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Everything posted by MrJobi

  1. Hello FYI - Been on Finasteride for over 10 years. No side effects except my hair stopped falling out! Stick with the remedies which the experts on here endorse. I have tried most everything (including Procerin) . Don't waste your money on snake oils!
  2. People can be very cruel. I , myself experienced this when I started losing my hair. I recall people "pointing it out to me" like - "Hey, you are losing your hair" - "You are going bald" - "Welcome to the club" (from someone who was bald) My old roomate even starting calling me "Sy Sperling" the Hairclub guy.. Not good and not funny. Of course this affected me in a very negative way BUT also made me find a solution and vow to take action People who have not experieneced hairloss cannot imagine the effects on an individual. Thus, many have no empathy towards it as they don't "relate." This certainly doesn't isolate itself to hair: being hairy, short, skinny, etc. are ones of many areas where people are poked fun at.. If hairloss did one thing for me, it certainly taught me how to empathize with people dealing with challenging areas, many of which they can do nothing about ( or minimal)
  3. Pressure You may want to use a little concealer on the top until the medicine kicks in. I am certainly not an advocate for meds but if it appears you are very concerned with hairloss,I would suggest looking into finasteride sooner than later to "stop the loss". Of course, check with your doctor about how this works in conjunction with your recent ETS surgery / postop
  4. As nobody knows about my procedures, I would have felt a bit uncomfortable as you. Of course, this is an individual decision but I prefer to be private. At the end of the day, when all is said and done, your results will speak for themselves and nobody will remember
  5. Hello First of all, there is no doubt you are distressed and I feel for your situtation. This is a bit out of my league as it deals with underlying medical issues (thyroid) and extraordinary siutations. Listen to your doctors and I would probably turn to the cosmetic avenue at this point to concel my hairloss. I used Dermatch and Couvre for over 10 years to hide my hairloss until I completed my 3rd hair transplant at 40. You are still very young so, medical issues aside, having surgery at this point might be a bit premature. In sum, my advice would be to listen to the docs until meds are a safe option. Use concealer to hide your hairloss and this will reduce your stress. Finally, take care of your health because this is directly linked to everything, including hair!! Relax and enjoy life!!
  6. From what I have researched, once the incision is made the graft can only be inserted one way. Does the size of the incision match the graft size ( single, double , etc.)?
  7. Generally wavy, coarse hair tends to be ideal as it allows for maximum coverage. I also heard another "term" or concept from the sugical assistant during my last procedure. He mentioned " thank your parents, your follicles grow in opposite ways." As I was a bit drowsy from the meds I cannot remember exactly but does this sound familiar?
  8. Good list I'm at 18 days post FUE 603 (light fill in of crown). Grafts still in place and growing to stubble (what a great feeling). No redness, just waiting for donor area to grown in a bit more so I may get a haircut. I have had good luck in the past 3 HT's in retaining grafts (i.e. not falling out) so let's hope this continues!
  9. Hello It hit me at 22 or so (but it was no doubt falling our prior) and I can appreciate your anxiety, pain and the "pit" in your stomach. Fortunately, there are actions you can take now to address your situation. I know it seems as though you are by yourself but you are not. Many suffer from the same issue. Personally ,I agree with NEWHAIRPLEASE in stopping further loss with meds but that is a personal choice. See your doctor and hear him/her out, then make an informed decision. There are only a couple choices which will "really" work so don't waste your time as many of these people ( myself included) have done . Definately wait some time before considering surgical options. 1- Rogaine 2- Finasteride (Propecia) 3- Nizoral or Revita shampoo (a very marginal effect at best) 4- FUT / FUE but wait as advised Relax and enjoy life!
  10. Very natural. No doubt his "fine", straight hair type provides a bit of a challenge with regard to coverage
  11. Very good explanation It's certainly not a wonder drug but for someone who want to "do everything" to hault hair loss it certainly cannot hurt
  12. I have been taking Finasteride for over 10 years without any side effects. There are risks in everything: diet, lack of exercise, drinking alcohol and diet sodas. The challenge lies in attempting to stabilize hair loss so you can move forward consistently. I do not advocate "drugs" but it comes down to risk vs reward in my mind Take your pick!
  13. Shampoos ( including Nizoral) are no going to regrow hair by themselves. There are studies which indicate a marginal effect on haircount as a whole but the effect you will obtain by using Nizoral is certainly minimal.
  14. Hello I have been using Propecia (Finasteride) for over 10 years without side effects (never interested in using Rogaine although it is an option) . In addtion, I used concealer until I was able to complete 3 HT''s and "get over the hump" of hairloss. The first step ( in my opinion) is to stabilize your hairloss. Speak to your doctor about youur options
  15. Hello I did my surgeries ( 3 FUT and 1 FUE) over the course of 6 years for cosmetic and monetary reasons. I too had to conceal my hairloss AND the surgeries which was not easy. It was a long road but today, I am very happy!!I do not really care about my scar because I do not go below a 2 guard due to the fact I have hair now and can have normal hairstyles (when I was losing my hair it had to be short) The FUE road for 7500 will be quite an expensive one. We are talking a minimum of $8 a graft and that is best case scenario. Also remember, you WILL have scars with FUE however, not a linear one. My FUE was of 600 grafts to just finish up the crown and 100 in the left hairline area. No sense in getting a strip for that little. If resources are not an issue then great but 60K for hair is a pretty penny!
  16. Actually, I used to swim and do many athletic activities with Couvre. It maintains water resistancy better than the powders as it is a cream. Try it!
  17. Sometimes things that appear to be a "curse" in your life turn out to be a blessing
  18. Exercise does not cause hairloss. As noted in the industry, MPB is caused by sensitvity to DHT (which is genetic). If anything, it would assist in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and support your hair. If it wasn't the case all athletes would be bald, think about it. It is normal to start "questioning everything " as a cause to your hairloss. Most people who have lost (or is losing) their hair go through this type of thinking. I did myself: Is it my vitamins? My shampoo? My hat? Etc. Etc. If you have specific questions, see your doctor and inquire
  19. It is really all about perception (for the most part). Confidence breeds confidence and unfortunately when we start losing our hair, we start losing our confidence. With that being said, there are plenty of confident bald men out there. As far as dating goes. I think it is fair to say there are certain characteristics which are generally more appealing: being tall, having hair, nice teeth, nice clothes, social. The more you have, the more successful you will be hypothetically. Then of course, you need to take action. At the end of the day, you need to optimize what you realistically can "control". Accept what you can't control and take action on what you can.
  20. Hello I just wanted to share my "unique" experience with you. I have had 4 total procedures with the same doctor, Dr. True. It seems this is not par for the course these days. It has been over the course of 6 or so years (the breakdown below) and a long road. The game plan was realistic, long term and a gradual process for both monetary and cosmetic purposes. It was a challenge being patient, maintaining the course and dealing with the trials and tribulations of covering up the surgery, waiting and trying to style my hair accordingly. Fast forward to today (having my latest FUE surgery 2 weeks ago) I am extremely happy. The result has exceeded my expectations and to this day, not one single person has ever commented on my hair being "transplanted". The point for sharing is I feel Dr. True and planned the work and then worked the plan. He always advised me conservatively and what was realistic in terms of what can we achieve within the parameters. There is no doubt, in 12 months, my hair journey will be over and I will finally reach the goal I had years ago. When you select the right doctor and have realistic expectations, hair transplantation can be a viable solution for baldness. Of course there are many different roads, however I truly believe when you "do it right" the results reflect it.
  21. Hello I have had 3 FUT and 1 FUE recently just to fill in the crown. I like wearing my hair relatively short but when you have hair, it is normal to wear it a bit longer on the sides. Let's face it, I am 40 or so and a military haircut is a bit odd at my age unless you are in the military. Another point to consider is when you go gray in the future that will help to cover the scar if you go a bit shorter.
  22. We hear you Many of us have gone through this and it is perfectly normal. There is nothing "wrong". Of course, I can apprieciate you wanting to address this so you should speak with your doctor about your options to stabilize your hairloss. Good luck!
  23. Hi I don't mind it, as I also take a multi. It is a decision you have to make. I have taken finasteride since it became available and, in sum, it has stopped my hairloss. Enough said for me
  24. Hey guys!! CHEERS UP! I always looked at it this way: I have spent my whole life losing my hair as time went on. Now, I get to enjoy the luxury of time as my hair grows in .. It is uphill from here! Relax and enjoy the ride
  25. I liked Revita the best because it contains the active ingredients, volumizes and conditions too!
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