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Everything posted by lorenzo

  1. This italian patients has asked me to post his video because he doesn't speak english. He is regularly on the website looking at pictures. I have become good friends with him and his results are amazing. He was wearing a toupee for a many years before the surgery. Talk about hair greed after this video he recieved 1800 more grafts in the hairline and the crown. I am the one on the first video translating. http://video.google.it/videopl...81477240913717&hl=it http://video.google.it/videopl...20647557463464&hl=it
  2. Hair transplant industry is alot different than most industries. In many cases you never see the patient again, sometimes it doesn't matter how often you email them they do not respond. I had one italian guy I met recieved 7000 grafts. I emailed him out of curiousity to see how his result when for one year, finally last month he emailed me back and told me he is so happy with his result. The email he had was only for when he was researching hair transplant but after asking him he would not email me any pictures he said he has moved on. Although you hear about the bad case there are people out there that feel embarassed and ashamed at there results and will never post while others have great results and post. Its really hard to figure out. I have met patients coming from europe to get a transplant that were content with their results from europe even though they screams hair transplant from 30 feet away and others that looked great but wanted more. Since alot of people do not like people knowing then at the end this is not correct. Sometimes a happy person tells everyone while an unhappy person tells nobody about the transplant. I totally agree with Dr. Lindsey here, sometimes I think there should be a mental exam done on a patient before surgery is done. A hair transplant only changes a physical appearance and although sometimes give you a better state of mentality, its doesn;t always work for everybody that way. I have met people that have spend two years not going out because of small hairloss. I always say if a stupid classless ignorant poor person all of the sudden becomes rich you get a stupid classless ignorant rich person. Just my opinion...........
  3. Dalew sorry to hear about your experience but your story is quite common. Thank goodness for websites like this that help educate the patients and maybe in the future there will be alot less repairs. Due to lots of incompitent doctor hair repairs are a norm to probaly every coalition doctor. EVERY COALITION DOCTOR HAS PLENTY OF EXPERIENCE WHEN IT COME TO REPAIR. So I would consult with as many of these doctors as you can before you base a decision. Since I deal with italians 80% of them are repairs. It would be interesting to find out what percentage of repairs the Coalition doctor perform, my guess would be 20-25%. I find it funny when an these immoral doctors show picture of there repair work when I know that many of there patients have been repaired by other doctors. Regardless I wish you good luck!
  4. New-me: thanks for the response I beleive you are being sincere. I am sure that is possible how consitant are they. There are many free forums all over the internet therefore you would here about these doctors quite often. Congrads on being a doctor I know it takes alot of years of dedication and intelligence to achieve this. Cosmetic surgery is different since this is elective surgery adverstisement can be extremely convincing. In my experience over advisting (tv) defeats the purpose of why somebody becomes a doctor. TV advertising is extremely effective and will most likely cause a doctor to be so busy that he either has more than one clinic or hires other doctors to assist him. I don't care who you are but quality is definately compromised. I assist Hasson and Wong which I believe is one the top clinics in the world. They could easily hire more doctors and open more clinics all over the world. They would probaly make so much money that they would not know what to do with it. They don't do it because they do not want to compromise quality and patient care to make more money.
  5. My comment are the doctors in the coaltion are better than good, above average world class. Sorry I understand what you are saying I should have made it clearer. It was not meant to state there are doctors that are not world class just to state they are much better than good. I should not have put to because that is not what I meant.
  6. drmstx: Good luck on your search. Keep researching as many doctors as possible then come to a decision. Don't let travel scare you because if you base your decision on location, you may be like other people that have to travel to either get repair or a better transplant. I do not know anything about Dr. Pistone but feel if you should check out both Dr. Feller and Dr. Shapiro. Both have exellent reputation all over the forum. I do not know that law in your state but I find it unethical when somebody other than a doctor doesn't see you and recommends how many grafts you should get. In my opinion if a doctor is world class he doesn't have to over advertise. Usually these company heads are too busy to even see you until the day of the surgery. Anyways good luck on your search and keep us posted. New-me; If you were to read this forum you would see that your posting sounds more like an advertisement rather a truthful posting. You have posted twice and know you are asking an extremely knowledgable posters to trust you?? Doctors good or bad are been written about all over in the internet along with posters from different sites showing there before and after pictures, it is very rare to find any doctor that hasn't been talked about. Doctors that are part of the coalition are not good they are above average to world class. Since you yourself are a doctor why not research the doctors on this site and then tell us is Dr. Pistone just as good as the coalition doctors? I don't mean to sound harsh but these type of promotions posts seem to happen on a daily basic from posters with usually no posts before. Regardless this is my opinion
  7. I feel in some ways the triclosure is over hyped. Just because a doctor offers it doesn't give you the guarantee of a good transplant. Triclosure is the cherry on the banana split if everything else is done right then it can makes a different. Triclosure under the right hands give you the opportunity of having a better looking scar but doesn't guarantee a great scar. If a doctor usually consistantly gives a good scar then with a triclosure there is a better chance of having a even better scar. The ones of H&W that I have seen one year after look from good to amazing. Since I assist alot of italians I have seen all type of scars. 90% of all the repairs patients could careless about there scar (some over .5 cm) because of the unnaturalness of their transplant. Understandable there are more concerned about the greater of the two evils therefore the scar because less important. Why I am mentioning this is because triclosure is important as long as the hair transplant is successful and natural looking. I don't think whether a scar is done with single closure or double closure make a big difference as the doctor performing the surgery.
  8. Mark; If you are sincere I am happy for your progress. This website is well informed so I post like yours to me sound like a promotion rather than anything. Alot of these poster live in California and are both knowledgable and well informed of the doctors in the area. BHHR is one place that I have not hear of, so I checked out the website. Although it appears your post was to promote I feel it has done the opposite and actually helped potential patients not only avoid this clinic but find other ones. If you were knowledgable I hopefully you researched your hair transplant thorougly you would know that posting a link to the website of a unknown doctor that shows four before and after (bad pictures in my opinion) defeated the purpose of why you posted. Showing your own before and after pictures has alot more strength. Anyways my opinion..........
  9. I like Nuhart. I used to watch them all the time when I young and sick from school. What ever happened to Bob Nuhart??? On a serious note I have heard only good things about Dr. Keene, good luck!!!!
  10. I think it is possible to get a good transplant with either clinic the only problem is I don't believe it is as consistant as the top clinics. In a big chain you are only good as your worst doctor. Whenever you franchise anything you have a tendacy to lose quality and lose focus of what the your original object is. In the hair transplant industry there is almost no room for error so the bigger you are the less you can control quality. Plus most big chains are more interested in $$$$$$$$$$ than they are quality.
  11. Thanks for your reference. Since the majority of the doctors are unable to do large session it is understandable why they would say this. I agree if most doctor would attempt larger session they would probaly get even a lower percentage. Since you have a scientific way of thinking, they are quoting a test that is done from 1992, don't you think things change in 17 years especially in the medical community. Anyways good luck......Don't beleive everything you heard or read......seeing is the truth answer...
  12. Welcome to the forum you will definately find it useful. Reading your post it is easy for me to see you are at the beginning stage of researching hair transplant. Firstly since this is cosmetic surgery there will be alot of different opinions based on the doctors knowledge, experience, limitations, and what they feel comfortable doing. I really do not like talking bad about any clinic because all the answers whether a clinic consistantly do good work is all over the internet. So to put this kindly I would never let a big chain touch my hair at any cost even if they are willing to pay me to do so. When you get an estimate on how many grafts it mostly is done by seeing photos. If you are able to see the doctor in person they can be a bit more accurate. There is no guantee on how many grafts a doctor can get, speaking from what I have seen the doctor is quite close. Sometimes when the doctor sees you in person you do not need the amount the he originally said sometimes you need more, you can only do so much from photos. Anyways keep researching and good luck on your decision.
  13. I think Joe mentions on his posts at the bottom that he is on salary and not a commissioned sales staff. I think whoever works for a clinic and post on this forum need to state whether they are on commission or not. People looking for a transplant can be emotional fragle therefore having a sales rep that benifits finacially preying on them is not ethical in my opinion. Since I deal with alot of Italians I have heard many stories about reps. Even to the point where they are getting called on a daily basic pushing them to get a transplant. Asking for deposit right at the consultation, having more than one sale rep coming into the room and pushing them to book an appointment. Even heard of a board in the staff room where there is a figure beside every sales rep name showing there sales and commission month to date. When you have a good clinic you do not need to push anything just show the facts, answer the questions and leave it to the patient to decide. I don't believe the top clinics have or need commssion sales reps. Can you image getting commission for one of the world top doctors. I would be like taking money from a baby. Anyways that is my opinion.
  14. Thanks Bill I didn't know that. Interesting..... I wish you the best, you are having a world class transplant with a world class doctor. I am not sure if you make these statement to convince yourself or get reassurrance. You are dealing with very knowledgable posters on this site so these statements do very little. In order to place grafts in a top clinic it take a certain person with many years of experience. Sometimes there are as many as 4 tech placing grafts two at a time, one on each side, so that fatigue doesn't set in.
  15. FormerlySamson good luck on your upcoming surgery. I disagree with this. There is alot of example that show this is incorrect. London Lad for example had surgery for 18 hours straight and recieved 7700 grafts. Take a look at his pictures if you like. I have heard nothing but good things about Dr. Keene so you are in great hands. I am curious since I have never heard of a strip surgery lasting two days. Is your surgery FUE by change? If not how is the strip taken out? Half one day and half the other, one strip each day, above or below the other then at the end there is only one line, or two seperate strips? Anyways I am just curious. Once again good luck and keep us posted.
  16. Excellent. My parents are italian as well. There are many H&W patients that come from Italy, some of them famous. I wish you the best and if I am in the area I will come by and say hello.
  17. Capello (nice name sei italiano); You are in good hands with Dr. Wong. Good luck!!!
  18. Smooth can you please give you your pros and cons?? The reasons behind it? I disagree with you because I have met many patients that recieved megasessions and they look amazing. Take a look at the pictures of Londonlad, Bobman,Futzyhead, and many other H&W patients that have posted and recieved megasessions. Tell me what would you do different because of the many cons? Do you think there result would look better if they recieved more sessions and less grafts during each session? Good because you are not a doctor. If only H&W had the same opinion as you they would make alot more money since they would have to do more sessions to achieve the final result. As I stated before every doctor has there opinion based on his own experiences and knowledge don't mean they are wrong. H&W have excellent cases of single sessions of 4000 grafts or more that have achieved excellent results with pencil thin scar. Dr. Lindsey congrad on the quality of your work. Did Dr. Feller train you?? I hope you do not mind if I give you my opinion of your question. I have assisted many italians and have been present from many surgeries from both Dr. Wong and Dr. Hasson. In my experience which I believe it much greater than the average poster the size of strip is based on many different aspects. Whats able to be done, what the patients wants and what the doctor is willing to do. The first part what is able to be done. Meaning that if a patient is a repair or has limited donor, or has a tight donor that would influence the size of the strip. What the patients wants? The doctor has to take this into consideration as well. This will influence the size of the strip. What the doctor is willing to do? Meaning just because somebody has a excellent donor with good elatisity don't mean that they need to take a big strip. Both doctor are always concerned with future of the patient when they make a decision about that plan to take. I have seen situation where a patients wanted and expected more grafts and they didn't need it therefore a big session was not performed. What I am saying is pretty straight forward so hopefully I am not testing your intelligence by stating this. Yes Yes and no. Dr. Wong does and Dr. Hasson doesn't. Both there scars are excellent and I do not see a different with either ones final product. I am sure you know the reputation of H&W. They would never scarifice taking a bigger strip for a wider scar. Maybe you can talk to Joe and be one of the many doctors that have travelled to Vancouver to see there results and surgeries in person. Again I am not a rep for a H&W these are my knowledge and opinion. Maybe Joes is different.
  19. First of all congrads on your repair. I was lucky because of money I was unable to go to Bosley when I was 25. There was no internet and those commercials were very powerful especially when you are young and you are starting to bald. These hackers are doctors very intelligent people that when to school for up 10 years. If you tell me they are not aware they are damaging people I call bullshit. I have always believed if a doctor is aware of a better solution or even a better doctor than themselves then they have a duty to let the patients know all there opinions. I get a bit sensitive when I see all the repair cases coming from Italy its disgusting in many cases. Honestly if some doctor did to me what they did to them I would spend up to 5 years in jail with a smile on my face to disfigure them back. There hackers prey on people knowing fully when they are doing it. Understandable I am sure sometimes they have satifactory results but not in a consistant basic that they should be offering hair transplants to anybody. Yes exactly but can you imagine how many grafts were wasted? Anyway I am happy for you consultion and hopefully with websites like this people will smarten up and not go to these types of clinics. Just my thoughts...........
  20. I hope this is not off topic or not. Fraud or borderline fraud happens all the time in the hair industry. Thanks god for websites like this that are able to distingish the moral good doctors from the crooks. From my experiences and everything that I have heard or seen it is a very dirty business in most cases. So much for the The Oath of Hippocrates when it comes to the hair industry. Its not all doctors many patients have nobody to blame but themselves in some cases. Research is very important when it comes to making important decisions. In this age of imformations so get as much information as possible. This doctor stealing the photos is a scumbag but he doesn't care because at the end he will make a good living and maybe even become rich. It is important for patients that have been wronged to speak out, show pictures and tell there story to protect the future patients from making the same mistake. Money back, free touch ups, free procedures, and even threats are offered to patients that are not happy. Grafts are not unlimited so even though the price you pay seems high it is not worth as much as it is worth because once they are gone they are gone. Can you imagine how much a graft would be worth if you could use somebody elses hair? Anyways just my thoughts......
  21. Vannen welcome to the forum. I actually live in Coquitlam. You are so lucky to live near a world class clinic. I assist italian for Hasson and Wong when they come here for a transplant. Patients come from all over the world to H&W. They have a repuation of being the world best in many people eyes. Dr. Jerry Shapiro is a world class dermologist I do not want to comment on his hair transplants. Bosley all you have to do is read the forum and the internet and that will give you an idea. Since you are in Vancouver why not book a consulation with Hasson and Wong to give you a better idea.
  22. CTL welcome to the forum. I personally would recommend seeing Dr. Feller. Here is also a list of doctors in the New York area that are part of the coalition http://www.hairtransplantnetwo...list.asp?StateAbr=NY good luck and your search and keep us posted.
  23. I disagree I think they used the best before and after pictures they could find on the web. Mostly when this has happened in the past these idiots always seem to use H&W pictures.
  24. Not surprised at all. The hair transplant industry is full of thieves and immoral doctors. Pride means nothing when the money is involved. Thank goodness for websites like this. In this age of imformation if anybody doesn't reserach the internet before making a big decisions they have nobody to blame than themselves. People like there webmaster that hide behind there computer are usually the biggest idiots. Joe go get him, I would pay to watch you guys in the ring.
  25. Hasson and Wong have been written about on the internet for around 8 years now, this is the first time I have heard of a consultation being cancelled because of any reason. Hasson and Wong have many patients and experience written on the internet plus the many patients that I have met. Emergencies happen I hope that it is nothing serious but somethings in life you have no control over. I am sorry for you Treehugger it is always not a good feeling when that happens. The consultation was done in Seattle and not at the Vancouver location. I am sure you will get an explanation soon. I was raised on the island so I know taking the ferry is not fun at all. Florida Engineer; You comments show a lack of knowledge. I think that you need to research this website more before you make this crazy comments. Imagine if there was a more serious problems later on??? Hasson and Wongs reputation speaks for themselve your comments don't. Please grow please; LOL!!! Personally after speaking to Joe I like the blind Joe better. Now that he can see himself in the mirror and likes what he sees his confidence is bordering on arrogance.
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