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Everything posted by lorenzo

  1. $2500 WOW! thats nuts. I will come to Vegas and do it for $1500..lol I had a friend of mine (ARNOLD) was there 6 months ago got a bit drunk and ending up smashing his head open. He left the hospital next day before he got the bill, they got a hold of him in Canada and asked him when he planned on paying a bill of $42,000. He said when I have the money I will send it.... Its too bad that Dr. Williams wouldnt do it for you. I understand that its his right but I know for a fact if you were in Vancouver you could come to Hasson and Wong. Try putting an ad on craigslist of course you will have to pay something but its better than being forced to leave Vegas. I am sure a nurse or somebody with experience that is of work hours would probaly come by and do it for a couple hundred.. Good luck!
  2. There a girl that works at the Spearmint Rhino she used to be a nurse. Her name is Lisa but you will probaly have to get a table dance and then ask her I am sure she will remove them. On a serious note you can go to any doctor I am sure they will remove it. If not ask a friend it is not that hard to remove. Good luck
  3. I recommend taking Proscar and forget about Rogaine. I tell people all the time a hair transplant is not a cure for baldness. Having said that either are meds but at least in many situations proscar will stop hairloss and thicken the existing hair. Mostly all hairloss is MPB in males. My opinion take proscar for at 6 months then consider getting a hair transplant. I am certain that the meds will make a big difference especially in the crown.
  4. Looks at your pictures looks like you have a good donor. Your hairline picture is much too low in my opinion. If thats the type of hairline you want you probaly dont have enough donor to fill all your hairloss as well I am sure many doctor would not do it. Do you take meds? If not I recommend you consider starting them, you have alot of fine hair in the crown and I am sure that the meds would make a big difference. You appear to be a good canditate but I am not sure you should consider a transplant until you have been on meds for at least 6 months. Good luck and keep us posted!
  5. Thanks Aw33! I have heard people always say the crown take longer to fill in. From my experience I never though this was true. Having said that it is definately nice to see the crown filling in. I have added more crown pictures.
  6. Thanks Mega, it appears we have had simular journeys. You went through alot of shockloss like I did. I noticed alot of difference in the crown as well. We are both around the same time so I will be watching your website to see an amazing result!!
  7. I have just updated my 14 weeks pictures. Its starting to come in. Not happy with the blonde streak almost killed my hairdresser I cant beleive I let her talk me into it.
  8. 1982uk based on this name I assume that you were born in 1982 which makes you 28. Based on having aggressive hairloss before 28 meds are extremely important. Your hair doesnt stop falling out because you have a transplant. Only meds have the possiblilty to stop hairloss. Looking at your pictures and assuming your donor (no clear pictures) I feel your hairline was appropriate and you are right on par with the number of grafts you recieve and months that you are in. It appears that you have finer therefore lowering the hairloss with your hairloss would probaly use up all your donor. Your crown looks like a bigger area therefore you would probaly need 2500 grafts or so to thicken the area. I am only basing this on the pictures so I may be wrong. I agree with spex. Good luck I wish you the best, This is only my opinion. Lorenzo
  9. Thanks Bill having seen so many people go through this now its my turn for the exciting part to start. I have updated my picture as well as wrote a few things. Let me know if this is what you meant.
  10. Jakiiki I would also consult with Dr. Simmons and Dr. Feller in New York. Its important to research whatever doctor you are considered whether or not you feel comfortable with the doctor. Without talking about any doctor just generalizing. Some doctors have a great ability to make you feel comfortable and talk highly about there abilities when you are in front of them. This has very little to do with a hair transplant. There are clinics all over the world that do horrible results but the doctor is a great politician and salesmen. Good luck on your search!
  11. Lind; You are only 4 days out, you need to relax. I do agree with other posters that you will probaly not get alot of density but that doesnt mean that it will look bad. Regardless of the outcome you have good donor and the hairline is not too low so if you want another session in the future you will be able to do so. Do you take meds? Looking at your crown I feel meds would be important especially when it appears that you have alot of hair there but only thinning abit. Good luck
  12. Kans; As a fellow hairlosser I understand your frustration. Unfortunately when you hair is programmed to fall out if is very difficult to stop. Proscar and Minoxidil are the only two that I know of that can stop hairloss. I have tryed all the natural stuff but at the end they dont work for me. Allen your link looks amazing. I cant beleive I never saw your website before I research a hair transplant. . On a serious note I have friends in the past that wear hairpiece systems or whatever you want to call them. Although I understand they have there place in hairloss I have never seen one that looks natural. I meet alot of italians that have worn pieces and they all say they same they hate them. As for Laser I had an ex girlfriend years ago whos mother was a doctor and tryed the laser machine. I tryed it for 20 weeks (thank god it was free) it didnt work at all for me. I called her last year and asked her if her mother still had the machine. She told me that not only she returned it but she gave alot of her patients there money back. Just my opinion....
  13. MTD I understand, I was just having fun. Without any ill intention I would be surprised if his prices dont go up at least 3 times. Opening a business in Dubai must cost a fortuate and I am sure the tech make alot more money.. When I think of Dubai I think about gas and money.. Just my opinion
  14. I am sure the standard of living in Dubai is alot higher then Pakiston therefore it is logical that prices will go up, no?
  15. Good you should. It is a very big decison. Why not see if you can meet patients? It is a decision that you need to be very sure
  16. Finger Crossed you are going to have an amazing result. Yes I did experience shockloss but I expected it. Now all we have to do is wait!
  17. Just uploaded my pictures. Its been around 9 weeks now. Ugly duckling stage is almost over.
  18. I have always liked Dr. Fellers honesty and abilities. From day 1 he has been honest about FUE. I know that he doesnt do alot of grafts but I rather have a small session done right rather than a large session done wrong.
  19. Campbell you have an exellent website here to make sure you make the right decision. Good luck on your decision!!! Losing hair is natural have a bad transplant is not!
  20. Hey guys I understand why people are questioning this poster. There is enough information on this forum to make an intelligent decision when considering a transplant. Between the coalition doctors recommended doctor and the forum people considering a transplant have alot of resourse to make a good decision. I want to give you a reality about the internet. Lets say that somebody was considering going to Bolsey (just using his name) for their transplant and googled his name. Without talking about Bosley on this website this website would never have come up on google. All of the sudden this website comes up and and a person has a new resource to make a better decision. All of the sudden he sees there is a doctor name Dr. Feller (just for the example) in the New York area close to Bolsey where he was considering. His eyes all the sudden open up when he sees the coaltion doctors and sees all the before and after pictures and satified posters that Dr. Feller has and changes his decision. The more posters post on a site without quality pictures praising a doctor the more changes there is that somebody that is considering that doctor will see this website and make a intelligent decision. This is my opinion.
  21. Joered I wish you the best. Don't get discouraged by what you read your surgery looked good and clean at this stage. I give you credit for showing before pictures will both wet and normal hair. Hopefully once your hair grows in we can compare apple to apples. Did you research your hair transplant before you decided (no insult on your decision)? Or were you so excited by your procedure (your comments show your happiness) that you want to share it with the world, I was the same way after my first procedure. Runman I understand your frustration but good for you to wish Joered the best. Even though I assist H&W with translation I am firstly a hairloss sufferer so I can relate to everybody that is going through it regardless of who they pick for their surgery. Looking at your pictures I will say something doesnt look right but I will leave it at that..... Just my opinion
  22. We should give this guy a bit of a break. So far the only pictures that have been shown about this doctor are negative. Understandable there is alot of new posters but I feel that most people are wise enough to base there own decision. I have been posting for many years on this forum. Once a persona of a doctor is negative is very hard to change that way of thinking no matter the number of posters. It take time and alot of genuine (posters that research, post, ask questions, show there results) poster with pictures to change a doctors reputation. This is just my opinion
  23. Excellent write up and description. Shouldnt your heading say I am happy with my procedure? Without sounding harsh or discouraging although you are very detailed and decriptive with your experience, this hair usually fall out before regrowth. Since you are new to this forum, photos are extremely important. Clear photos before and after show alot more than any words can say. Please dont take me wrong I liked reading your post and hope it turned out incredibale for you. I still remember years back when a patients when to a clinic and had FUE and bodyhair done (I am not saying this to discourage or comment on any doctors doing FUE0. His write up were just as descriptive and postive as yours. 6 months later he disappeared and never responded to anyone requests. I give the clinic credit it still posted his pictures (took down later) with his results. I just want to say it was disappointing. Regardless I wish you the best and without pictures this post will not carry as much merit as with them. Just my opinion
  24. LOL!! I give to charity every years but every year I give charity less and less thanks to our government. Today is April fools and the govt decided to raise our gas, electricity and natural gas. Now I may have to start shopping at Walmart.....
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