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Dr Bhatti - 2nd FUE Session - 8 May 2014

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Hey Guys,


Lately I have been dead busy and therefore could not post this update earlier. I did take the plunge and went for second FUE session with Dr Bhatti on 8th May 2014 because my first session result was far from satisfactory as many of you already know. For now, just pictures. I do not have the number of grafts right now but I reckon it was below 1000. I will come back to post the details regarding number of grafts etc



10 Months Update after First FUE




First FUE session - Immediate Pre Op and Post Op Pics.














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eternal i would say first sorry to hear that first HT did not turn out as you expected. I am seeing your 2nd HT pic why dr bhatti has placed grafts so spaced out I mean if you see gap between each grafts is really wide according to me. 1000 grafts will not make much difference in your case. were you on tight budget if yes I would have waited and gone for more grafts

did he took more beard grafts this time too. I would say just see how grafts grow this time and I hope it gets better. I would have requested dr bhatti to just tackle mid scalp only this time. Again its too less grafts. I can surely say that u will need more sessions not session. Unless you go for around 3000 plus graft in next session.

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i'm interested to know how was the overall beard transplant experience. How painful is the next day and traveling what would I be expecting. thanks

June 2013 - 3000 FUE Dr Bhatti

Oct 2013 - 1000 FUE Dr Bhatti

Oct 2015 - 785 FUE Dr Bhatti


Dr. Bhatti's Recommendation Profile on the Hair Transplant Network

My story and photos can be seen here


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eternal i would say first sorry to hear that first HT did not turn out as you expected. I am seeing your 2nd HT pic why dr bhatti has placed grafts so spaced out I mean if you see gap between each grafts is really wide according to me. 1000 grafts will not make much difference in your case. were you on tight budget if yes I would have waited and gone for more grafts

did he took more beard grafts this time too. I would say just see how grafts grow this time and I hope it gets better. I would have requested dr bhatti to just tackle mid scalp only this time. Again its too less grafts. I can surely say that u will need more sessions not session. Unless you go for around 3000 plus graft in next session.


fueonly, thanks for posting. I was not on tight budget. Dr offered me 50% discount on the area that did not grow after first session and he said that I would have to pay 100% for other areas that was not touched earlier. I told him, I am not concerned about money. This is going to be my last HT atleast for next 5 years so do your best. At the end I paid 100% for crown area and 50% for mid scalp.


Dr said that we could not take more than 1000 grafts including beard. He also mentioned that I should,not be stretching this anymore. He has done the best he could. Grafts are spread out may be because he would have thought to cover larger area with available.grafts.


my question is how many grafts can you extract out of scalp donor area. in my case we have extracted 3000 from scalp. Is that all?

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eternal I still can't beleive that dr bhatti said this to you and did this kind of work. No offence I was assuming dr bhatti came long way and lately he was posting ok results of his work. I can definately tell you, you will need atleast 3000 plus graft for decent coverage in midscalp and crown. Eternal if you see thats a big bald patch you have in the crown. Why dr had placed the grafts so spaced out. You have been on this forum why don't you browse here on this forum some good crown work. You can browse crown work of dr lorenzo and you will see how crown is filled and with what proximity grfat should be placed. Lot of results here and on you tube. I know a doctor in india in bhiwandi. Hiss results are ammazing I have ask my friend whose HT that doctor did and I have ask my friend to please tell him to contact HT network here and become a member. This is not for sure your next HT for next 5 years as far i think and thinking of decent coverage. You will not be even close to that even after 1 year when all this far far spaced out grafts will grow

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Hey Fueonly, the resident Dr. Bhatti basher..., Did you even look at eternals starting point? He was NW6-7 with thin donor area. He now as a decent hairline and will look a lot better with a buzzcut look. No matter who the doctor is you can't not create more donor hair that isn't there. Where do you think this other 3000 grafts you think he needs to get a dense packed head of hair is going to come from?


Most doctors would have turned this patient way because people have expectations that are way to high, like yourself. I'm sure Dr. Bhatti did everything he could possible do given the situation of a huge balding area and thin donor. I think it looks a lot better than before and with a 1 or 2 blade shaved look he can pull of cool look since he has nice head shape.


Eternal. don't listen to FUEonly. You do not have 3000 more donor grafts or Dr. Bhatti would have used them. You are most likely pretty depleted in the donor area. I hope you are not expecting to grow your hair out long and look like Elvis. It's just not possible with any doctor no matter what FUEONLY says.


Good Luck

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Densedream - I agree.


I wasn't going to say anything, but since you brought it up I'll join the chorus. The treatment of Dr Bhatti by some on this forum is disgraceful. If he were called 'Dr Butler from Florida' there'd be thousands of guys rushing out to see him and raving about his work and his prices.


Poor form.

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I have seen class 6 7 patient of dr erdogen hakan , lorenzo, bisanga, mwamba and many others with depleted donot

But the way these doctors have spreaded the graft and the way they have acheived in designing hairline if supply is limited is amazing. I am expressing my opinion. I would say dr bhatti has to do lot lot lot of homework not only in hairline but artistry in how grafts should be placed. HT is done by thousands of people but creative and constructive designers are not that many. Make sure to browse photos of class 6 and 7 oF dr lorenzo, bisanga, turkey doctors and I think even doctor in Bhiwandi india who i requested through friend to get enrolled in this network.


Designing Hairline requires combination of very super skill artistic artistry and lot of experience.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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fueonly - I agree with you with reference to work of Feriduni, bisanga, lorenzo, hakan.


densedream- I agree with you with reference to my donor grafts quality.


I have seen NW 6, NW 7 before and after pics of lorenzo, bisanga and other world class doctors on this forum itself and those works are outstanding. Below are two pics taken from Mickey's post (http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/169499-pros-cons-fue-myths-dispelled.html)


imgur: the simple image sharer

imgur: the simple image sharer


So, yes, honestly speaking Dr Bhatti would have to climb thousands of miles to provide as consistent and as outstanding results as those of bisanga's and lorenzo's.


I am not bashing Dr Bhatti by any means, afterall I picked him twice. I believe everything in this world is relative. The reason I picked Dr Bhatti was the time and money I had to invest to go for other doctors crossing national boundaries.


I am 31 and I have been balding since 24. I wanted to live my life with full head of hair once . If I had to choose lorenzo, I had to wait for another couple of years or so. That was not feasible for me.


Dr Bhatti has delivered a couple of amazing results;however the consistency has been missing if we see all his cases together.

Whether this has to do with Individuals donor quality and other characteristics or Doctor's Skills ? I don't know. Only experts could analyze/comment on that.


Whether I would have got an amazing results, had I waited and gone to Lorenzo and bisanga ? -- This will always remain a open question for me.

Having said that, my fingers are crossed. If my second hair transplant gives me a decent(not amazing) results , I ll be happy with even that.

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Thanks a lot eternal for your kind reply. I would say you one thing its good you are keeping finger crossed. I will also request you in the meanwhile to look around and do some research in finding if in case you need third transplant which according to my opinion you will definately need it. Start looking for good and result oriented surgeon. If you plan for third transplant go to doctor who has given numerous results. I know eternal what one expects after one HT and after 2nd HT OMG person thinks yes my battle with this needle pinching, going under surgeon knife and after care like two weeks shunning and ugly duckling phase will be gone forever. Mark my words its my opinion. This tell tale theories lot of people here say that oh my donor was depleted and doctor gave best by giving hairline and filled the crown though it looks pretty bald but doctor gave the best shot by working on limited donor grafts . Eternal according to me if doctor is doing fue including scalp plus body hair then question of depletion should not arise after transplant is done. Doctor who does fue with body hair will clearly give you upfront opinion that what you will look like after surgery and how much he can manuevere with that many grafts. AS eternal you have seen results of FUE surgeons not only in us but all over the world and you agreed what i said other surgeons have made a distinctive difference with depleted scalp donor and with addition of body hair. I have always said he has to go thousands of miles and he will cover those miles only and only if he agree that yes their is a learning curve for everyone who wants to learn. Complacency should never take one over and one should always be a learner. Mark my words with date and the results you are expecting the way gaps and spacing of grafts placed. Eternal results won't be even close to your expectation. Eternal I tell everyone creating a hairline and placing the graft in artistic way on scalp is not everone's cup of tea. Their are tons of HT surgeon but very few have those skills.

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Thanks a lot eternal for your kind reply. I would say you one thing its good you are keeping finger crossed. I will also request you in the meanwhile to look around and do some research in finding if in case you need third transplant which according to my opinion you will definately need it. Start looking for good and result oriented surgeon. If you plan for third transplant go to doctor who has given numerous results. I know eternal what one expects after one HT and after 2nd HT OMG person thinks yes my battle with this needle pinching, going under surgeon knife and after care like two weeks shunning and ugly duckling phase will be gone forever. Mark my words its my opinion. This tell tale theories lot of people here say that oh my donor was depleted and doctor gave best by giving hairline and filled the crown though it looks pretty bald but doctor gave the best shot by working on limited donor grafts . Eternal according to me if doctor is doing fue including scalp plus body hair then question of depletion should not arise after transplant is done. Doctor who does fue with body hair will clearly give you upfront opinion that what you will look like after surgery and how much he can manuevere with that many grafts. AS eternal you have seen results of FUE surgeons not only in us but all over the world and you agreed what i said other surgeons have made a distinctive difference with depleted scalp donor and with addition of body hair. I have always said he has to go thousands of miles and he will cover those miles only and only if he agree that yes their is a learning curve for everyone who wants to learn. Complacency should never take one over and one should always be a learner. Mark my words with date and the results you are expecting the way gaps and spacing of grafts placed. Eternal results won't be even close to your expectation. Eternal I tell everyone creating a hairline and placing the graft in artistic way on scalp is not everone's cup of tea. Their are tons of HT surgeon but very few have those skills.




You seemed to be missing in action for some time and now you are back on this Forum and back to what you have been doing for a long time now....."bashing Dr. Bhatti". I had asked you before and I am asking you again to please clarify your agenda, your affiliations and your motives. I can copy/paste the private messages that you had sent me (I can have the Forum Admins audit and validate my claim) where you asked me how much Dr. Bhatti was paying me and if he would let you be his Rep for the Mid West region of the United States. If Dr. Bhatti has "thousands of miles to go", why would you want to be his Rep?

Just because we turned down your offer, you went back to "bashing Dr. Bhatti". I am sure that the users of this prestigious Forum will read between the lines and realize what you are up to.




DarlingBuds FUE's profile photo 
North America Representative and Patient Advisor for:
Dr. Tejinder Bhatti, Darling Buds Hair Transplant Center, Chandigarh, India.

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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calif you have posted same thing for me before.i thought bygone is bygone if i did want to be his rep i really made a mistake of contacting you. If I want to be dr bhatti rep I will contact dr bhatti. I don't want to be rep of anyone . In fact my stance on what i say is expression of freedom of my opinion. You should know one thing calif this forum is for the people by the people and for the people. I am expressing my opinion. You go and read my post carefully I always mention its my opinion. yOU MEAN TO SAY IF i AM IMPRESS BY WORK OF BISANGA, HAKAN, LORENZO, HAIRLINE OF KONOIR, HAIRLINE OF HASSON AND WONG, MWAMBA AND MANY OTHERS THAT MEANS I AM REP OF THEM NO. Its my OPINION

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Hi eternaldenied,


Sorry to hear about your first HT. I am curious to know how is your 2nd HT coming along, since its coming to be four months now?


Please do update us on your progress and your thoughts.


I have my HT booked with Dr.Bhatti on 1st of Sept. Just wanted to know from people who have already been there.

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Hi, ash809


All the best for your HT. I will touch 4 months mark on 8th Sep and I intend to provide an update to fellow members by that time.I haven't seen any growth so far though;I have read on this forum that second HT growth takes more time than first.


Pictures speak more than feelings so let me post pics after 4 months mark and then we ll see.

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eternal i am hoping your hair grows well. Please keep posting your photos and remmeber not only me lot of other people here are waiting to see your results. Your HT will be a very big eye opener to lot of people that what to expect after 2nd transplant. Eternal are you 100% sure 4 months and no means not at all sign of growth. Are you on any medication

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eternal i am hoping your hair grows well. Please keep posting your photos and remmeber not only me lot of other people here are waiting to see your results. Your HT will be a very big eye opener to lot of people that what to expect after 2nd transplant. Eternal are you 100% sure 4 months and no means not at all sign of growth. Are you on any medication


Yes, I do not see any growth whatsoever so far. This has started to scare me but I believe there is a long way to go and I must be patient


Yes, I have been on finasteride 1mg every alternate day from past one year.

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eternal, are you on fin/other meds?



Hi Ko,


I have been on finasteride 1 mg every alternate day from past 1 year.


I have used Rogaine 5% as per Dr recommendation but I have now stopped that from past 2 weeks because I believe Rogaine is just not worth the pain.


I was on Rogaine 5% for 3 months after my Second session.



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  • 4 weeks later...
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Hey Guys,


I thought I would rather post this for benefit of others who may be thinking of 2nd HT than keep sulking within.


Its been 5 months and I see nothing. Absolutely nothing over my first HT. I stand exactly where I was before my 2nd HT. So, where did 1500(1000 scalp and 500 beard) grafts disappear? Do not even ask about the 3300 from first HT. Thats 4800 grafts in total !?


I am not only heartbroken and disappointed but extremely angry at myself. I want to hit myself hard and keep hitting until I die.There are people here who warned me not to go for 2nd HT. I didn't listen to them and I must suffer.


Anyways, whats done is done.


This goes to anyone who is not happy from the results of their first HT and planning for a Second session. Please read this out loud.



Even if you are very adamant to have a 2nd
, do not ever plan it with the same Doctor. There was a reason why it didn't turn out well the very first time. For all that matter the reason will come back to haunt you. Be it Doctor's skill or your own hair characteristics. Whatever it is, you will be the one who will cry at the result.




You will repent and only repent going for 2nd
with the same Doctor if you are not satisfied with the first.


Fellow members, please would you suggest me anything and everything that I can do to help my hair grow well (if at all there is still a hope ?) .


I take finpecia 1mg every alternate day. I apply Johnsons baby Oil every night and wash it off with Johnsons baby shampoo the next day.


I am athletic, run 5 km every day and maintain a healthy diet. What am I missing ?



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I can only console you , Its really heart melting to know you tried twice , Better have to ask the Doctor which in your case is Dr. Bhatti , what is his take on this Matter ? Did you let him know that Nothing is Happening yet ? what did he reply /? Once again I feel Sorry for you bro !

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eternal i am even telling you now even if hair would have grown his spacing and the way he does ht is really not upto the mark. You go and check his website he claims he has been doing HT from -- many years. Just tell dr bhatti to present his first case his first patient and what date was that and what was the result. eternal your case is eye opener now start looking for other doctors do one thing contact some turkey doctors, europe doctorsand some US doctors also do initial consultation on skype as it is free. Make sure you have good internet connection and good web cam with good mega pixel. start looking around i told you before also i am saying even now if those few sparsely space out graft which he placed even grow they will be of no use. Do consult doctors from this HT network forum and skype with them show them what dr bhatti has did and please send all first pre ht post ht and 2nd pre ht and post ht photos. I would say you came out strong hats off to you. Go and check my post what i stated you. I love this HT network as it is very transparent and it let user voice their opinion.

eternal just start doing initial consultation with other doctors on skype bcz traveling from india to all around will be expensive.

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eternaldenied: Im very sorry to see you have gone through this nightmare, stay strong my friend! thank you for coming on and posting about your honest experience, hopefully this will be of help to some other guy who finds himself in a similar position as you.


In my opinion, I dont think you were ever a suitable candidate for a HT, I have not been impressed by Dr Bhattis work and I cannot for the life of me see how he was ever recommended by this forum.


It is really alarming to see so many guys rushing off to the likes of Bhatti and Maral in the past year, all seem to be attracted by a cheaper price. I think this is a ticking timebomb and a lot of guys will end up disappointed.

4510 FUSS Dr Feriduni December 2012


2350 FUSS Dr Feriduni December 2013


HT 1:Total Grafts 4510: Singles 715, Doubles 2123, Triples 1369, Quads 303 ( 10,280 Hairs )


HT 2:Total Grafts 2352: Singles 350, Doubles 1601, Triples 401, ( 4,755 Hairs )

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