2462 grafts to the crown

Hair Transplant with Dr. Gabel in Portland, Oregon

Dr. Gabel's Website

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Im just purely standing up for future patients




Really: by insulting almost 70% of the physicians that are recommended on this site? Again, by calling this physician and almost 70% of the physicians on this site unethical - you better have the evidence to back up such a profound statement. I learned a ton about hair transplants by reading this site and about the drs on this site.


Clearly you have no idea about the practice of medicine. Let me educate you: not every patient follows the textbook on recovery and healing after surgery. And if a patient does not have the expected outcome, it does not mean the physician is unethical, unqualified, or a bad physician. When unexpected outcomes occurs, you hope that your physician helps you through it and does not abandon you. It says a ton that dr gable immediately reached out and spoke to this patient and said that he is committed to his patient. And if you think the greatest and best physicians never have an outcome or result that they were not happy with, then you really are clueless.

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. Quote from Charles R. Swindol



March 14, 2013. 2462 grafts to the crown

Hair Transplant with Dr. Gabel in Portland, Oregon

Dr. Gabel's Website

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I don't have anymore strength and power to express my pains, worries and sorrows as i have lost all my hope. Its been 9 months and this is what i have got...5% or 7% growth. And i don't think coming months are going to make any difference. May be 1 or 2% improvement at the max i believe. I am not taking Minxoxidil or Fin due to side effects. Regardless of them a 9 month progress shouldn't be this WORSE/SICKENING/UGLY.


I was told by the doctor not to read forums out on the internet as they mislead me and stressed that it takes 2 full years to get the full result....which i am tired to hear and get convinced of anymore. My life goals (gaining a pleasant appearance, my marriage, my parents' happiness from it, family welfare etc) that i was dreaming to achieve of from this HT are RUINED to the max by the very same HT. Could have been a bit better if i had not opted for it.


With the current mindset that nothing can convince me to stay positive of the HT progress anymore, i have the below questions


1. What is the procedure to get my HT fee refunded? Atleast 70% of it

2. How i can survive for the rest of my life? Live with concealers, wigs....? I don't know how far i can live with them on a daily basis...constantly thinking of hiding it from ppl around every minute

3. Is there any magic that can make ppl close to me not to realize that i am with a concealer/wig....? Especially even from a wife...? (with a hopless next to impossible hope that someone would even marry me)


P.S: I was near to the HT clinic till 7 months and moved to a different state then. Called them twice for a skyp appointment which wasn't still reverted with.


I shaved my hair last month...Month 8


I read your post and it resonated with me very much. I do truly empathize with your situation and you are not alone. Many of us have had unsuccessful procedures with very high calibre surgeons. No surgeon has a 100% success rate, there are simply too many uncontrollable variables. Often times the clinic(surgeon and techs) are having an off day or their concentration is subconsciously diminished due to something going on in their personal life. This is just one of the many many variables that can possibly be the cause of a sub-standard result. All is not lost, you still have grafts left in your reserve and you can walk out of this with a cosmetically pleasing look and continue on with your life. This result is sadly not a success any way you look at it and you should NOT have to wait 24 months for a full evaluation. If it is a failure but 12 months, nothing else is going to occur after that. Seek a resolve, whether it be via a free repair or a refund. I do believe Dr Gabel to be a very compassionate, understandable and personale surgeon and human being, I am sure he will accomodate for you. I really do hope you start feeling better and that a resolution is brought forward immediately so you can start to repair things. Keep us posted.

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I'm going to jump in here because I feel I need to. I am one month out with a HT by Dr. Gabel. I don't know how it will turn out. All I can go by is the reputation that Dr. Gabel has and the professionalism that I received by him. I went in knowing I have a risk of it not growing as well as another patient. Nobody can predict how my body accepts this procedure. I was told up front and I am very well prepared for anything. He even brought up the forums to me. Never stating I should not believe things that I have/will read. I'm wise enough to judge what is put out there. Yes I had a FUT procedure. I am well aware of it. I made the choice to have a FUT. Also Dr. Gabel told me it takes about 18 months to see full results. I might add he gives real time examples as they are progressing through their journey. I'm sure I will worry just as everyone else does if it doesn't progress as what I hope for. I feel bad for Alliswell and I hope it works out for him with Dr. Gabel. It shows he is taking time to address this. All is never lost.


This doesn't apply to Alliswell, but what I just don't understand about this Forum is a certain amount of members have 0 positive feedback on other members procedures. They are just looking to give negative feedback and they never show any pics of themselves. Some members give positive and negative and I am not talking about them. It is easy to pick up on the same old crowd that jumps on the same old band wagon every time. I think they are so miserable in their own lives they want to bring everyone else down. They jump all over a Dr. for one out of a hundred procedures that don't turn out as they feel they should. I'm sorry encouragement would be a better way to handle some manners. People are already in a somewhat fragile state. They need help.... We don't need a let's burn this place down mentality offered by so many here. I'm sure I will get flamed with "Your just cheer-leading" comments. I owe nothing to anyone at this point because I am at a phase that I could go either way. Like I said with a lot of others, I am going by previous results from my doctor.


I generally don't engage in pissing matches on forums.... But I will stand up for others that don't deserve the treatment that they are given. Remember a Dr. has a real name and reputation. We are have fake names with fake avatars saying whatever we want with little regard at times. We don't need all "Yes" men here but please be partial and fair.

It gets really depressing seeing results good or bad and it turns into a big fight and we forget about the original intention of the post. I will keep posting and reading because I think the positives out way the negatives.

Edited by Squatch

Dr.Gabel 3972 FUT 11/3/14

Progress/Results Below ;)


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I'd like to thank Dr. Gabel for coming on and providing some insight and perspective on this case. I'm happy to hear that both patient and physician are maintaining amicable and open communication. This is always the best course of action.


aaron602, I'm totally dumbstruck by your comments. In fact, I'm a little confused because it's unclear as to whether you meant to say "unethical" or really meant "unskilled". Either way, the notion is false and offensive to the mysterious 2/3 of the doctors you referenced as well as our community at large because it's members just like you who have the opportunity to provide feedback regarding potential recommendations. We believe in our recommendation criteria and stand behind those standards. In cases where doctors have ceased to maintain those standards, their recommendation has been revoked.


It would be wonderful if every surgery performed met patient expectations. It's just not the case. Even the top 1/3 by (your estimation) will have subpar results in their portfolios. It's an inevitable reality. How a doctor responds in that case is one of the characteristics that distinguishes them as top tier.


As Spanker mentioned, I had a subpar first transplant and chose to return to my doc to fix it. The outcome was excellent. Some choose to do the same while others choose a different doctor. I certainly won't try to encourage AllisWell to do one or the other. The choice is his.


Dr. Gabel's reputation as a world-class hair transplant surgeon and all around great human being precedes him and I'm confident that he'll do everything possible to create a positive outcome for him if that's the route he chooses. Either way, he has the support of the community. We all want the same outcome for him that we wants and deserves.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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im sorry your not happy with the growth of your HT, hang in there, and thank you for sharing your story, try to stay positive and know things can be fixed and you can have the result your looking for, dr gabel is a top doc and is in your corner to help you get to where you need to be.what percentage of the grafts do you think grew? I agree with the poster who said grow your hair longer and see how It looks. this may buy you some time until your ready for round two.

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I'm sure it was discussed between Dr Gabel and the patient, but I am curious as to what the doctor felt to be the reason for the poor growth. Working on a virgin scalp would be expected to be a less formidable task than a repair case characterized by diffuse fibrosis with compromised blood supply and constant graft popping. From what I have seen on this forum Dr. Gabel appears to be a fine HT surgeon and I doubt that there was a gross technical error. If it is not a breach of patient confidentiality, it would be educational for all if Dr. Gabel could give us insight into what he believed to be the problem.

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I feel like two thirds of the reccommended surgeons here on this forum should be dropped. Its disgusting that some surgeons are still reccomended here even after extremely unethical practices.


As others have already commented, I am highly concerned and surprised by this statement. You've gone on to clarify that you believe that some of the physicians here don't produce the kinds of results you are as impressed by. However, your first post refers to "extremely unethical practices". You are insinuating (by posting on this topic) that Dr. Gabel (amongst 2/3rds of our recommended physicians) are unethical and undermining this community and its recommendations with this comment.


This community has long held physicians accountable for their actions. We've discontinued recommendations based on what we've felt was unfair conduct and/or concerns that a particular surgeon is no longer producing the best results. This community holds physicians accountable for their actions. But it also holds members accountable for their comments.


Thus, I'm going to ask that you back up your original statement and provide proof that 2/3rds of our physicians have demonstrated "extremely unethical practices". Otherwise, I'm going to ask that you retract your original statement with an apology to Dr. Gabel and this community for attempting to discredit it and is recommendations.


Best Regards,



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Thank you for sharing your experiences and concerns on this forum. I've known Dr. Gabel personally for a long time. In my opinion, he is one of the most ethical and outstanding surgeons and I know that he deeply cares for his patients. I spoke with him yesterday and he agrees that he'd like to see you with a bit more growth at this stage. But it's also possible that you are a late bloomer and that you have a lot more growth to come. Some hair transplant patients experience new growth up until the 18 month.


If you are not already, I encourage you to consider finasteride and/or minoxidil which will at least probably help you maintain the hair you have. Minoxidl may also help to trigger the growth of any dormant transplanted hair follicles.


I'm glad you spoke with Dr. Gabel personally. I hope this encourages you to go the distance and know that if you don't yield optimal results in time that Dr. Gabel will stand behind you and help you achieve your desired outcome.


If there's anything I can do for you in the meantime, don't hesitate to send me a private message.


Best wishes,



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This doesn't apply to Alliswell, but what I just don't understand about this Forum is a certain amount of members have 0 positive feedback on other members procedures. They are just looking to give negative feedback and they never show any pics of themselves. Some members give positive and negative and I am not talking about them. It is easy to pick up on the same old crowd that jumps on the same old band wagon every time. I think they are so miserable in their own lives they want to bring everyone else down. They jump all over a Dr. for one out of a hundred procedures that don't turn out as they feel they should. I'm sorry encouragement would be a better way to handle some manners. People are already in a somewhat fragile state. They need help.... We don't need a let's burn this place down mentality offered by so many here. I'm sure I will get flamed with "Your just cheer-leading" comments. I owe nothing to anyone at this point because I am at a phase that I could go either way. Like I said with a lot of others, I am going by previous results from my doctor.




Unsurprising, you call out those who make negative comments, but don't do the same for the cheerleaders of HT clinics. It's not hard to see you will be buying your own cheerleading outfit in a few months.


Typically, the worst cheerleaders are also the ones who got strip done. Did you?

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There are some surgeons that take on multiple patients per day and have technicians extract grafts. All the surgeon might do is create recipient sites and just provide anesthesia for FUE, while techs extract and plant grafts to recipient zones for fue. Are there any recommended docs that do this? Would this be considered unethical?



Good luck to the OP and good job on Dr. Gabel to standing by his patient.

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Excuse me are our questions completely ignored? I see the doc was quick to jump on the gun on Aaron but somehow questions from me, KO and Hairweare are completely ignored. So while we crucify Aaron maybe we can also request more active participation in the forums by doctors when we have questions. Unless they somehow feel is beyond them so they can keep on ignoring us!!!




Any info on the case at hand? I saw that you proposed almost double the amount of grafts for this area but the patient didn't have the money and in the end only 2000 were transplanted. Do you think is because of that the result looks so minimal or there might be low yield? Do you feel stopping the meds has something to do with what we see?



I am sure it was discussed between Dr Gabel and the patient, but I am curious as to what the doctor felt to be the reason for the poor growth. Working on a virgin scalp would be expected to be a less formidable task than a repair case characterized by diffuse fibrosis with compromised blood supply and constant graft popping. From what I have seen on this forum Dr. Gabel appears to be a fine HT surgeon and I doubt that there was a gross technical error. If it is not a breach of patient confidentiality, it would be educational for all if Dr. Gabel could give us insight into what he believed to be the problem.



Dr Gabel, could you please comment on your recommendation to wait 2 years? Is this typically what you advise your patients who are seeing slow growth?

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After seeing the OP other post today, I now believe that there may be both physiologic and psychological reasons not to proceed with a third procedure and even undergoing the second procedure may have been questionable. Tough case and one that is not so easy to resolve.

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Unsurprising, you call out those who make negative comments, but don't do the same for the cheerleaders of HT clinics. It's not hard to see you will be buying your own cheerleading outfit in a few months.


Typically, the worst cheerleaders are also the ones who got strip done. Did you?

You know.... I wasn't talking about you KO. I recognized you as posting a more even handed reviews. I am questioning a few things now because you apparently did not read my post that you quoted. The answer to your question/statement is right in my post. Tell me where I'm wrong? Please don't prove my point.

Dr.Gabel 3972 FUT 11/3/14

Progress/Results Below ;)


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After seeing the OP other post today, I now believe that there may be both physiologic and psychological reasons not to proceed with a third procedure and even undergoing the second procedure may have been questionable. Tough case and one that is not so easy to resolve.


Could you please clarify the physiologic reasons?

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Unsurprising, you call out those who make negative comments, but don't do the same for the cheerleaders of HT clinics. It's not hard to see you will be buying your own cheerleading outfit in a few months.


Typically, the worst cheerleaders are also the ones who got strip done. Did you?


I really don't agree with this. 1. I agree that there are posters that are totally negative, basically always hating (I haven't seen the number one culprit post in a bit) and never have anything positive our helpful to add. 2. I feel like there are more fue cheerleaders, to the point that I think the site should sponsor knee pads, than there are fut cheerleaders. I'm pro both and feel that the choice should be made on a car by case basis, and most fut guys I know are pro both. There are several fue docs that would consider if the need arises, but I think the idea of fut guys being the bulk of this site's cheerleaders is just plain false. I would argue that the fue only folks are the most (by far) likely to be closed minded and cheer lead for doctors that may or may not deserve it.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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You know.... I wasn't talking about you KO. I recognized you as posting a more even handed reviews. I am questioning a few things now because you apparently did not read my post that you quoted. The answer to your question/statement is right in my post. Tell me where I'm wrong? Please don't prove my point.


Ok...I've cooled down now, I apologize for the harsh tone. That being said do you not see why your post may be taken as inappropriate? The guy has had a disappointing result so far, and your reaction has been to fire a pre-emptive salvo against those who are going to criticize the clinic. Furthermore, you stated that your post has nothing to do with the OP. If so, why do you choose this thread to air these views?

Edited by KO
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I really don't agree with this. 1. I agree that there are posters that are totally negative, basically always hating (I haven't seen the number one culprit post in a bit) and never have anything positive our helpful to add. 2. I feel like there are more fue cheerleaders, to the point that I think the site should sponsor knee pads, than there are fut cheerleaders. I'm pro both and feel that the choice should be made on a car by case basis, and most fut guys I know are pro both. There are several fue docs that would consider if the need arises, but I think the idea of fut guys being the bulk of this site's cheerleaders is just plain false. I would argue that the fue only folks are the most (by far) likely to be closed minded and cheer lead for doctors that may or may not deserve it.


There are FUE cheerleaders, but I was referring to cheerleaders of clinics. I remember one person posted a disappointing result of Dr Rahal, and one of the early posts was from spex, who starts with "First of all, Dr. Rahal is one of the world's best surgeons. Period". ("Period"....I'm sure the guy feels good now?) If you criticize H&W, you know Shampoo is going to come on here and tell you about how he "went from Texas to Vancouver and got a life-changing results". (Good for him)

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There are FUE cheerleaders, but I was referring to cheerleaders of clinics. I remember one person posted a disappointing result of Dr Rahal, and one of the early posts was from spex, who starts with "First of all, Dr. Rahal is one of the world's best surgeons. Period". ("Period"....I'm sure the guy feels good now?) If you criticize H&W, you know Shampoo is going to come on here and tell you about how he "went from Texas to Vancouver and got a life-changing results". (Good for him)


I would have to agree with this. This 'cheer leading' IMO really comes to down to people fundamentally trying to validate with themselves and others the nature of procedure they chose.


As long as people arent being misled and sold a donkey on forums by shills I personally couldn't care less which procedure they chose. I just know FUT is not for me.


H&W strike me as an excellent clinic but some of their ex patients on here do them no favours.

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In the end both the patient and the doctor disappeared and we are left here debating things that have nothing to do with the case. :D


Personally the way i see things is that we only hear of the bad results when the patient is being stalled from a refund or when he looses his patience with the clinic and freaks out. When he gets what he wants, which usually is a refund, he disappears or does not say who his doctor was ever again when he is asked. I sometimes wonder if supporting a patient and get into the heat for him is really worth it...


This pattern is actually what makes me even more pro FUE. Cause its obvious that most of the bad results, being strip or FUE, we never hear about since patients are encouraged to speak with their clinic first before they go public. Only when things fall out they come out...


So FUE looks to me a more safe option if things go wrong. But even then i would never cheerlead a doctor cause he is an FUE doctor, i find cheerleading docs and clinics pathetic when i see it, and most of these new FUE doctors i didn't even know them since recently!


But at the same time i cannot trust strip and keep an open mind to it, I am afraid of the things i don't see and at the same time I hate seeing threads of people trying to fix their strip scar with FUE or SMP to just be able to buzz their hair down and be normal. At least with FUE i don't see these threads.

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I still wanna know the rationale behind asking the patient to wait 2 years.


If my doctor had told me that I might have to wait 2 years for my final result, I'd have refused the anaesthetic, retrieved my deposit and walked out of the clinic.


I find that this "slow grower" excuse is far too easily rolled out on this forum. It's there to give surgeons breathing room so that cock ups can eventually come good. Hopefully


This patient isn't a slow grower - he's a NO grower. He's got a donkey-class result from a premier league surgeon and that ALONE should entitle the guy to a 100% refund and an opportunity to take his problem to another doctor.


He shouldn't be expected to prolong his anguish and disappointment waiting two years for a result that simply isn't going to materialise. The guy's 9 months post op and that's more than enough for an indication of a final result in my view.


As someone who "trusted the surgeon" only to realise - after 18 long months - that the guy had just been bullshitting me, I know how Alliswell feels.


I told my original surgeon he'd lost my confidence, got my refund, chose a different doctor and guess what? Yep, that's right . . . my growth started at the typical 3.5 to 4.5 month mark that most others experience and not the 7 or 8 month mark I'd had to endure with my first procedure. I'm 6 months post op now and growth is BANG ON TARGET. Hell, it's even started thickening . . . so 90% of the time, the slow grower thing is a crock of s**t.

Edited by Cryingoutloud
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