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Everything posted by lorenzo

  1. ZAZ my recommondation to you is to research as much as possible. Talk to as many doctors as you can therefore you have a full knowledge before making an IMPORTANT decision. Many doctors in Europe and North American have patients in the London area so contact them and see if it is possible to meet them. Grafts in a donor area are limited so there is very little room for mistake. I know form the doctors in the coalition that I have read that have patients in London are Dr. Bisanga, Dr. Feller, Dr. Shapiro, Hasson and Wong and Dr. Farji (I beleive that is how you spell it). I would research all these doctor before making a decision. Good luck on your decision.
  2. Bill your first two transplants amount were almost the same of your third one. Do you believe that you recieved a higher density from the first two transplants or the third. I don't mean final density I mean density from each procedure. You mentioned in another post you if you could go back in time you would have recieved a bigger session at the beginning if this is how you feel then I am a bit confused with the about comments. Please do not take this the wrong way no disrespect intented. . Since you have alot of knowledge and experience, lets say right now you have never recieved a hair transplant. How many grafts with a guessed flexablity do you think you could recieved now? What kind of density do you think you were able to achieve in your first transplant in the hairline? Thank you and happy holidays.
  3. They is alot more differences in doctors that many may not know. Even if two experienced doctors put the same amount of grafts, lets say lateral slits, in the same area with the same density, the outcome can still be different. Although this discussion is very knowledgable and interesting in my opinion a doctor study is relavant to himself and don't believe it can be 100% relavent to other doctors. I have been hearing for years that large session were not possible high density were not possible and yes the doctor saying this was probaly correct in his own practice and for other doctors its incorrect. There is alot of difference even if the doctor performs the same procedure. These are some of the differences in my opinion. 1) virgin scalp vs previous surgery. 2) how the strip is taken out (any damage to the grafts) 3) Lateral slits vs needles. Even if two doctors both use lateral slits some doctors with not that much experience have damaged the recipent area by either by making the slits too deep or not deep enough. 4)staff; this is very important as many experience doctors know it take many years of experience to feel confident about your staff. 5)what happens to the strip once it is removed. 6)how the grafts are cut 7)how many staff members you have working. Very important because when fatigue sets in so does error. 8)equipment used and products used 9)doctors experience and ethics. This are some of the difference in my opinion. There is alot of things that can influence grafts survival. Large studies performed by many doctors with alot of patients would be better at answering these questions. Doctors experience is based on his own experiences and usually so they may have alot or little revervance to other doctors. In my opinion no two doctors are the same. Some of the world leaders in years past are now dinosaurs now because they refuse to look past there own experiences. If you could look back 10-15 years ago, many of the top doctors then are rarely mentioned now.
  4. Kokonut in my opinion it is always better to visit but having said that I am sure 95% of all surgeries are done following a virtual consultation. Since I assist Italians I have only seen one Italian that came in first for a visit then came back for surgery. His brother worked for the airlines and came to Vancouver first to visit the doctors then to have a nice 2 week holiday. The doctor is usually right on with a virtual as long as the pictures provided are clear and accurate. In my experience in some cases the patients are pleasantly surprised because there situation is much better in person than in photos. Once again good luck!!
  5. I feel for you but looking at your photos (that is all I can base it on) I feel that a surgery with a proper surgeon will make a difference in not only your appearance and confidence. Having said that I am not sure if they would even do surgery on a 24 years old unless they are sure that you will not be progressing to a NW7. Although it may not be a good example take a look at london_lad, when he posted his pictures for the first time many posters told him in was not a canditate for surgery. Anyway good luck on your decision.
  6. Yes its true with the right doctor and the right characteristics you can achieve a very good results. Research this forum and if you have any questions let us know. Be careful sites like this allow you to see which doctors are good and ethical and which are not, there are more bad doctors than good. One piece of advice distance nor price should influence your decision. Good luck keep us posted
  7. Welcome to the forum. I have to been to San Francisco its a beautiful city. Yes hair restoration is true as long as you research and become educated at it. I am having fun with the links, why did you put the link?? Is this your company??? Posters on this site are very educated just like travellers are when booking flights on line. Anyways research research research and if you have any questions ask away.
  8. I completely disagree with you. Your criteria has no basic on whether a doctor is going to be a good transplant doctor or not. Although these fields seems to be connected it doesn't neccessarily mean that they will be able to offer a good transplant or not. I personally would tell people to stay away from doctors that aren't hair transplant exculsive. There is a world famous dermatolgist in Vancouver that also offers hair transplants. The results that I have seem from him are subpar at best. This is my opinion but I believe that he is aware that H&W are amongst the world leaders in hair transplantation. Even being aware of this wouldn't you think if you went to see a dermatologist he would recommend you to the best hair transplant doctor? This is not the case because of $$$$$$$$$$. If a doctor is good he will be busy. That is why I question any doctor that needs a private referal business to boost his business. This is only my opinion.
  9. Burf: Good luck!! The only thing I can recommend is that if you haven't been to Vancouver before its a beautiful city. You may want to stay a few extra day and check it out. Vancouver has the best sushi outside of Japan, the most beautiful stuck up girls in Canada, if you think they are fake they are....lol....... Regardless you are in good hand Dr. Wong is a true professial and gentlemen.
  10. I actually met a fellow from Portugal last week. Everytime I assist Italian patients there always seems be be othe patients from other parts of europe. At the end you need to research and choose the doctor that you feel most comfortable with regardless if they are in Europe, America or Asia. Many top doctors have different approachs so you have to figure out which one you feel more comfortable with. At the end its your money. For 7 years I have been saying that a poster that first posts then gets a transplant and shows his results carries the strongest merit with me.
  11. I think the two biggest mistake people make it basing their decision on price and location. Just because somebody charges the most doesn't make them good or the cheapest doesn't neccesarily make them bad. Although through my experience low prices on grafts means there is a good change you will need a second surgery either for more density or repair. I agree with Reyes you should consult with as many doctor as you can. Research research research!!!! Good luck and keep us posted. Falercos I agree some of what you are saying about clinical reps. But if Reyes opens GLH eyes and showed him that there are other clinics there I beleive he will be intelligent enough to consider and research the elite coaltion doctor in west coast before making any decision. This website probaly will be saving him from making a bad decision now hopefully he researchs carefully.
  12. Wow missed this thread. When I was 19 I though I knew everything now when I look back I was really stupid. If any doctor considered lowering your hairline at 19 is an idiot.
  13. I feel for you John. You are here to explain your story with your own agenda. I understand there is alot of horrible doctors out there performing bad transplants but I also know there are doctor out there changing people life for the better. If I was in your position I also would do everything in my power to f%ck the doctor that did this to me but I would also get myself repaired and try to move on with my life. Poster on here are very educated concerning hair transplant your story is quite common but we know that when you research and chose a good doctor you will get good results. You keep pushing to tell your story but we do understand and feel for you but you should consider doing something about it. I have seen people like you that have come from Italy to get repair and at the end they are so happy to get fixed and move on with there lifes. Even though I assist a clinic with translation what I am saying is my own opinion. If you think I am saying this to recruit you to come to our clinic that is not what I do. In fact if I as in a position to make a decision (which I am not) I would advise our doctor not deal with you because you seem angry and unstable. You want to blame Bill? You have told your story many times we have read it. What would you like him to do?? Like I said posters on here are educated what you are telling us is nothing new we all understand the what the conclusions can be choosing the wrong doctors. Stop playing the blaming game and the victim and do something about it. Its too bad you did not discover this website before you had a transplant you would probaly not be in this position right now. Take care and god bless you and your child.
  14. It appears to me that many europeon patients that research the internet end up going to a North American Clinic. Do you consider H&W a relevant Doc? If so your comments are incorrect. H&W transformation for NW5 and 6 in my opinion are unmatched and I have not seen any other clinic show documented result to proof me wrong. Now that you have made a strong statement could you please proof me wrong?? Don't want to sound harsh but there is a difference between wishful thinking and reality. I can understand your exitement at your results but your comments I can't.
  15. Burf08; Having a hair transplant is a big decision. I recommend to everybody if you are able to travel first for a consutlation do it. I assist Italian patients for translation for H&W and some of them actually fly down to Vancouver first for a consultation and then later come for surgery. I do not know much about the other two doctor but consult with as many doctors as possible to feel comfortable about your decision. In my opinion travelling should only be a small part of your decision. Good luck!!!!!!!!
  16. Cute kid. I want to give my opinion I am not a doctor nor do I pretend to be. I have met many patients and seen alot of repairs. I assist Italian patient that need translation when I am able to (I am a real estate agent). Most of the patients that I have translated for have come to be repaired. Some don't look to bad while others look worse than you. My points is that there is hope. Your grafts at the front do not look too low, your donor area looks good and your scar looks like it is in a safe zone to be revisted. Having said this, this is my opinion so I may be wrong. I understand your frustation and hope you are able to go to court and win your case. I dont think any amount of money will make up for the pain it sounds like you have been through. Even if everything ended up in the positive you will still need to be repaired unless you are able to deal with the current situation. Anyways I wish you the best...........
  17. legaleagle; Creditablity amongst doctor is earned. Creditablity amongst posters is also earned when somebody posted a strong statement on their very first post it is hard not to wonder if there is alternative motives. For all we know you could be botchedinatl or 16inchscar Although your comments have some basic it is easy to tell that you lack experience and knowledge when it comes to hair transplants. People research to make sure that first a transplant is what they want and then to find a quality doctor to perform it. I agree that 90% of the doctor that perform hair transplants are horrible, that is why we are in the age of imformation. It probaly only take 30 minutes of research to figure out which doctor is good and which ones are bad. The good doctor have made a BIG DIFFERENCE in many people lives including having the repair the crap that these horrible doctor have performed.
  18. shouldIdoit; You have narrowed it down to two world class doctors, your research has paid off. I am not going to get into detail about H&W there reputation speaks for themselves. Having a hair transplant is a big decision take your time on choosing a doctor. Distance should not influence you decision in my opinion. Today I was at H&W assisting an italian patient (Joe posted his picture today)and there were patients there from Portugal, Spain and New Mexico. Good luck I wish you the best..
  19. I do not know anything about Dr. Barusco. You have done well to research and find this website. There is some coaltion doctor from Florida I suggest you also consider them as well. Good luck on your decision.
  20. Bobman your transformation is amazing as well as the time you have taken to document your results. Please do not take this the wrong way what I am going to say as it is only my opinion. After reading your comments I first thought somebody had hacked your account and wrote those comments. I myself am also enthusiastic about assisting people after recieving my results. In my opinion you results only a few doctors in the world are able to give you the type of transformation you have achieved. Having said that only small majority of patients have the hair characteristics to achieve your type of transformation. You mentioned that your goal is help a clinic gain more business when I believe that showing a person a transplant from a different doctor while assisting another clinic in my opinion makes no business sense to a doctor. The few clinics that are able to do such a transformation are the elite. In my opinion are already busy and do not need more business let alone have a staff assisting patients that has recieved work from another clinic. That would leave the doctor that needs to boost their business, in my opinion they are looking for more business because they are unable to achieve great results not to mention a result like yours. I have been posted since 2001 on most of the top forum of hairloss. At one time I was more active and posted much more regularly as I do know. I have met 100's of patients and seen some transformation as good as your and other even better. Because of my knowledge and my frequent posting in the past I have been offered two job working for clinics because they felt that I would be able to assist their business. I thankfully refused without even asking what the conditions were because in my opinion H&W honestly, integity and results can't be equalled and working for another clinic these would be scarificed, for me this is morally wrong. I understand that everybody has different opinions but I agree with B Spot you should consider start with patient advocate sites, radio hosts and product pushers. IntoThinHair;Excellent first post!! I personally have seen many amazing transformations (many do not post nor wish to share there pictures) with H&W as well as many repair patients from europe that I have assisted during translations. Hairloss affected people lives so just imagine what state somebody is in when they have an unnatural results. I keep in contact with many of them and for them it becomes a life changing procedure. I feel if H&W wanted I am sure they have had many opportunities in the past to hire many different ex patients in some capacity if that is the direction they wanted to take. Bobman good luck and please do not take what I said personally. This is my opinion..........
  21. Good luck. Thanks for being honest for your pictures and your results. I am sure your will be happy. Adrian; I have heard nothing but good things about both Dr. Rahal results and his service. Looking at the pictures it appears in my opinion that not all the grafts grew on his hairline especailly on the right side. I understand his is not the easy case but at the end is there any concern that this may happen in the second procedure and why it happens on the first. Please don't take this the wrong way.
  22. Which doctor are splitting grafts. In my opinion doctor accuse other doctor of splitting grafts because in the majority of the time they are not able to perform large session. If this is what other doctor were telling you them there results of 2500 would look the same as a doctors with 4000. Take a look at these results with around 4000 or so grafts and then look at the doctor that are telling you grafts are being split and look at there results of around 2500 and see if they look the same because according to what they are saying they should be. http://www.hassonandwong.com/patient_gallery/photo_view...ansplant_type=normal http://www.hassonandwong.com/patient_gallery/photo_view...ansplant_type=normal http://www.hassonandwong.com/patient_gallery/photo_view...ansplant_type=normal http://www.hassonandwong.com/patient_gallery/photo_view...ansplant_type=normal http://www.hassonandwong.com/patient_gallery/photo_view...ansplant_type=normal http://www.hassonandwong.com/patient_gallery/photo_view...ansplant_type=normal
  23. JonJ; I am happy your experience went well. Recommending a doctor or clinic without have your final results is carries little weight. I know lots of stories of people like you that left a clinic extremely happy but 10 months later when the results were suppose to come they were extremely disappointed.
  24. Hairseeker good for you researching before making a decision. Choose wisely and take your time. There is only one thing worse than going bald that is getting an unnatural transplant. What kind of hairloss do you have?
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