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Everything posted by MrJobi

  1. Good luck - invest in a good, adjustable hat and consider some concealer if you wish to hide the work afterwards
  2. It varied for me in my 4 HT's. I had little shedding in my FUE procedure and a bit more in some of the others. I always tried to "ignore" all of the shedding, growth and timeline concepts because you can go nuts "watching the grass grow." Look at it this way, everyday for the next 12-14 months you will be getting more hair as opposed to the opposite we were acustom to (with the exception of shedding of course which you cannot really control) !
  3. Good post - At the end of the day, your doctor will determine your situation as every person is different. Other factors also play a major role in restoring your hair such as - head size - scalp laxity - degree of loss/ future loss - repsonse to med ( if applicable) - hair curliness It seems for every rule there are some exceptions based on the individual Good luck!!
  4. We have all been through the initial stages of hairloss. In my mind, the first action is to stabilize the hairloss (speak with your doctor). After that, you can see what further actions are needed to treat your situation
  5. Spend your money on the "proven" methods in treating hairloss.
  6. The irony in hairloss is it gets worse before it gets better (generally speaking) . Whether it is meds or HT's , you have to get through the inital phase in order to get better No doubt it is worth it!!
  7. Hi I really don't have a pics posted ( I am rather private). This only ones I would have are "after" ones that I could share - maybe 1 or two Yup - the hair looks great !
  8. Id say be yourself , sound interesting and fun but be a bit vague. Online dating is a numbers game, until they are at a bar with you - don't take it personal. Some of them probably aren't even real profiles . I'd say 20% look like their photos - Go to some meetups on Meetup.com , at least you will see the person .
  9. Hi Are you talking about "online " dating? That is a numbers game hands down! I have done it for a while on and off and there is no rhyme or reason. One thing I have learned is do not invest too much into one person before meeting them. Exchange a couple mails and meet . If not , you can waste a lot of time on someone who is not your type!
  10. It is very tough losing your hair ! The most important thing for me was to have a plan to address it ( or accept it if you plan on going bald gracefully). Everyone is different of course but you have 2 choices 1 - accept it and be bald 2- do something about it Regardless of your choice, stay positive! It is not the end of the world as losing your hair is a natural occurance. Plenty of successul bald people out there. We all have circumstances we cannot control , this is just another challenge in life
  11. There are no rules - plenty of hot women with bald , no so good looking men ( and they are not rich). Work on the things you CAN control and learn how to date and take control !! Best thing I did is to learn how to be a man - this is the number one complaint of women This totally changed my dating life and opened a mindset I never knew exisited. This doesn't mean every woman loves me as every woman will not like you regardless of who you are. What it does mean is allowing yourself to be successful when opportunity knocks and the last time I checked, there are millions of single women out there! That said, appearance does matter in most cases so control the controllables - weight - clothes - humor - attitude - TAKING ACTION!!!
  12. You really just need to enjoy dating and realize "everyone is not going to like you." - your hair - your car - your height - your job There is no end! All you can do is try to be the " best you" and work on getting better. There are tall , hairy guys who get rejected too . Life is not fair and dating is a numbers game. The minute you accept the fact that some women will like you and some won't, it will make your life much easier. Dating in school or college was different because you have constant DIRECT contact with woman in your EXACT demographic most of which are date-able. Fast forward to adult life and you really don't have that . Bars don't count as everyone is on the defense and then you have to deal with all of the other factors as well. The best thing - there are soooo many women out there!!! Find some women who enjoy a similar interest as you - this is the easiest way to find someone to click with . Have fun!!!!
  13. Hey bro! Been through all of those feelings and now at 40 plus, I enjoy a full head of hair. All of the suffering and pain is gone but there is always something else ( see the Buddah) Remember, it is not forever and many of your peers who have hair now, will not in 20 years!! You can always take meds and get a HT if you wish at a later time!! You are young and remember, you still have hair now!!!! Take action and enjoy your life
  14. I went to bed at 10pm - Who cares, it is one day in your life Today, I will be at the gym at 9 and enjoy a relaxing ( without a hangover) day!
  15. Yes, only difference is I did not wear a system, rather used concealers for more than 10 years! H & W are one of the best in my mind - no doubt you are in good hands!!!! 4416 is a nice number and you will get some good growth out of that procedure!!! At 8 months, you still have some significant growth left AND softening of the hair which makes a big difference. Bottom line - you are getting better hair everyday and I would imagine you can have another procedure in a little time. It is tough to be patient but remember, you are moving in the right direction!!! One thing you might want to do next time are scalp exercises ( although H & W suggests them so maybe you did do them). I did them only before my 3rd procedure as Dr. True wasnt big on them . To our surprise, it made a big difference in my laxity hence you see my 3rd procedure being the largest yield Good luck!!!
  16. It does not work and will not produce significant results ( like 95% of supplements) - stick to the proven treatments !
  17. From my 20 plus years of hairloss these " herbal" or supplement solutions do not work. You are wasting a ton of money on things that at best, produce marginal results ( just ask your doctor or do your research). That same effort and your resources could be used for proven solutions . Trust me, I've tried them all !!! Regarding health, eat a balanced diet, exercise and get your sleep and you will be far better off than all of that synthetic stuff. At this point you have some very expensive urine and that's probably the best case scenario. 4 HT's later, I take Propecia and that's it and I am enjoying a great head of hair!
  18. Only Minoxidil and Finasteride are proven to regrow hair (and of course HT's). As a 20 plus year veteren of hairloss, I have tried all of the snake oils and they don't work. These little "remedies" here and there such as massage, red light therapy or Nizoral may have "marginal" effects but they simply are not going to yield significant results. You are more than welcome of course to try them all as I have done without result but please feel free to learn from my experience. Save your time and money!!!!
  19. Hi Different doctors have different approaches: some are more agressive (i.e. they will do 6-8k grafts in a single session) while others might suggest less (4k-6k in a single). One thing I have learned both in life and in HT's is you can get to A to C many different ways. My approach was gradual due to my circumstance and I will stack my results with anyone in the world. The most important is to select a doctor YOU are comfortable with regard to bedside manner and approach! Keep in mind there are several other factors which will dictate your situation - amount of baldness you currently have( norwood) - donor hair available, scalp laxity and hair type - your budget and time frame - how you want to deal with post op and "hiding" the surgery - future hairloss (i.e are you on meds?) - what your goals are ( i.e. do you want coverage or lots of hair) In your case, if you are wearing a significant hair system, chances are you will not get the same amount of "hair" from a HT (or several) as your system. It is important you have realistic expectations . Unless you have 20K to drop on an super FUE megasession (with ideal circumstance above) you are most likely in for a gradual yearly process of getting back your hair. Develop a strategy with your surgeon considering the above and you are on your way!!!
  20. Hi I wouldn't worry too much about the pain as it is not too bad. The worst part ( in my mind) is the healing of the donor area with FUT. FUE is a walk in the park but with both methods, you still need to consider "hiding" the work and the donor area. As far as payment methods ( in the US) there are companies which offer payment plans and I would imagine a bank might loan you money with good credit. Right now, money is cheap to borrow so it is probably the best idea if you get a decent rate. There are many good docs out there, just make sure you select a coalition doc suggested on here. Good luck !
  21. Hi I'm with Aaron First of all , how old are you ? I would certainly (and did myself) consider meds first to stabilize your hairloss while you seek options as you are doing. I went to True ( or True and Dorin) and had an excellent experience as I am one of the few on here who have used the same doc for 4 different procedures. That said, you mentioned some great docs and it is important that YOU are comfortable with the doc . Good luck!
  22. Of course he wants cash, no service fee and instant payment in full. Right now money is cheap so paying a large cash sum is foolish. I would ONLY pay cash if the doctor gives a significant discount which is fair to ask for if you plan on paying in cash. Otherwise, you can get points, miles, etc on your paymentby using a credit card with perks . Remember, you are the customer and in the drivers seat
  23. Diets are great but what you need ( for long term success) is a change of lifestyle which includes regular exercise. Low carb eating habits are great in my mind and quite popular today ( Paleo, etc). If you eat right, it will have no negative effect on your HT in fact, my hair /nails tend to grow faster on a high protein diet but that is just me .
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