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any disgruntled hasson and wong patients !!

Guest wanthairs

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Guest wanthairs

hey Folks---


I eagerly await a procedure by this famous clinic in OCT . I chose these guys for the same reasons that so many other people have :


seemingly they appear to be able to perform the best results for the most advanced hairloss sufferers, in the least amount of sessions.


My question is however.....has anyone ever used this clinic and regretted it? If so why?

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Top docs like H&W rarely get bad results (I have yet to see one on these forums at least). Generally if someone is unsatisfied with their HT from a top doc like Hasson it's because their expectations might be too high. That being said, there is no guarantee you'll get good results and the clinics mostly state so in the disclaimers you sign. a top clinic should stand behind their work, though.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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Didn't some guy complain a few months back that his hair was too thick? J/K......


Personally, while I doubt any clinic can bat 1000 I haven't heard anything negative about them.

100? 'mini' grapfts by Latham's Hair Clinic - 1991 (Removed 50 plugs by Cooley 3/08.)

2750 FU 3/20/08 by Dr. Cooley


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley


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1.66 mg Proscar M-W-F

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This is not a bash on H&W Its just to answer the question asked Its one of the few I remember when I was researching them.

Like I said before the few posts were handled properly.

Bad outcomes arent also the clinics fault either



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Guest wanthairs

I remember reading that post a long time ago, before I stopped wasting my time looking at that site.

That post does not worry me at all in the light of Dr. Hassons response to the patient.....Thankyou everyone for your attention to this...

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Even the very best of the best will have a few negative comments. Most of the time it was unrealistic expectations, low donor available which limited what the surgeon could actually do, and maybe side effects or costs.

But most top notch surgeons have good before/after results-- if looking at pics--make sure they are untouched and no airbrush or digital enhancements. Also look for both normal shots as well as close ups of a patient--more angles the better.

Both H/W are good surgeons with great reputations. You cant go wrong with either.



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  • 3 years later...

This is not a negative post regarding the work that Hasson and Wong performs on what seems to be on a consistent basis. This is more about lack of disclosure of information. I received a hair transplant in March of 2011. I am approaching the one year mark, which according to the clinic, is the time where the "final" result is seen. I received over 6000 grafts and was a borderline NW6. At the pre-op meeting, a meeting that was critical in shaping my decision to go ahead with the hair transplant, I made sure that they knew that which was critical for me was that there are no bald spots present. I had asked them to take whatever grafts there were and evenly distribute them as density was not my main concern. They assured me that this was going to be done as per my request. Instead, what ended up happening was a gradual thinning of hair as you approach the crown. Now, it appears that I have a rather pronounced bald spot on the crown. When I approached them about it they seemed to avoid the question but rather tried to "convince" me that I was much better off, they did this by showing me before and after pictures. Am I better off then I was a year ago? Of course! But, they did not do what I requested.


This leads to next point, a point that I hope will render my previous concern moot. The other thing is their constant insistence that the one year mark is the bench mark for full growth and maturity. After much research I discovered that this is rarely the case. In fact, 18 months is more reasonable, especially if you had work on the crown. What drove me to my concern was that as I was approaching the 12 month mark I realized that I had a long long way to go, especially in the crown area! Hence, my concerns were exponentially accentuated. I had after all asked that the hairs been evenly distributed so as to avoid having a bald spot so obvious and pronounced. My point is really simple, be more upfront about the hair timeline! If they had told me that it would take up to 18 months before the crown matured I would not have panicked. But, instead they were sticking to their 12 month benchmark.


Now, this may all work out in the end, and I am certainly hopeful that it does. I heard that Hasson and Wong stand by their work so I am hopeful that I won't need to come in a second time so they can address my issues, I certainly don't have the money for a second transplant so I would expect them to recognize my concerns and "fix" it at no charge. But, they would have saved me a whole lot of heartache and panic if they had simply admitted that the 18 month mark is much more realistic in terms of hair reaching full maturation! We'll see what the 18 month mark brings. Crossing my fingers!!

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A patients expectations are not always reasonable, and when they are not reasonable, it is not the clinics fault. You wanted a full head of hair as a NW6, and since you didn't get that, you expect free work so that you will?


Also, the 12 month mark is a realistic time frame, new growth may not be at optimum length in 12 months but most new growth should be evident after a year.


If you had of gotten your wish, and 6k grafts had of been "evenly distributed", you would likely be on here complaining about density and expecting free work in return.

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I don't know what you were reading but it is clear it was not what i wrote. I was referring to my request of having whatever grafts I had evenly distributed so as to avoid having a bald spot and that the clinic assured me that that was what they were going to do. I also mentioned that density was not my concern, only coverage. I also left the door wide open to see what happens in the next 6 months or so. The 18 month mark is what many professionals including those who had experienced a hair transplant had reiterated to me, but not the clinic. Last thing, it was already discussed with Hasson and Wong that if I was not happy that they would fix it for me, most likely, at no charge. So, take it easy there bud! Read the post a little more closely next time.

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I really think you're exaggerating & you need to relax a bit & have reasonable expectations. 6k is a lot but not for a N6. Putting less grafts in the final third is normal considering the huge area that needs covering. You can't be a N6 and only hope to have 1 operation & move on, you can, but most people end up having more than one operation especially if they are an advanced Norwood like you and me.

As for the 18 months, you needed to research this & realise that it DOES take 18 months for the final result especially for the crown. They were telling you that the growth would be complete or almost by months 12, but afterwards you have maturing and density & thickness of shafts to gain. H&W are an awesome establishment & Dr Hasson is a very honest decent doctor with morals as you know but asking a fix for free when they haven't done anything wrong seems a tiny bit unreasonable?

I wish you the very best of luck!

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Most people on here will comment to try to help you or comfort you, that's all. Get in touch with the clinic if you wish & see what they say. If you can post a photo that would help everyone get an idea of what you are referring to about the coverage. But full or near enough coverage from 6k over the whole scalp is a tall order to say the least. To cover the entire scalp, you would've ended up with a thinner look.

Hope you post some photos buddy.

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They should have done what you asked or refused, but not agreed and then did what they wanted. 6000 grafts is a lot, but would not give decent total coverage on a nw6. Hopefully you are happy when it is all over, but I would not expect a lot of change. Also, I have only heard of free fixes for low yield, but I hope it works out.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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Hi Dutch. I did much research on the 18 month mark, that is how I discovered that this is indeed the right time to judge the final result. I am not unrealistic or upset about the hair transplant, I never expected it to look like it did when I was 20 years old. Coverage was really my only concern and if they had told me that a prominent bald spot was going to be the result of the surgery I might not have done it at all. Either way, my post started off stating that I was not disgruntled hair transplant recipient, only disillusioned. I have been in constant contact with the clinic and have seen them on many occasions and have expressed to them my concerns. They did not tell me that 18 months was full maturation and thickness, they insisted that it's 12 months which they referred to as the "final result". I had emailed them asking about the 18 month mark but they would not admit this. This is the main issue I had. Not density or expectations, just proper information.

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They should have done what you asked or refused, but not agreed and then did what they wanted. 6000 grafts is a lot, but would not give decent total coverage on a nw6. Hopefully you are happy when it is all over, but I would not expect a lot of change. Also, I have only heard of free fixes for low yield, but I hope it works out.


Thanks Spanker. I think you understand my issue better than some who seem to have been offended somehow by my comments. I did tell them that I was not concerned with density, only coverage, and understood that it would not look perfect, as when I was much younger, so i think my expectations were realistic. I can tell you that I am happy with what I have seen so far, and there is quite a bit of hair in the crown, just very thin and immature. So, I have strong hopes that in the next 6 months or those hairs will thicken and mature. I can tell you that Dr. Hasson and his staff are professional and courteous and I would recommend them to anyone who is looking to get a hair transplant. I would only advise them to wait 18 months not 12 to judge the final result.

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In response to the OP, yes there have been a few critical cases on these forums, but they about the most consistent and admired surgeons that I know about. Crucial to this as well; their "showreel", so to speak, is massive. There are literally hundreds of presented cases between here and their website and some of them are incredible.


Of the more negative cases I've read on here, none have stood out as "suspicious" in the sense that the doctor's were genuinely at fault and trying to hide or cover it. The problem H+W often face is that many of their results are so good not even acceptable is acceptable. Some people are going there expecting miracles and not everybody gets them, which is to be expected.


Yes, if you dig around, you will find some less than happy customers from H+W, but they are few and far between amongst a sea of pretty stellar results. In addition, I don't think I have ever read any negative comments about their professionalism or treatment of patients. Some people have been unhappy with the results but I can think of only one negative case I've read where someone felt they had been badly misled.


If you are considering a HT H+W is literally about the most highly recommended and consistently exceptional surgery. If their ratio of happy/unhappy customers puts you off then I don't think anybody on this planet could offer you better odds of a successful procedure. I'm sure your procedure will go great and you'll love the results, but as always be upfront and clear about your goals, listen to their recommendations and advice on limitations and make decisions based on fact and not hope. It's easy to get a bit too comfortable with a surgery and stop being communicative about concerns or ambitions. H+W will understand you being thorough and exact about what you want and they'll treat you exactly the same way. It's the best chance you have of everybody being happy with the final outcome.

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All clinics have some poor to average results.


Reasons could be unrealistic expectations, late growth,poor aftercare by the patient, the x factor as Dr Bernstein states where there is no identifiable cause of the problem, and the list goes on.


There is not one clinic out there, who is 100% perfect and every customer satisifed, and find it silly sometimes people believe this.


Some will be made evident on forums, some will not.


This is surgery and that is why you sign a consent form before they perform a procedure.


But the very best clinics have far fewer of these anomalies and their ratio of good to bad will speak for themselves.


NO business anywhere in the world in any industry has 100% satisfaction rate.

Edited by chrisdav

2 poor unsatisfactory hair transplants performed in the UK.


Based on vast research and meeting patients, I travelled to see Dr Feller in New York to get repaired.

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I wouldn't either Orlhair1, they are one of the very best around globally.

2 poor unsatisfactory hair transplants performed in the UK.


Based on vast research and meeting patients, I travelled to see Dr Feller in New York to get repaired.

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Yes, back to the OP, I would agree that they are probably in the top 5 clinics in North America (on my personal list). They have a high success rate and were among the pioneers of the megasessions we see today. They are one a small percentages of HT docs, even on this site, that I personally would go under the knife with.

Edited by Spanker

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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Studies show increased hair counts between 12 and 24 months and thus, continued growth can occur beyond the one year point. In my experience, most patients achieve the greatest cosmetic improvement between 5 and 12 months. Because the vast majority of hairs have fully grown and matured by 12 months, it is typically said that the "final" result can be seen 1 year after hair transplant surgery. I have been known to say this myself. However, I have seen some patients who notice visual signs of improvement between 12 and 18 months.


I'm glad to hear that you've been in touch with the clinic regarding your concerns. What has their response been?


In the interest of fairness, our forum co-moderator Dave (TakingthePlunge) has contacted Hasson and Wong and invited them to respond to your concerns.


Additionally, I encourage you to post photos of your scalp before, immediately after surgery and showcasing your results so far. This is not only fair to the clinic but it will help members more accurately respond to your concerns and provide their opinions.


Best wishes,




P.S. I see that you have a couple of albums on your social profile...however, neither albums contains any photos. Did you remove these for some reason or did you forget to add the photos to the albums?

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Hello Bill. First I would like to make it clear that I am not unhappy with my hair transplant in general and this certainly not a knock on Hasson and Wong who have been receptive, considerate, and responsive towards my concerns. This is about the frustration that I have been through because of some lack of information regarding the timeline, which would have eased my concerns from the start. I decided to write on this forum mainly because I wanted feedback from others who might shed some light on the 12 month mark versus the 18 month mark, from their own personal experiences.


My intention is not to spew bad remarks towards H & W and honestly, I don't appreciate having my concerns on a blog forwarded to H & W without my go ahead. I have already been in touch with them and they are aware of my concerns. I will wait until the 18 month mark to make my final judgement and then decide where to go from there.

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  • Senior Member
Hello Bill. First I would like to make it clear that I am not unhappy with my hair transplant in general and this certainly not a knock on Hasson and Wong who have been receptive, considerate, and responsive towards my concerns. This is about the frustration that I have been through because of some lack of information regarding the timeline, which would have eased my concerns from the start. I decided to write on this forum mainly because I wanted feedback from others who might shed some light on the 12 month mark versus the 18 month mark, from their own personal experiences.


My intention is not to spew bad remarks towards H & W and honestly, I don't appreciate having my concerns on a blog forwarded to H & W without my go ahead. I have already been in touch with them and they are aware of my concerns. I will wait until the 18 month mark to make my final judgement and then decide where to go from there.


Well the only problem is that this is a public forum and you did respond to a thread asking for "Disgruntled H&W Patients." While you don't appreciate having your concerns forwarded to their clinic, I think they have every right to know of your public comments, especially after your first post in this thread... which certainly seems negative to me.


Good luck, I think this is much ado about nothing.

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Well the only problem is that this is a public forum and you did respond to a thread asking for "Disgruntled H&W Patients." While you don't appreciate having your concerns forwarded to their clinic, I think they have every right to know of your public comments, especially after your first post in this thread... which certainly seems negative to me.


Good luck, I think this is much ado about nothing.



Hi Stagger. Yes, this is indeed much ado about nothing, well put. The problem here is that I have already established a relationship with the clinic and they are aware of my issues. I realize that this is a public forum, however, people should also have the ability to post concerns and to keep it within the community rather than have it forwarded to those involved. Is there a forum where people can post their "concerns" without having a moderator forward their concerns to those involved?

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