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Everything posted by lorenzo

  1. Male-Pattern Baldness Found Rooted in Stem Cells - Yahoo! News
  2. Never heard that before. The only thing I can GUESS is that smoking causes problem with blood circulation. By quitting smoking it is possible with improved circulation to the scalp this may cause your hair to shed. When ever you start a new treatment (minoxidil) it is possible that hair will shed at the beginning. Although its different Minoxidil cause better blood circulation to the hair while quitting smoking in a smaller way may do the same. this is what i saw Recently, some studies using a digital phototrichogram (Trichoscan, Marburg, Germany) proved that there was indeed a quantifiable increase in shedding and a corresponding loss of hair density in the first 3 months of minoxidil use. However, by the 6 month stage the subjects were shown to have regrown the lost hair and had increased hair density compared to that recorded at the start of treatment. By 12 months after starting minoxidil use their hair density was much improved and the diameter of the hair fibers was thicker than at the start of treatment and as compared to controls who did not receive treatment Although I am not sure why its happening. If indeed you are shedding because you have quite smoking then it may be a good thing in the future. Again this is my opinion.
  3. Multiplier you have found the right site to research. Every doctor has their opinion based on their experiences. I am sure doctors like Feller, Rahal and Hasson and Wong would probaly disagree with Dr. True comments. Not to say he is wrong but their experiences are different. I have witnesses and seen many patients after they have recieved 4000, 5000, even over 6000 so in my opinion I also disagree with those comments. I feel the myth that is better to do 2 session of 2000 rather than 1 session has been proved incorrect in many aspect of this forum. Just look at the patients blogs that recieved sessions over 3500 they will give you the correct answer. Maybe I dont understand fully diffuse thinning but my understanding its thinning over your head. There is no pattern of hairloss just all over it is thinning. Therefore if I am correct you would not be a good canditate for a transplant. It is because you would be thinning as well in the donor and no guarantees your hair will grow since the diffusing is unpredictable with no pattern. Maybe I am wrong but that was my understanding. Regardless good luck on your research.
  4. From my experiences Dr. Hasson is always more concerned about the future than patients usually are. I have seen many situations where the patients wanted more grafts than Dr. Hasson believed was neccessary and other situation where he felt surgery wasnt necessary. i dont know anything about this situation but in my opinion such few graft would have very little or not affect in the future. Of course if the patient has 5000 grafts available in the future he now has 750. It may be hard to beleive but its not all hair transplant doctors goal to maximize the amount of grafts he can take. I feel all top doctor would prefer to have alot left on reserve and never have to get to that point. As we know this is not always possible. Just my opinon
  5. My comments were generalizing and not to disrespecting any doctor. Regardless of his comments about training were correct or not, I dont fully agree with anybody that feel that because they trained someone they are the reason for their success. I dont like to say anything bad about any doctor and in this case I am not. Any doctor has the right to protect their reputation its us as the consumer also have to right to make our own decisions. I think in these times people have so many resourses out there to make the right decison concerning anything. This website is an example of that and after researching properly you will have the resourses to make the right decision for yourself.
  6. Sparky understood and I agree. Ethical doctor have to look at the future as well as the present. It make no sense to put 80grafts/CM in the hairline and have only 15 behind it. Blending it part of the overall look to give the patient a natural look, which in my opinion is more important than any density amount.
  7. Shaun congrads on your FIRST post. I think you need to research and see if anybody from any doctor has ever said " OH MY GOD THE DOCTOR GAVE ME TOO MUCH DENSITY". The elite doctors through experience and doing 1000's of surgery understand when it is possible, visible and to the patients best interest to dense pack an area. Doctors look at the patients needs, wants, and reality of what is best. Since I have witnessed 100's of operations and in most cases its the doctors that tell the patients what they want is too agressive and not realistic. I have also seen many patients refused because they either are not a good candidate or are just not realistic on what they want. Doctor all have different approaching but alot of it has to do with their knowlegable, ability and staff.
  8. In my opinion in any industry usually somebody has to be trained. I have seen many examples that the person that was trained ends up being alot better than that the person that trained him. It what happens and what direction the person decided to take after he is trained. Does he want to just sit back and use what he learned or does he want to grow and become better. I remember years ago I was working at a electronics company. A young guy was just hired and was trained by the top dog in our store. Two years later this young guy became store manager and eventually had to fire his original trainer because he never progresses and changed with the times. Would this guy have been successful if it wasnt for he trainer. Absolutely not in my opinion.
  9. You have found the right site. You need to research research research!!!!!!!! Take your time and feel confident with your decision. Good luck on your search!!
  10. Looking back at your pictures I feel you looked great before.. you went to Dr. Wong. The fact that you wanted to get a transplant after your micro and mini shows me alot of hair greed...........
  11. The second problem is that when I spoke to him in Italian he only responded in English Sorry I missed this thread I was busy teaching Chinese at Harvard.
  12. Dr. Rahal is a very good doctor and if you decide to go with him you made a great choice. The doctor mentioned by J1 are also very good doctors. Only thing I will say is that H&W use High def pictures and photos therefore in most situation that I have seen a person looked better in person. A dense pack is a decision that not only the patient but the doctor also decides whether a huge dense pack is benifical to the patient. Its all based on donor, age, hairloss and other factors. Good luck on decision!!!
  13. What a surprise I never expected that! At least nobody can call you greedy :eek:!! Did Dr. Wong tell you that you would look better than Jotronic? Post some pictures but make sure you hide the face. Its not that nobody knows what you look like but why spoil a piece of art.... It this what you are going to look like in the future??
  14. I assist the Italian with translation. I have seem MANY patients that have 3 procedures with different doctors that have recieved a bad job. You can have 10 procedures with 10 different doctors that do subpar work and still recieve a bad outcome. You can have 1 produre with an excellent doctor and recieve an outstanding result. With all the patients that I have seen over the last 10 years I firmly believe that there are more doctor doing bad work than good work. So the odds of somebody that doesnt research finding a subpar doctor is extremely high. Regardless Sasha I wish you a great outcome and hope that your have a satisfactory result.
  15. Just posted 7 months update. I am happy so far and still a bit more thickening left. Take in consideration that these are taking without a flash with a high resolutions camera and with gel in my hair. It looks better in person.
  16. TTP thanks for your comments. For 5.5 months I am very happy with the progress so far. I feel I am around 60% of where I am going to be. Megatron thanks for the comments. Its still early but so far I am happy. My hair looks alot better in person, taking pictures with a high def camera isnt flattering nor it putting alot of gel when you take the pictures. We are both around the same time so the next 4 months will be exciting for us when the hair mature to full thickness. I have also added more before pictures
  17. Just posted my 5.5 month picture. I accidently put the 5.5 months update twice. I have colored my hair darker and put gel in it so its not as flattering as it could be as well as the high def camera. Regardless I am very happy with the 5.5 month result and have more thickening to come.
  18. Somebody wrote this on a different section of the forum. I think in part this is a good opinion of what laser can do. I have used laser in the past all it seems to do is make my hair feel healthier but no other difference (except in my bank account)
  19. Good questions. Actually only one of my friends that had alot of hair once he hit 30 but looks great will a shaved head. He actually just turned 40 and dating a 23 year old for the last two years. Other than that most of my friends have either maintained there hair or had a transplant when they were younger. As for the women very few of my friends (actually only 2) have ever got married we dont feel like we are in our 40's more like our late 20's. As you get older, women are like cars if it doesnt run right get another one. If a women noticed a bit of hairloss then in my views you need to stay away from that type of girl because in most cases she will make your life miserable. I dont know if you have ever been to Vancouver but people here are very fit and alot of my friends are in amazing shape regardless of age. I guess when your older you dont waste as much time on stuff you cant change because life is short.
  20. I believe at Hasson and Wong they recommend that you stop Rogain for 60 days before surgery. This is because it some case it causes the skin to be very spongy and harder to insert the grafts.
  21. Thanks Finger Crossed. I have been looking at your progress as well looking good right on par. Everytime I go to Hasson and Wong to either assist Italians or get pictures taken I am always blown away from after patients that come in. Its hard to tell if the people in the waiting room are there waiting for a friend or after patients.
  22. Good luck headbanger guy I hope you have a great result whoever you go to. You say; i would suggest clinic reps should not post anything to discredit other clinics because these reps always have agenda (and where's the credibility?) Can you show me example of this?? I dont remember seeing any reps posting bad about another clinic.
  23. Thanks Dude46. When I was younger and started losing my hair it seemed like it was the end of the world. Any decision that I made at the time I would have probaly regretted it. With time there are more important things than hair. So to answer your questions when you are younger hairloss can take a huge effect on your self esteem. I was obsessed with perfection and anything that doesnt look exactly like it did before would have been considered a failure. I was close to going to Bolsey and also having a flap when I was 28 thank god I didnt have the money and my hairloss was very little. I have alot more experience because I assist alot of italians so I have probaly met and seen close to 100 surgeries and able to understand why patients have different reasons to have hair transplants. I am not longer obsessed with how my hair looks dont get me wrong I want it to look great but at the end I will be happy with whatever result I get because I know it will make a difference to me. Remember my hairloss was never that bad in my opinion so its easy for me to be relaxed about it but many people with alot of hairloss may feel differently. I guess with time you mature or become wiser and understand that losing your hair or growning old is part of life and in some ways you have to accept it and move on. I guess with age you look at life differently and its no longer about quanity but quality. I dont look at the mirror neither as much as I used to and start not caring what anybody thinks but myself. At the end we have one life and we are born alone and die alone so if we want get caught up in what society says you will spend alot of time being discontent. Once again dont get me wrong I wanted more hair and I am happy to get more and have no regrets, I would do it all over again. Hopefully that answered your question a bit.
  24. 4 month update I appears to be getting better all the time.
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