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Everything posted by wylie

  1. Thanks for your reply Bill. Honestly, I have not figured out all the bells and whistles on the new forum, it's very cool, and I'm sure there is a lot I can do to make my posts appear more noticeable. I just wanted something more visual that shows this thread is one I've posted in. Scanning thru the threads the star that shows does not stand out from the bullet points, at least to my eyes. Just wondering if it could be made larger, a different color, or something else that indicates I have posted in this thread. Something that is easy to see when looking at all the threads on the 1st page of each sub-forum. If not, no problem, i'll resort to other ways, do a little digging on all the newest features. Cheers.
  2. I sincerely wish you the best of luck, but your description of this clinic is really nothing but a wall of red flags. I wouldn't go within a hundred miles of this clinic. Did you not know anything about your doctor before you met him for the first time? Did he not have a body of work posted online that gave examples of his work? He sounds barely competent from your pre surgery consultation and I have to say maybe turning and walking out the way you came in would have been the better choice. Judging from your pictures I don't think you will end up with the density you're looking for. I certainly would advise going to this clinic for any more procedures. You only have so many grafts available. Thanks for posting and I'm hoping you're happy with the end result. Please keep us updated. Also, make sure when you get a second procedure from a qualified and experienced surgeon that you address the hairline first, that is always most important. Moving forward, research in choosing a qualified surgeon is critical to future success. Take time while you're waiting for your hair to grow to start your research, it can take months and involves a lot of back and forth with doctors via email/phone/Skype. This forum is a great asset in helping you choose.
  3. Can the forum change the color of the star indicator on threads that members have posted in? I always have trouble finding the star when scrolling thru the threads and if it was yellow versus the black indicators of threads I've not posted in it would be much easier to find. Thank you.
  4. I do believe it is appropriate to consider a partial refund. No one hits a grand slam on every at bat. That's life.
  5. Hope you are growing well, and you are suing those butchers in Colorado who put you through this.
  6. I agree, I liked Dr. Feller, he is an honest, straightforward poster on here and he won't BS you. While most now disagree with his viewpoint on FUE, he is still a valuable contributor to the forum and always interesting to read. I would hope they decide to resume posting again.
  7. What I like best is this tool does not transect the graft, if precision and successful graft removal was determined by surgeon experience, now the less experienced can effectively remove non scalp sources, and this opens up new possibilities for the donor challenged. Very innovative!
  8. From what I've read and seen on this forum, this clinic might be the absolute worst place to visit for a procedure, a true house of horrors.
  9. It's a damn shame that there is zero accountability with so many people. On the flip side, I had a bad experience with an SMP procedure at Shapiro medical (no fault of theirs, the problem was my scalp was bumpy and uneven from multiple plug surgeries in the 90's and the resulting surgeries to repair these) and the SMP was uneven and splotchy in places. Dr. Shapiro (who did not do the surgery) listen to me and after seeing it, agreed with me and issued a full refund! So there are doctors out there who are accountable, but yours is not one of them. Glad you got fixed up, you look great now.
  10. Oh man, thats awful. I really feel for the guy.
  11. You paid Mohebi twenty grand? Damn. He should have refunded every penny.
  12. Sir, you got yourself in trouble because you did not do your research and you are not doing it now. I strongly urge you to make an INFORMED decision moving forward, and to do this you need to do RESEARCH. Read threads, look at photos, send close up, detailed photos of your hair to doctors and ask them questions. Don't sit back and let someone else tell you what to do, you need to quit trusting these people and make them EARN your trust. Remember, there are doctors in Turkey, Belgium and the United States who do beard hair transplants. Not all of them do the same level of work, however, and some are much better than others. Without research, how will you know who is good? How will you know who you can trust? You can start looking here: India I've seen some good work from Dr. Bhatti, you might want to start there. Good luck!
  13. It’s time to consider beard hair to fill in between your grafts, there is a recommended doctor who does beard hair and if you are staying in India I would not see anyone else for this surgery. You have no other options as your scalp hair is depleted and there are only a handful of doctors who can do beard hair transplants successfully, you HAVE to pick the right one, and their is one in India, and he is recommended by this forum. Do NOT see anyone else (unless you plan to leave the country for the U.S or Europe) or you’ll be screwed all over again. Good luck!
  14. His ex wife wrote in a memoir that he had scalp reduction surgery, someone posted a close up of this video and you can clearly see the linear scar on his crown, but the opening of this video shows that the entire right side of his scalp, as well as the back of his scalp, are barren. I bet he had Dr. Fleming or Dr. Mayer do the surgery.
  15. Judging from this video, and the complete lack of hair on the back of his head, I'd say he had flap surgery done. It would also explain why you don't see the pluggy look of someone who had surgery done in the 80's. Edit to add: Please no political discussions, that's not the intent of this thread, I simply am asking a serious question: Does this video look like he had flap surgery done?
  16. I don't understand why people don't run away whenever someone mentions "laser" and "hair loss" in the same sentence. There is not one iota of evidence that a laser has ever caused someone to regrow lost hair. The only thing that has worked in clinical trials is Rogaine, and if you did a true, unbiased, double blind study, you would most likely find that less than half of those tested regrew anything. If you did the same study about lasers and hair growth, you would find no one regrew anything.
  17. That is some really good work. Very impressive results, you can't stress enough that you should be underweight on the ink, not overweight. If these results fade* over 5 years, I dont see much of a problem with that happening. The only concern would be a change in color, and if that don't happen, you're good to go. * I'm assuming these are not the Milena Lardi temporary procedures, if they are, even better, IMO.
  18. Hopefully you had good growth. Beard hair grows very well in the strip scars and I'm surprised more people don't fix their strip scars. I like shaving the back of my head very close and cannot believe I'm able to do it. Not worrying about my hair is a tremendous relief. You are definitely correct about doctor selection, it is definitely paramount. Doctors using body hair in 2017 are like doctors learning FUE a decade ago. There will be much trial and error as this becomes a more popular option.
  19. I have pics, if you search my posting history you will find a thread I started and posted numerous pictures in, it was from around three years ago but I don't post much so it won't take much searching. The extraction process and recovery time is fairly incredible, as Dr. Umar uses some kind of extraction tool that removes the grafts in a very rapid fashion. I'm not advocating this extraction method, and really don't know if it is superior to a manual extraction, but it certainly is faster. When you consider the amount of time and effort a manual extraction requires you'd realize why a doctor would use something like this to extract the grafts. If someone extracts them manually and is inexperienced I think the graft survival rate would be far less than an experienced doctor with an extraction tool. The recovery time is amazing, that is what really surprised me. Within a day you are only dealing with some redness that looks like razor burn or a rash, and within three days there is no sign that anything was even done. Almost all of my beard hair below the jaw is gone, so I'm glad this worked for me because I'm not keen on using beard hair from the face, and everything else is gone. Not sure exactly how many came from there but around 4K is my best estimate. And the only pain is the numbing injections. You can have this done on a Friday and on Monday show no signs that anything was even done.
  20. Just a note to say that if it was not for beard hair, I would still be wearing a hat everywhere, like I was forced to for 15 years. What got me thinking about this is I was looking for a hat to cover my bald spot the other day outside and realized I have a very large collection of hats collected over the years. I later combed my hair after a shower and thought "I almost never wear any of those hats anymore" and it is all because of Dr. Umar and his restorative surgery to repair a butcher job (multiple passes) from the 1990's. In 2012 my repair process took off when Dr. Umar did the first of 4 surgeries, using beard, nape and a small amount of existing scalp hair (taken from above the ears) to first build an incredible hairline, and then add significant density around numerous 90's era "mini-grafts" (mini-plugs) and give me enough coverage to hide these. While it is by no means comparable to the density of a scalp only transplant from a HTN recommended surgeon it by all measures passable, and without this beard hair I'm still wearing a hat everytime I step outside my front door. That is what beard hair has done for me. For the record I have had around 5-6K beard grafts transplanted. And I also cannot stress enough how well this has worked in the strip scars. I have about 9 strip scars. The butcher who gave them to me did an excellent job of suturing, he ran an assembly line clinic and was very skilled in suturing, so they healed up extremely well and are nice and flat, nothing raised or ugly looking. But they were always exposed by my thin hair and I had to grow my hair long in back to hide them. The back of my head was a disaster because they were all visible with a closely cropped haircut, which I always wanted. Not anymore. I've had over 1000 grafts added to my scars and it too has worked amazingly well. (I've also had temporary SMP done and shave the back of my hair to a close #1 guard) All said, in the right hands of an experienced surgeon, beard hair works. I know this because I look in the mirror and there is not a day goes by that I'm not completely grateful it does. I cut my hair very short on top, about an inch to 1 1/2" in length. It was awful to never be able to take your hat off, thanks to forums like these you can all avoid this happening to you. And if you ever wonder if beard hair works, all I can tell you is it did for me.
  21. There seems to be more doctors than patients on here doing the posting. One gallery after another of someone who barely had any thinning and now looks like Elvis. Boring…. When a forum like this begins to get the feel of an infomercial, which it certainly has to me, people will quickly lose interest in it. I'm only here posting now because I got an email for a thread I didn't even know I was subscribed to. Otherwise I barely stop in anymore. Not interested in seeing a wall of photos from the same doctors over and over again.
  22. What is the update with your potential lawsuit against these butchers in Colorado?
  23. It's a marketing gimmick, and the only reason you don't see doctors on here exposing it is because so many of their fellow surgeons are busy using it.
  24. Hair Transplant Network - Find Hair Transplant Clinics and Doctors Do more research.
  25. He might be a great guy, but the proof is in his actual work. I've never heard of him, and I'm guessing many others haven't either. Don't pick a doctor based on location! One of the biggest mistakes you can make, second only to picking doctor based on how much they charge. You can get on an airplane for a procedure, and fly anywhere in the country you want to. Consider doing so. A drive to Minneapolis is not that far if you don't want to fly. But do more research before you do anything.
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