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Al - Moderator

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Everything posted by Al - Moderator

  1. True and Dorin perform hair transplants without shaving the recipient area. I was back to work in about a week and nobody knew I had anything done.
  2. I personally would never wear a hair system again. I tried one back when I was 21 and it was horrible. There was a constant feeling that someone would find out or that someone who knew or suspected it was a hairpiece would try to pull it off in front of strangers. I was hearing jokes from people calling me helmet head. I will never go through that again.
  3. I was noticeably losing hair at 15 years old. I felt nature was cheating me.
  4. Why would you feel guilty? You are paying for it yourself. I have health insurance and have never been on prescription medication, haven't been to a hospital in 20 years (except as a visitor), only been to a Dr once in the past 10 years other than the yearly company physical, haven't missed a day of work in 13 years except for 2 snow days when I couldn't get the car off the driveway. The one medical issue I've had all my life is my hair loss and that isn't covered by the insurance. I have to pay the entire bill myself. I can't figure out why in the world I should be the one to feel guilty about that.
  5. Totally agree. I've said before that my bald crown always bothered me the most. Many people say that they don't mind if they are bald in the crown, but it seems like most of those who say that don't have a bald crown.
  6. It's not necessarily hard to dense pack grafts. This is exactly what Armani was known for, so I imagine if this clinic is an Armani associated clinic then they most likely have the same strategy, which is to dense pack young guys who have minimal hair loss with 4000 or so grafts in the hairline. It looks great when it first grows in, but what happens in a few years when they lose more hair and have already run out of donor after 2 sessions of 7000 total grafts in the first 3 inches of an extremely low, youthful hairline? Can dense packing the front be done? Yes. Should it be done? Most of the time, no. Everyone only has a certain amount of grafts that can be used. The more you dense pack them into a smaller area, the less area you can cover. There's no way to get around that fact. These days you can use beard and chest hair to get you more grafts, so your total available amount of grafts may be higher now, but there is still a finite number. If you are planning on eventually using beard and chest hair down the road, then I suggest you use some from the beginning and mix it in with head hair grafts. This way you will get further along before running out of head hair grafts and then resorting to putting all body grafts in one area. For example you don't want the fontal third to be all head grafts and the mid and crown to be all body grafts. The texture and density will be different.
  7. The user name iwokeuptoabaldpatch still exists. You can tell that by viewing the public profile. It looks to me like the member made a 2nd account in November 2012, but never actually posted with it. He may have forgotten that he even created it by now. I'm guessing he typed in the old password (or perhaps it was still saved in his browser prefs) and signed on to snakeoilbuyer without realizing it. That's my guess from looking at both profiles.
  8. Anyone can make any kinds of claims. Unless they are showing you pictures of these celebrities that they have done then why would you believe them. Besides that, lets assume they really are capable of performing great hair transplants. I would be insulted and no way would want them to perform a hair transplant on me if they told me I don't deserve to have a transplant as good as a celebrity because I'm not important enough. That alone would make me turn them down. If they are telling you right at the beginning that you aren't worth getting a great transplant because you are a lesser person, how can you trust them to care about you during and after the operation if they are telling you up front that they don't care enough about you? I would move on if I were you.
  9. As long as the grafts grew in well I wouldn't spend too much time thinking about it. Just go back and do another session of 2000 grafts or so for the frontal half. In the short term it makes a difference because as you mentioned you get the most impact from the front, but you were going to have to go back again to hit the crown anyway, so in the long term it doesn't really matter very much which way it's done. Get a 2nd session and move on from there. Good luck!
  10. Could it have caused the grafts to start shedding earlier than the others? I don't know, but it seems unlikely. It could simply be a coincidence. Most of the hair is probably going to shed starting about now anyway, so don't worry about it.
  11. I often wonder why there are no Drs anywhere who remove say 500 grafts and plant those, then remove another 500 and plant those, etc in order to reduce the time out of body for the grafts. Wouldn't it make sense to do that? It also gives him a break from removing grafts as far as the fatigue issue.
  12. I will be 50 this year and my body hair is still increasing. I keep getting more hair on my chest, back, shoulders, and arms every year. I even have some new hairs growing on my biceps over the past 2 or 3 years. Even if it does start to disappear in years to come, the head hair went away mostly before I was even 21, so how can you compare body hair decreasing as you age to head hair that is already gone?
  13. Looks like you got a pretty good result. I would not do any more now if I were you because at your age you don't know how much more you will lose over the years and you don't want to spend too may grafts in front and then run out later if you need them. I totally understand that it's important to have thick hair when you are young, but even if you think you know where you will end up, why take that chance this early in life when you've already taken care of the frontal area enough to no longer look like you are a bald guy. Chill out for a few years and enjoy your new hair.
  14. Just go for the happy ending massage. They'll be touching the other head
  15. If you ever go for a 2nd session you should definitely look into using some of that beard hair. You have a ton of it. Don't worry about not being able to grow your beard out afterwards because they will only take the hair from under your chin and you will still be left with some of that as well. Nobody will ever notice.
  16. Just a comment.... If I were you and thinking about getting a 2nd surgery of around 2000 grafts, I think I'd use about 500 to thicken up the front half that was already done and then put the other 1500 into the crown. I think that would probably get you a decent overall look.
  17. It will definitely fill in and thicken over the next few months as you are only at 6.5 months now. I would try to relax and just let it grow in until at least the 1 year mark and then see where you are at. Don't worry so much about what it will look like when wet or in certain lighting as even people with thick hair don't look the best in those conditions. Heck I've seen pics of women with thick beautiful hair look thin when the sun is shining on it at a certain angle. You can't eliminate that effect. Are you using propecia or anything to try to keep the existing hair?
  18. That case was much too aggressive. The temple points come forward too much. It looked fine after the first surgery. He used over 5500 grafts just for the hairline and temples. It looks OK now, but this guy is going to have problems if he loses any more hair in the future.
  19. Do not wear a hairpiece after having a hair transplant. I can't recall any good results from anyone who wore a hairpiece while waiting for the transplanted hair to grow, however I do remember several poor results from wearing one.
  20. Are you able to go back to the same place of work? Do you even want to? If you can hold out for another 3 months, I think you'll be able to get away without anyone knowing because you do have at least some native hair. You don't look like you need to get too much growth to start being able to cover the area as long as you keep letting it grow out a bit longer. Another thing you have going for you is you just got divorced so you can simply blame the lack of working on needing to get away from everything and assess where your life is going or something like that. That can be believable after a breakup that was unexpected. I went through a similar thing in that I was wearing a hairpiece before I had a hair transplant and quit my job in order to have it as there was no way I could picture myself going from full head of (fake) hair to completely bald overnight. I also wore a suit at work, so there wasn't any way I could wear a hat to cover it. I planned on simply hiding out for 6 months to a year.
  21. Nizoral shampoo does help with dandruff. Use it about 3 times per week. You should probably try Propecia. If you start getting side effects then stop or try lowering the dose. I personally didn't like Rogaine. It made me dizzy and made my heart start beating fast. I don't think it really does much anyway. I did use a laser comb for a few years. It helped with scarred areas that didn't have much hair growing due to old transplants. It did get a bit of hair to start growing in those spots. I also think it works to a small degree at helping and speeding growth of new transplanted hair as well as thickening up some existing hair shafts that may have begun to miniaturize.
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