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transplanted hairs falling out 12 months post HT

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hi ,

something very similar has been reported by my friends also , they had stellar results till around 14-15 months post op. they had both been very happy , but suddenly after 16-18 months post Op , they started loosing hair that were Transplanted neat the front and midscalp , they had both opted for 3000 + grafts . and till today they have no clue as to what happened? they still Lack density but both have opted out of another roller coaster Hair Transplant .

ONE MOst Important thing to take note is :

Both said they experienced quiet a bit of Itching before the Transplanted hair started thinning , and both were very sure about the hair being of a Transplant , as Both had absolutely Barren front and Midscalps .


If anyone here has any answers to this , Please inform us , so that we can take the necessary action , after all Money that goes in the drain is infact our Hard earned .


Mikeey ,


I thing it was one of your posts that I came across on this subject .Have your friends ever been given any feedback from their surgeons ?

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I too started experiencing the same thing after 1 1/2 years . Two weeks after my surgery I was informed that my FUT incision was not completely sutured and left open. When I had the stitches removed, I had horrible scabs on each side of my head and in talking with my Dermatologist, he considers the over stretching of a persons scalp very risky to say the least and the chances of damage to your hair a considerable consequence. It is something he sees very often and all too common now in his profession. I can only wonder if over stretching had anything to do with my poor results and if it could play into what is happening now.


After reading this thread and ones similar, and considering that no Doctors have chimed in with any reason or evidence as to why this happens, leads me to believe that Hair Transplantation is a gamble as much as it is a solution. Considering the amount of threads referring to problems and failures as opposed to success, the stakes seem high.


Below is a link to a forum discussing the same topic. It is 5 years old and it might be a good read for some answers.




Good Luck!

Bald Mouse Blues

Edited by Bald Mouse Blues
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  • Senior Member
Mikeey ,


I thing it was one of your posts that I came across on this subject .Have your friends ever been given any feedback from their surgeons ?


hi Chris39


sorry but both my friends had no logical explaination from their surgeons there were a lot of "maybe" in their outlook and both have given up on another Touch up Hair Transplant for the rest of their Lives , They No longer follow this Game .


Sorry as it may appear , No surgeon is ready to chime in on this one , I would urge the Moderators to ask the doctors to please chime in , there is only some Maybe Tellogen effluvium or Bad blood supply excuse given at the end of the Day .... But that is also quoted as "Maybe" ...... Btw both my friends had no Stress and all their blood work was Normal , and that is the only reason that makes me keep out of Hair Transplant surgery even when I know I desperately Need one .

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hi Chris39


sorry but both my friends had no logical explaination from their surgeons there were a lot of "maybe" in their outlook and both have given up on another Touch up Hair Transplant for the rest of their Lives , They No longer follow this Game .


Sorry as it may appear , No surgeon is ready to chime in on this one , I would urge the Moderators to ask the doctors to please chime in , there is only some Maybe Tellogen effluvium or Bad blood supply excuse given at the end of the Day .... But that is also quoted as "Maybe" ...... Btw both my friends had no Stress and all their blood work was Normal , and that is the only reason that makes me keep out of Hair Transplant surgery even when I know I desperately Need one .


Hi Mikeey ,


It's a pity your friends were never given a half decent explanation . Of course it's possible that at this moment in time there is no definitive explanation as to why this may occur . We all know that a HT result is never guaranteed , but it would certainly be beneficial for all if it was at least brought out into the open . Does it occur in 1 in a 50 , 1 :100 , 1 : 1000 ?


You'd also think that by now some research would have been undertaken into the phenomenon . At least that way , patients could be made more aware of the potential precursors that may lead to such a result , similar in ways to Dr's refusing prospective patients with poor donor characteristics .


I can appreciate why Dr's shy away from the subject , especially in the public domain , as with all things related to the internet things can be blown way out of proportion .


I can also understand your reticence in holding back from a procedure .


Anyway , I hope this thread and similar others can at least lead to some positive research on the subject .

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I think the surgeons are themselves in a dilemma over this , otherwise some logical explaination would have been found on the internet ,


There is a thread above that has the Baldthruth site where this was first reported in 2010 , phew 6 years and still no Research on this .


It is pretty dismal that even on Real self site I read reports of guys asking doctors why their HT fell off after 1.5 years ... even there No clear answer ,


Lets us see what David / Bill do over this issue and How well the Coalition surgeons on this site respond to this request by the Mods .

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  • Senior Member

Below is a link to a forum discussing the same topic. It is 5 years old and it might be a good read for some answers.




Good Luck!

Bald Mouse Blues


Thanks for the link BMB - very interesting thread .


Gillenator had a big ( and informative ) input into that thread , so hopefully he will pop into this thread also .


The crux of the thread lay out the following possibilities as to why this may occur :


1) Hairs transplanted from the 'safe' donor zone may still be susceptible to DHT . In such an instance , the hair although not miniaturised at that point may miniaturise at some subsequent point . I hope I explained that clearly enough .


2) Hairs transplanted from the donor zone may change characteristics when transplanted - that is none DHT susceptible donor hair can transform into DHT susceptible hair and miniaturize/fall out once relocated .


Read through the link to get a better understanding of it .


Interesting to note also , that a compromised blood supply to the scalp wasn't mention in the linked thread .

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Yes I definitely remember that thread at the BT forum very well.


You know it's interesting, an extremely high percent of men under the age of say 28 have almost no evidence of diffusion or donor zone thinning....yet after the age of 40 or so, things can look much different.


Not all donor zone thinning is from DHT receptive hair, some of it is from aging and/or other contributing medical factors (including physiology).


But like I stated in the other thread, if donor zone thinning is prevalent in your family history, that's a significant sign IMHO, that it will occur as you get older.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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Thanks for the input Gillenator .


You mentioned in the other forum about researching the subject . As that thread is now 6 years old , did you ever get any further on with the research , and has any medical research ever been undertaken into the phenomenon as far as your know?


I find it a really interesting topic , but the silence on the subject , these type of threads apart , is disconcerting.


You mentioned about possible miniaturisation of donor hairs. I understand that there's no definite answer , but do you think that the level of miniaturisation is likely to be minimal or greatly reduced after a certain age ?

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1) Hairs transplanted from the 'safe' donor zone may still be susceptible to DHT . In such an instance , the hair although not miniaturised at that point may miniaturise at some subsequent point . I hope I explained that clearly enough .


2) Hairs transplanted from the donor zone may change characteristics when transplanted - that is none DHT susceptible donor hair can transform into DHT susceptible hair and miniaturize/fall out once relocated .



Neither of these statements are true.

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has anybody heard of a case like mine?


i was pretty happy with my result until about 10-11 months post HT, when my TRANSPLANTED hairs started to fall out and have continued to fall out gradually ever since, now i'm at 14 months post HT and i have new gaps in my transplanted areas, which weren't there at 5-10 months post-op...


i am 100% sure it is TRANSPLANTED hairs because they are from areas right in the front and corners where i had NO native hair pre-op... and they are not miniturized thin little hairs, they are normal thick fully grown hairs...


i have no idea what is going on - i have no health issues... any advice/help/opinions?




Hello hrvoje14,


To begin with I am so sorry to hear about your dilemma. Now I do agree with the second post that you need to contact your doctor before anything is done.


My question to you would be have you done anything to cause this fallout? Have you taken any medications or applied topical solutions? Perhaps you are exposed to something that is causing this issue tat you are unaware of.


At any rate I want to with you a lot of luck. Follow up and let us know what your doctor says.


PS., Has anyone experienced this problem before?

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Ok guys just a News if you will .


I met a guy recently around 4 days back and as we were introduced through a common friend , I asked out of curiousity if he had a HT as his hairline was looking more defined than his age ( he is 39 ) he told me yes , and then the convo got going and I told him about my 2 friends and asked him if he had similar experience to share ....

TO MY HORROR ... he has also CHIMED "That in the 1st year his HT from FUE did Look very Robust " by following the next few months it has Mellowed and is not as thick as it was ... Now he also ran after his surgeon for Answers ..... ANd the Same "maybe" this or That !!!

I wonder if we as Patients can get any Concrete answers ....

But Here is my Take , and pls note that this is Not to start a Debate on Anyone ,

But I have Noticed this on our Best Man David , its my opinion , that in the 1 year after his HT which i read was FUE , I think His Hair is also Not looking as Robust as it was at the 10 - 12 month Mark.

I just base my Observation looking at his Picture on profile .

Maybe he can Help us with his own inputs that would be greatly appreciated as None of the doctors here seem to address this very important question . David we need your experience !

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TO MY HORROR ... he has also CHIMED "That in the 1st year his HT from FUE did Look very Robust " by following the next few months it has Mellowed and is not as thick as it was ...


I think it has to do with the growth cycle for the newly transplanted hairs all kicking in at around the same time where you have a large number of hairs that have started to grow within the same growth phase at around 6 months to one year.


Then the normal hair growth cycle for each individual hair balances out in time and not all hairs transplanted are in the anagen (growing) phase at the same time. I experienced this with my transplants, and an email reply from Dr. Hasson many years ago said something on similar lines.


Another good reason to wait it out before having a second or third procedures I guess, until everything balances out both good and bad.

go dense or go home


Unbiased advice and opinions based on 25 plus years of researching and actual experience with hair loss, hair restoration via both FUT & FUE, SMP, scalp issues including scalp eczema & seborrheic dermatitis and many others


HSRP10's favorite FUT surgeons: *Dr. Konior, *Dr Hasson, Dr. Rahal

HSRP10's favorite FUE surgeons: *Dr. Konior, *Dr. Bisanga, Dr. Erdogan, Dr. Couto

(*indicates actual experience with doctor)

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thanks for your opinion , But my friends have been waiting forever , it have been over 2 years Now and the density has Never returned to the 1 year Robustness .


I suspect Transplanted hair do have limitations but I am not sure wheter it is donor Miniaturization or something else , because both my friends have done Biopsy of the donor to figure out if they had DHT donors as well , both had negative outcomes , so the donor DHT is quiet likely not the root cause .


But in any case these are 2 people , why we ask here is that because we will get to know from a vast majority of Patients who have been having something similar to report post 2 years , also I know many just leave the forum once they achieve a good HT and after a year stop coming here .


But maybe I need some inputs from the experts here like Gillenator , David , Bill and many more .

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I think it has to do with the growth cycle for the newly transplanted hairs all kicking in at around the same time where you have a large number of hairs that have started to grow within the same growth phase at around 6 months to one year.


Then the normal hair growth cycle for each individual hair balances out in time and not all hairs transplanted are in the anagen (growing) phase at the same time. I experienced this with my transplants, and an email reply from Dr. Hasson many years ago said something on similar lines.


Another good reason to wait it out before having a second or third procedures I guess, until everything balances out both good and bad.


That's right. You basically get 99% growth at the start and then after a year or so it settles down to about 85% growth at any one time.


I noticed this happen when I stopped Rogaine which I think keeps hair in the growth phase for longer.

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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